Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2220: Inheritance

Hu Yanzhuo looked up and down the piano double, and it was only able to see that it was the Yuan Ying period, and the heart could not help but smile. Even if he could not see the real double cultivation of the piano, it was very mysterious to hide the practice of the piano. Immediately give the court:

"Hu Yanzhuo has seen the Qinshi sister!"

Qinqin saw that Hu Yanzhuo was the second floor of Xianwang, and he also said very broadly: "Qin Shuang has seen Hu Yan's younger brother."

Hu Yanzhuo heart violently jump!

Didn't run!

This is definitely a higher self-cultivation, otherwise it will not be so generous in the face of Shouren, they call themselves a younger brother. Immediately prayed:

"Qin Shijie, this time the younger brother is bringing you a gift with a leisurely cloud." The words fell, and looked at Xiao Xianyun: "Not yet rude?"

Xiao Xianyun did not have a trace of tension. Instead, he smiled and stepped forward to the ceremony: "You have seen the Qinshi sister, the piano master is high! The strength is high, the wisdom is high!"

Qinqin couldn’t help but smile. It’s just the first time he’s in contact, and he knows that this Xiaoyunyun is a mixed-race, and he’s waving his hand:

"No need to do this!"

Shouren's face changed, thinking that there was a conflict between the two sides, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Qin, but what happened? If there is anything offensive to the brothers, please ask a lot!"

"Nothing!" Qin double smiled: "Hui Yan's younger brother, Xiao Shidi please!"

The people returned to the center of the garden, and the piano double sat down first, and then the rest of the talents were seated. Hu Yanyan eyes twitched again, once again stunned Xiao Xianyun, Xiao Xianyun smiled and sat down. Seeing everyone watching themselves, there is a hint of helplessness on the face of the piano:

"Several friends know about my situation. Because I want to study a little bit of the road in my spare time, I went to Xiancheng to buy a lot of materials, and then I was stared at by some people. I want to rob me."

"Hello hahaha..."

Shouren and others have not waited for the piano to finish, and one can easily laugh and laugh. Yu Cailing is even more angry and laughs. On the body:

"Are you robbing them?"

"Yeah!" Qin double helplessly said: "It is they who robbed me first, mosquitoes are small and meat! But those people just want to rob me, I also robbed them. But did not kill them. However, one person today wants to kill me and I am killed by it."

"It's a **** cold sea!" Xiao Xianyun said.

"It's the scum, kill it!"

"Cough..." Hu Yanzhuo coughed two channels: "This... you laugh... I don't understand."

Year Bo laughed twice and then said: "Hu Yan brother, Qin Shijie is definitely not going fishing..."

"Oh..." Yu Cailing couldn't help but laugh, and Qin's face was helpless.

The year’s shoulders shook twice, but he still held back and smiled: “The piano master is practicing the Qilin Collection, so the other attributes are sealed.”

Hu Yanzhuo immediately understood, and bowed to the piano: "Qin Shijie is a fancy to the Kirin Collection!"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded: "Although only the practice before the Mahayana period, it can be seen that this is definitely a top-level practice."

"Yes!" Shouren sighed aloud: "Unfortunately it is broken."

"No break!"

On the other side, Hu Yanzhuo suddenly opened his mouth, and everyone was quiet. That year, Bo was a big joy. If the inheritance of the earth line is not broken, is it not the future of the north?

"I have an uncle who is an elder of the inner door. He once told me that the inheritance of the earth sect is not broken, but it is in the mountains of Qilin."

"Kirin Mountain?"

"Well! That mountain is like a unicorn. It was originally a land of trials. It has been passed down from ancient times. If you want to enter the place of trial, you must be a person who has cultivated the Qilin Collection. Otherwise you will not be able to enter. It is said that the land of trials was on the Jiuguan. At the beginning, the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors also considered that once the ancestor was robbed and broke down, the unicorn was placed at the ninth level. Get the complete unicorn collection."

"Hui Yan brother, for so many years, isn't there anyone in the Tu Xing Zong who can survive the ninth pass?" Year Bo asked anxiously.

“No!” Hu Yanzhuo shook his head. “Listen to my uncle and say that as long as the monks who have cultivated the Qilin Collection can go in. It is impossible for people who have not cultivated the Qilin Collection to enter.

I didn’t know how many great people wanted to get the Qilin Collection. The Tu Xing Zong couldn’t stop it. Even the Xian Zun’s Kirin Collection of the Emperor’s ancestral sects forced the sect of the sect and wanted to enter the Kirin Mountain. But no one can enter the place of trial, even if it is a fairy. Since then, the talents of the sects of the sects of the sects have died of the heart, and gradually, they have forgotten this matter.

The practice of cultivating the Kirin Collection is only the qualification to enter the trial place. When you are at Shaoguan, you can use various methods. However, when the ninth level ended, there was a door, and the Kirin Collection was placed behind the door. Want to enter the door, you must make a sword.

The Tao Zongdao method of the earth line, the earth sword code. And to be the real world of the sword! ”

Having said that, Hu Yan gave a hard smile: "The Great Swordsmanship is the supreme sword of the ancestral sect. It is only learned that the fur is not working. If you want to open the door, you must comprehend the earth swords to make a perfect A complete sword."

"Oh..." Shouen sighed a sigh: "Compared to the ancestral ancestor of Zongmen, since the ancestors suffered a big robbery, if there is no enchanting genius, even if it is to let the ancestors I got the Kirin Collection, I am afraid I can't keep it. This set the assessment."

"Yeah!" Hu Yanzhuo sighed again: "Where is the sword of the Great Sword Code so easy to comprehend?"

Qin double shook his head and his heart was heavy: "No matter what the kendo, it is extremely difficult to understand the sword."

Qin Qin understands that the four elephants she has been comprehending from the beginning have not realized the sword.

I can't say that, I should understand it, but I didn't reach perfection!

"Yeah!" Hu Yanzhuo said: "Now I can understand a certain Taoism to the truth, that is, the few monks who are sanctified. For example, the Xu Zongzhu of the Taixu. But, can such a person disperse? Going to your own cultivation and re-cultivating the Kirin Collection?"

Everyone was silent, half-sounding, and he was hesitant: "The piano master..."

"I know what you are thinking." Qin double has already packed up and said: "I will always practice the Qilin Collection, and then enter the inner door to practice the Earth Sword. As for the North, he is your son, this The idea needs you to get it for him. I can't interfere."


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