Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2613: test

The big handprints dissipated, and the piano doubled up and took a step. The body shape had already reached the edge of the big handprint on the ground and looked into the pit. There is a huge butterfly lying in the pit, which is already dead.

When the piano reached out and grabbed it, he grabbed the butterfly and took the storage ring. Then stood there and waited quietly. She believed that the movement here would definitely attract more chaotic beasts.


Sure enough, a larger butterfly flew from the opposite side of the lake. The piano double stared at the butterfly. If the butterfly had the strength of the early king, the butterfly had the strength of the mid-term.

The wings of this butterfly have spread over 12 meters, and the two huge wings are constantly fanning, cutting the air and making a heart-rending sound.

It flew across from the Great Lakes, and a vivid face looked at the piano double. It opened its mouth and revealed the sharp teeth inside the two rows of zippers.


Qinqin is another big-handed slap in the past, the butterfly screams, and a butterfly wing cuts past the big handprint.


However, the butterfly wing still did not cut off the double-handed big handprint of the piano. About two-thirds of it was cut, and it was captured in the lake by the big handprint.

A huge wave was set up in the Great Lakes, and then the water column fell. The lake was underwater and then swelled again, turning into a layer of fierce ripples.


Another round of wings fanned from the opposite side of the Great Lake. The piano was very strange. The butterfly she knew was flying without sound. I really don't understand. The butterfly I met was a little bigger, but flew up. How is the movement so big?

One pair of wings spread out, and a huge butterfly with more than fifteen meters appeared from the gray mist on the other side of the Great Lake. Every time the wings move, the huge butterfly will slide forward for about 100 meters, and the speed is very fast.


She did not think that this was not the fastest speed of the huge butterfly. When the huge butterfly flew to the center of the Great Lakes, the piano doubles again and again, and the big handprint slammed down. However, the huge butterfly suddenly had a pair of wings, and the speed suddenly turned several times. Like a gray lightning, it rushed to the front of the piano pair.


The piano doubles the mind and the fire phoenix sword just has to stop in front of it, and feels a huge force hitting the fire phoenix sword in his hand.

The body of the piano double did not move, completely blocking the strength of the other side. But it also instantly confirmed the strength of this super-large butterfly, with the strength of the late king. However, the strength of the first layer of the Qin Shuangxian Emperor is not enough.

The piano doubled and then stepped back, and the fire phoenix sword in his hand suddenly smashed out.

Starlight gather!


The huge butterfly held the two wings in front of him, like two huge shields. Then the huge butterfly was blasted out.

The star dragon that the piano double blasted also turned into a little bit of stars and dissipated in the air. The piano double spit out a sigh of relief. In her eyes, the huge butterfly had been cut open by a double sword, and the body of the two halves fell from the air.

Qin double now has the sixth layer of Xian Wang, even if it is a common way of using the stars, it can also be equivalent to the ordinary six layers of Xiandi. So there is no panic in the face of this butterfly. This time she came to test, in the fairy world, whether her strength will be as good as in the spiritual world.

However, there was a surprise in her eyes. She found that the speed of her recovery was faster and nearly doubled.

"This is the result of the best spirit!"

Qin double excitedly waved his left fist, his eyes fell on the lake, when the two half of the huge butterfly had fallen on the lake, the huge eyeball seems to have the last glimmer of light, looking at the piano double. Qin double volley reached out and grabbed the two halves of the butterfly into the storage ring. Step by step, the figure has come to the other side of the Great Lakes. Since the powerful butterfly flew out from the other side, she walked slowly toward the opposite forest.

"The butterfly that I am encountering now has too much difference with my strength. I am afraid that its strength has not yet appeared."

The piano double holds the fire phoenix sword and walks straight ahead. Soon she saw the butterfly. It was not one, but a group. When they saw the piano, they all came to the piano. However, the strength of these butterflies is not strong, and they are killed by the piano.

Suddenly, the piano double turned around, she saw a wing unfolding, a huge butterfly more than 20 meters, not in front of the piano double, the fierce pressure came to the surface.

"The power of Xiandi!"

The piano eyes glanced at each other and raised his hand and slammed down.

Starlight gathers.


The star dragon snarled and rushed toward the huge butterfly.

The huge butterfly had two huge wings, and suddenly numerous wind blades spurred.


The dragon and the chaotic wind blade collided together, and the star dragon ran into the chaotic wind blade and bombarded the huge butterfly. The huge butterfly flew out in the air.

In the eyes of Qin double, there was no joy, but instead a dignified one appeared. On the way to the barbaric mainland for more than seven years, she also consulted with other monks, such as the monks who took the flying boat, to teach the various chaotic beasts in the fairy world, and also purchased a large number of jade slips about the chaotic beast records. Today she There is already a detailed understanding of the chaotic beasts of the fairy world.

According to the breath released by the huge butterfly in front of her eyes, she has already seen that it is equivalent to the strength of the early Emperor. About one level to three levels of Xiandi, it is impossible to determine which floor. With the strength of the piano in the spirit world, she is completely capable of a larger order. That is to say, although the strength of Qinshuang is now six layers of Xianwang, it is able to play against the six layers of Xiandi. If you take this more-order strength, the double-star style of the Qin double can completely kill the huge butterfly opposite.

However, Qin double found that the huge butterfly that was flying by himself did not die, and even the injury was very light, but he was flying out by himself.

"It seems that my strength is still lower in the fairy world...

Do not!

It should be said that with the improvement of the realm of cultivation, the ability of the more order is decreasing. I am afraid that the stronger my strength will be, the smaller the space will be. That is to say, when it is weak, the span of the step will be so big. Taking this butterfly as the standard, my current basic strength is equivalent to the three layers of Xiandi, or just the second floor of Xiandi, and even the first floor of Xiandi.

Try to superimpose my more powerful Dafa! ”


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