Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2568: Yellow tit

I wish my comrades a happy National Day!


too fast!

From the giants of the earth to block the magician monks a knife, to the earth giants to release the gravity power, and then to a slap shot, that is, for a moment, the Mozu monks did not react.


The Mozu monk on the left was photographed as a pile of meat! At the same time, the earth giant also exhausted energy and collapsed.

The rest of the two Mozu monks were in a footstep, and the eyes fell on the fairy in the right hand of the piano, and the throat squirmed. Qin double smiles and patrols the faces of the two Mozu monks:

"Do you believe that I will come up with another fairy?"

The head of the Mozu monk showed hesitation on his face. If the Qin double is really a big master, if the Qin double really has a fairy charm...

However, if the piano double only has this one fairy?

He bit his teeth and greedy. Qin double has a great master, and this road should be recovered. If you kill her, you will be able to get a lot of resources.

Another Mozu monk couldn't help it anymore. His body shape turned into a hundred feet, and the magic knife in his hand became huge. He snorted and bowed down to the piano.

Qin double sacrificed the right hand of the fairy, and at the moment when the piano double sacrificed the fairy, the head of the demon monk moved.


The footsteps that had just been lifted had shrunk back, because he saw a big master in the hands of Qin double, looking at him like a smile.


The fairy charm of the piano doubled into a giant of the earth, and a fist hit the magic knife that came from it. The huge magic knife was raised high, and the Baizhang Giant kept retreating, smashing a half-waste palace.


The Baizhang Mozu monk spurted his nose and nose, and Baizhang’s figure quickly shrank, and his breath became wilting.

Qin double played with the fairy in his hand, reaching out and volleying, and then grabbed a storage ring from the first muddy monk who had been photographed, and collected it, then smiled. Looking at the Mozu monk headed by:

"I don't kill people, but just rob. Put your storage ring out!"

The eyes of the first Mozu monk became gloomy, but they did not speak, and the figure began to slowly recede. The look of the piano double smile became cold, and the murderousness in the eyes was filled.

The monk was retired to the side of the demon monk who was still vomiting blood. He reached out and grabbed the monk monk. The figure quickly receded and quickly shrank in the eyes of Qin double.

Qin double wrinkled his brow, but did not catch up. Now she is alone, and she is first to the fairy world, or to be careful.


The two Mozu monks fled, the head of the Mozu monk, one hand holding another Mozu monk, took out a medicinal medicine in one hand and stuffed it into the mouth of the Mozu monk. The Mozu monk said:

"Right brother, thank you! Let me go, I am not so bad!"

The refining brother released the Mozu monk and looked back. He found that there was no figure behind the piano. This was a relief and fell to the ground.

"Don't leave, let's go to the treasure hunt, grab the front of the Terran, scrape it here, and leave immediately."

"In fact, the human race is very weak..." He said that he was not convinced.

"I know that her strength is very weak, but she has a great teacher! We have no chance..."

The look of the refining brother suddenly moved, and the momentum rose instantly. He looked at the left front and saw the three Mozu monks stalking around the magic. The eyes of the refining brother are slightly stunned, whispering:


The refining brother and the two demon monks slanted away from the right front. Later, the three Mozu monks had a slight glimpse of their eyes. A tall Demon monk:

"Is that person smelting ice?"

"Look at the back image!"

The Demon monk looked slightly and thought: "Since he does not want to compete with us here, we don't have to compete with ice making for treasures. He is strong! We go in the other direction."

"Right brother, why should we leave? We are not afraid to laugh at them."

The brilliance of the brilliance flashed: "We are not afraid of the three of us, but the three of them are not afraid of us. Therefore, they must be jealous of both of us. When I take you away, I will tell They, we each choose a direction, do not conflict with each other. They will certainly not go in one direction with us. So, from the direction of their coming, there is a great possibility to go to the direction of the human race."

The refining brother whispered as he looked back.

Sure enough, the three Mozu monks went in the direction of the piano. There was a sneer on the face of the refining brother, which lowered the voice:

"Go, we are behind them. After the arrest of the oriole! If they and the Terran lose both sides, we will kill both of them, and the treasures on them are ours."

Deviate from the spirit: "Right brother, high, it is high!"

Ice-making leisurely said: "Follow me, have meat to eat!"

"Well!" He nodded and nodded: "I will follow you!"


There was a roar in the distance, and it was a joy to look away from the look: "Learning the brothers, they are fighting hands! You are really smart like a sea!"


The ice-making sneak sneaked away, and the squatting was behind.


In the distance, there was a loud roar of the gods, and the splendid magical power went straight into the sky. From a distance, I felt the space vibrate violently. The ice-making and the squinting looked at each other, and the eyes of each other showed a faint color.

From the constant roar, the ice-making and the separation of two people can be heard. At that time, the Terran has not only released a fairy, but the two Mozu monks jumped in their hearts.

"Sure enough, there are big masters in the hands of the Terran!"

The ice-making and the smashing of the sky flew against the ground, and the body shape swept past the palaces that were half-collapsed. At the same time, they also hide their bodies through the palace.

The roar suddenly disappeared, and it was not until five minutes. Behind a wall, ice-making and squatting stretched out his head and looked at the battlefield. I saw that the three Mozu monks had already laid on the ground, and their bodies were not well-rounded. They lacked arms and legs, and some even became fragments. Qin double is looking for a storage ring from the pile of minced meat.

The ice-making and the smashing of the heart could not help but violently shake the heart, and the face was shocked.

" fast?"

At this moment, I saw the doubles of the piano that were looking for the storage ring, and raised the hand without raising the head. Then two fairy charms were presented to them.


The two fairy symbols are on the top, and the above-mentioned fairy charm turns into a sea of ​​fire and floods toward the two Mozu monks. The lower one is sneaked into the ground.


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