Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2234: different


Nearly 10,000 monks of the barbarians flooded into the gates like a flood. The piano doubles and looks around, seeing a barbaric squad rushing into the tower, and looking at the human monks, each face has oppression, dissatisfaction, but more is a lack of self-confidence.

Qin double shook his head, she knew too much that the two words were important to the monk. Looking towards the side of Fang Hua, Niu Yaozu, Xun Xi and Luo Fei, seeing their eyes flashed a bit of self-confidence, they said faintly:

"If you don't believe in yourself, you don't have to enter the tower."

Four people looked at Qin Double, and they saw extreme confidence and high morale from the eyes of Qin Double. One by one, the secret:

"I have not started to be confident?"

Qin double no longer cares about them, she has already mentioned them, they can adjust themselves to what point, then look at themselves. At this time, it was the turn of the Terran to enter the Tianta, and the piano doubled to follow the flow of people to the Tianta.

On the third floor of a restaurant, there are two people in the window. There are two people in the fairy period, the sixth floor of the fairy period, and the seventh is the seventh floor of the fairy period. One is the barbarians of the barbarians, and the other is the bear clan who competes with the piano for the stone. The two monks did not go to the idea of ​​the tower, and today, I am looking for a pair of pianos.

"There!" Pretty five suddenly pointed to the back of a woman. The bear clan also saw the back of the piano pair: "Stare at her, wait for her to come out and see where she belongs to the human race."

The piano double enters the first floor of the tower, which corresponds to the day after tomorrow. Qin double is not nervous, she is not the first time to tower into the tower, waiting for himself to enter the cottage about ten square meters.

Sure enough, she entered a hut.

Qinqin couldn't help but sigh. If you can't have this cabin, you can just smash the tower, so you can continue to take the December fruit. However, today there is only one chance to take the December fruit. The piano double took out a December fruit suit. After thinking about it, she still did not dare to return the four great gods and spirits. She estimated that she was not recognized by the Tianta. It is very likely that she has put the four great gods and spirits into the town. Demon Tower, at this time, I am completely a soil property, and the breath is completely different. It is already a big chance for Qinshuang to let himself start from the first floor and give himself the opportunity to enhance his understanding of the nature of the earth.

I finally decided that I was in the identity of the soil, and I sat on the futon.

Then Qinqin found himself standing on a platform and checked himself at the fastest speed. Sure enough, the town demon tower and the storage ring are gone. However, his own repairs are not the same as the main tower.

At this time, in the ring, her opposite, condensed a light person. The opposite person has been completely congested, like a real person, but did not immediately attack the Qinshuang, and even asked to ask the piano:


"Qin double!" Qin double still reported his life, she believes that many names, Tianta will not recognize themselves because of the name.

"Please select the property!"


The double look of the piano is a glimpse. Can the Tianta of the fairy world be allowed to choose the attributes of the warriors of the tower?

This... progressed!

Then he tempted and said: "The soil property!"

Then I saw that the light man rushed toward the piano. Qin double just looked at the other side, there is no need to take care of each other. Because of the speed of running from the other side, she has determined that the other party is a day after tomorrow. I am standing here to let the other party fight, and the other party can't help her.


The light man kicked and kicked the piano, but the piano double stood there with a smile on his face. Because she found out, the heavens and the spiritual world of the fairy world are really different. It is really possible to choose attributes. Although the other side is only the peak of the day after tomorrow, there is no way to release it, and only the martial arts are displayed. But martial arts is also sub-attribute, and the other party is able to release the trend.

Each punch is like a mountain that hits the piano double.

Qin double stood there to let the other party play a dozen times, I feel that this level really has nothing to learn from the other side. Then he made a punch and blew the other side. Soon, there was a monk on the opposite side of her. The opening asks:

"Please select the property!"

"Metality!" The piano doubled.

The light man rushed over to the piano double, and the piano eyes were bright, and the other side merged with the double gold attribute. Although it is still only martial arts, but the potential contains the thickness of the soil and the sharpness of gold. Qin double did not fight back, Ren Ping each other punched and kicked himself, but stood there and frowned slightly.

"I have a long time to go to the sky tower! Now my soil property is only a meridian period. I want to integrate the soil attribute method into the other four attributes, and at most it can only be integrated into the Mahayana period. Not to mention the integration of the boundary into five. The property is too low. The cultivation of the soil property is too low. You should wait until the soil property is cultivated to the fairy king, and then come to the tower."

However, Qin double was happy again. I am not the only one who has only one chance to smash the tower in my life. After I am trained to improve, I will come again. This time, you will find the highest level you can comprehend.


There are light spots on the tower, each of which represents a monk in the tower. At this time, the first floor of the tower has only a dozen light spots, and the rest have already rushed toward the higher tower. And among the dozen or so light spots, only the Qin and the other are a human race, and the rest are the acquired monks of the barbarians. The Terran did not have the day after tomorrow, the monks came to the tower, and only the barbarians had the acquired monks and towers. After all, it was the territory of the barbarians. It was convenient here, and even the dozens of acquired barbarians lived nearby.

Qin double's understanding of Heaven has gone far beyond the realm of the day after tomorrow. Although the spirit can only understand the heavens of each realm, it is 80%. However, Ling has already realized the earth property to a half-step Emperor, and the spirit also integrated the Jinmu water and fire road method into the 80% of the fairy kingdom. It is only five attributes, and the spirit even integrates the time and space of the golden wood, the fire, the light and the wind, and the eleven kinds of attributes into the 80% of the fairy kingdom.

However, it is precisely because of the 80% of the comprehension that the last two is missing. Even if the piano double spirits release the Tao method that combines eleven kinds of attributes, it is not as good as the four symbols of the double understanding of the piano, and even less than the single-character meteor.


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