Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2261: Five big ratios

The monk did not despise the piano pair a little bit, because when the piano double was at the peak of the fairy season, he watched the piano double sweeping the Zongmen Tianxian monk under the ring. At that time, he felt that even if he went up, he might not be able to block it. The pulsation of the earth that lives in the piano. What's more, today's Qin double is already the peak of the middle of Luo Tianshang?

As a result, as he expected, Qin Shuangyi defeated the monk and obtained the qualification to represent Zongmen in five major ratios.

In fact, Qin Double really didn't have much interest in participating in this big ratio, and she had no tempered effect at all. If you don't get a resource for Zongmen, Qin Double will really refuse.

After a few days.

Five big ratios have arrived.

The five majors of this year are in the waters, five in the ratio, and in the competition of fourteen realms. There are five monks in each realm, but they are not like the Tu Xingzong, but the formal catching and killing. . As the host of the water line, there is a qualification for the wheel. The other four draws. After the winner was decided, the water sect continued to take the lead, and the two winners decided to win and lose. In the end, the winner and the water sect played against each other and decided to make the first place.

Moreover, in order to allow the monks who participated in the Dabi to get a good healing or interest-shifting, after each of the realms, after the first game, it is the monk competition of other realms, so after 14 rounds, after the round, after the refining The beginning of the period.

Qin Shuang and Yu Shengyan stood together and watched the first game. The monks of the fire sect and the monks of the golden sect went to the downfall. The piano double pressed low voice asked:

"Jade brothers, fire sects and water sects have lost their inheritance. Isn't that the weakest? Every big ratio, can't they all get resources? So strong, strong, weak?"

“No!” Yushengyan shook his head and said: “You have looked down on the fire sect and the water sect. In fact, we also broke the inheritance. But we broke the Emperor, and the inheritance allows us to cultivate to the Emperor Peak. The fire sects and the waters sects were inherited in the Da Luo Jinxian, they can be cultivated to the Luotian Shangxian Peak. From the refining period to the Luotian Shangxian, the fire sect and the water sect are not weak to the other three ""

It seems that in order to prove the jade smoke, the final winner of this game is the fire disciple. This allowed the piano to retreat to the heart of the fire sect and the water sect.

The game went very fast, and each monk went to the stage and released his strongest strength, leaving no one to keep a hand. The injury is normal and even seriously injured. On the first day, the first round was finished. The opponent of Qinshuang is a Luo Xingxian Xianfeng.

For Qin Double, this Tianta is the first in the list. Although Qinqin is only the peak of Luo Tianshang's mid-term, and the other is a peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, he dare not despise the piano.

However, he attaches importance to the attention, but is also defeated by the piano double sword. Won the first round of victory.

This round of competition, although there is a fight between Xianjun, but the most eye-catching competition is still the piano double. Because Qin double in the past two years, the name is too strong. It has become the top of the Tianta Mahayana, the Xianxianbang, the Xianxianbang and the Tianxian list, which is absolutely unprecedented. The name of Qin double has been resounding five times, and it is quite popular in the mainland.

It’s just that the doubles are still low-key. In addition to going to the tower, they have not left the Zongmen, but they are retreating at the peak of the moon. The high-level hunters and other high-level squadrons have blocked all the monks who want to play the piano doubles. Even the other sects who want to see the piano doubles are rejected by the hunters of the heavens. Therefore, this time the five major ratios can be said to be the first two of the five pairs of Qin. Five from top to bottom, all the monks want to see the top two of the four pairs of piano, how strong is the strength?

They saw it.

Luo Xing's late peaks in the woods of the ancestors, could not stand the piano double.

"Sure enough, it is the first in the four lists!" Everyone thought in their hearts.

Above the clouds.

The sect of the wooden ancestral lord looked at the hunting sky and said: "The hunter, the lord got a good seedling! The resources of the heavenly fairyland have been taken in the hands of the nobles."

The other three lords also nodded and saw the sword of the double pair. They all had to admit that they were not opponents of Qinshuang.

In fact, as expected by the five lords, in the second and third rounds of the competition, Qin double easily defeated the opponent and won the first place in the realm of Luo Tianshang.

In the fourteen games, Jin Xingzong, Tu Xing Zong, and Mu Xing Zong were the first in four games, while the Waters and Fires were only the first.

From the results of the competition, Qin Shuang sees that in the Five Elements, Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong have the strongest strength, and the waters and fires are the weakest. If there is no such person who is cheating, the strength of the earth sect should be weaker than that of Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong, but it is much stronger than the water sect and the fire sect.

The result of the competition made Hunting Sky very happy and took a more resource. This will allow the Turkish ancestor to speed up the pursuit of Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong. And there is also a ratio of Terran and Barbarian after one year.

After half a year, this year will hold a five-line Zong Dabi wooden ancestral ceremonies to host the Terran. Everyone can participate. The five elements are the strongest sects of the mainland, so the rules are set by the five elements. At that time, there will be 14 seats in the Mu Xing Zong, and the 14 people who won the first place will hold one.

All Terran can come up to challenge and last for nine days. After nine days, the fourteen remaining in the ring will become the first of the fourteen realms of the barbaric mainland. Will represent the Terran and Barbarian monks in a decisive battle.

In the ratio of the barbarians to the barbarians, all the resources obtained by the victorious people, three of them belong to the individual, and 70% belong to the sect. If it is a loose repair, it won the victory. The dispersal is either to join a sect, or to work with a sect to allocate resources. Because of the reward of the Terran and Barbarians, it is the resource that divides the Terran and the Barbarians. Some metal mines, Xianjing mines, or a mountain of herbs that are rich in herbs, etc., are not developed and managed by one person at all.

In the view of Hunting Sky, Qin double will surely win the victory of the barbarians, so this resource is put into the pocket, and the resources of the earth sect are one point stronger, chasing Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong. The pace will speed up again.

Qin double is the earth ancestor who returned with the hunting sky, and was taken back to the main hall by the hunting sky.

The door is closed.

There are ten people in the hall, the respective masters, the eight elders and the piano pair.

"Qin double!" Hunting Skywalker looked at the piano double: "I took you to the Sky Tower before. I once said to the barbarians. Your affairs have been reported to Taixu. What do you think?"


Thank you very much Zhao Yilin Ziyan (500), white leaves qaq (500), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100) reward!




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