Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2606: Protected

There was no danger on this road. After forty-six days, I arrived at Mangcheng in a downwind. From the top of the flying boat, the sharp edge of the piano has weakened a bit.

Mangcheng is a small town, there is no longer a forward boat, and there is no transmission. Therefore, the next destination of Qin Double is Lingshan City.

In the square where the flying boat is docked, there are many monks of various ethnic groups, but they are not as far away as Qinqin. Qin double does not want to team up with them, where is the team where she is riding a flower too fast?

Qin double did not stop in Mangshi, directly through the city, riding the flowers too fragrant, shuttle space to go.

Time passed on the road, and Qin double took two transmissions and took seven flying boats. After seven years and three months, I finally arrived at the city.

The reason why this city is called Xiangcheng is that it is already near the edge of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. If you go forward, it will lead to the barbaric continent.

Qin double did not rush to the barbaric mainland, but lived in a hotel in the city. I gave the inn to the inn, and I found out the news I wanted.

Xiang Mancheng is the last city on this side. In fact, there is a long distance from the junction of the Upper Yuan and the Barbarians. Going forward, it is almost occupied by the Chaos. Full of unknown dangers.

More than 100,000 years ago, after the death of the Baizu monks, the cracks of the catastrophe disappeared, and the first ones of the Baizu monks did the Taixu sect, and hunted the chaotic beasts. Establish your own temporary camp. After recovering one tenth of the territory, the Baizu will no longer act in concert. The monks who originally lived in the Upper Yuan Dynasty began to go to their former ethnic land, or the land of the sect. The Baizu also began to return to their own Baizu mainland.

Tens of thousands of people, while rejuvenating, while recovering. Not only the people belonging to the Upper Yuan Dynasty, but also the Yaozu and the Mozu returned to the place they once occupied. They belonged to the monks who belonged to the mainland of the Baizu and returned to their own continents.

Just because of the strength and the number of monks, those hundred monks only opened a relatively safe passage and returned to their continent. The channel is surrounded by chaotic beasts and the crisis is reborn.

It is not suitable for establishing a transmission array at all, because it will be attacked by the Chaos Beast at any time, destroying the monks who guard the transmission array and the transmission array that is costly to build. It is also not possible to take a flying boat and expose it to the air, which will become the target of the Chaos Beast attack. Therefore, whether it is from the Shangyuan continent to the Baizu mainland, or from the Baizu mainland to the Upper Yuan Dynasty, it can only walk from the surface and pass through the relatively safe passage.

From the journey to the wild city to the barbaric mainland, there is also such a channel. There are two main types of monks in the city, one is the adventure team. These people will treat the city as a repair point, and they will continue to leave the city, go hunting and kill the chaotic beast, and earn resources for cultivation. The other is the merchants, who travel to and from the city and the barbaric continent.

Qin double decided to find a caravan, followed the caravan through the passage to the barbaric mainland. I learned from the mouth of the buddy. Every caravan has its own escort, but it is still recruiting a monk guarding the caravan to the city, giving a lot of Xianjing. Qin Shuang decided to apply for himself, so he was able to make a fortune.


When the next day, Qin double went to apply for the square in the city, no one wanted her, and even suffered a lot of ridicule.

At this time, the piano double has been upgraded to the sixth floor of the Xianwang. For more than seven years, the brand of the sword has been completely integrated. On the surface, it is no longer considered to be a sword repair. This is so ordinary, any caravan, will not want a fairy king to be a guard. Is it your **** caravan or the caravan to guard you?

In desperation, Qin Shuang went to a caravan with the strongest strength and a person sitting in the town. Before she came to the front, the Emperor Fengfeng, who was responsible for recruiting the guards, said impatiently to the piano:

"How come you are here? Not telling you, we don't need a weak chicken like you?"

Qinqin snorted and said: "That... I don't come to be a guard. I am out of Xianjing and let you guard me to the barbaric mainland. Is this always ok?"

This kind of situation happens every day. For example, the caravan that this person is sitting in is not a caravan. There will be many small caravans coming to seek asylum. Of course, we must pay a certain amount of Xianjing, and the guards of these small caravans should be handed over to the unified command of the big caravan. Even so, there are many small caravans rushing, and this big caravan has to pick and choose, and pick some small caravans with strong guards.

Small caravans can join, and the piano can be natural. The difference is just how many Xianjing you need to pay.

The fairy peak was heard.

"Small girl, oh! The scorpion who applied for the **** is actually seeking asylum. So I can earn a lot of our caravan."

Qin double looked at the Emperor Fengfeng seriously: "I came before, really is not a blind man, really want to be a guard. I am strong."

"You are strong, you are very strong!" The Emperor's peak was given to the music by the piano: "You are a lone business?"

"No!" Qin double shook his head and said: "I just want to go to the barbaric mainland to travel."

The Emperor Fengfeng looked at the piano and said: "Although you are very serious, how do I feel that you are lying to me?"

Qin double helpless hands spread out: "No, give a word."

"Well! Why not! As long as you are willing to give Xianjing."

"How many?"

"10 million downsells!"

Qin double took out a storage ring and handed it to the Emperor Peak. The Emperor Fengfeng took over the storage ring, and the mystery swept away, and stunned:

"You are really not a lone business. You may not be able to earn 10 million if you come and go. Shantou, the mainland is now chaotic, I advise you not to go there."

Qin double eyes brightened: "Predecessors, you often go to the mainland, see a lot of knowledge, tell me about it!"

The Emperor Xianfeng was also idle, and he handed it over to his men. He slammed on the ground and opened his voice.

"I told you that the barbaric mainland is really chaotic. Sixty thousand years ago, the barbarians and some peoples went through a thousand difficult times, looking for and getting through this relatively safe passage and returning to the barbaric continent. Years have passed, but it has only recovered the territory of 30% of the barbaric mainland, and 70% has been occupied by the Chaos beast. Only this point, you should know how dangerous the barbaric mainland is."


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