Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2263: Hope for the integration of the five elements

Hunting Heaven released his hand, and the arc-shaped thing floated to the front of the piano.


The piano double reached out and held the arc-shaped thing floating in front of him in his hand, and the gods explored it. It seems to be an endless space, a space filled with dense soil property rules.


The law of soil properties in this space is too messy, and it is irregularly chaotic. The face of Qin double is white, and her gods are broken by the laws inside.

I hurriedly recovered the knowledge of God, and there was a trace of blood in my mouth. Qin double shakes his head, the realm of his own soil attribute Yuanshen is still too low. If you want to explore the secret of this arc-shaped thing, I am afraid that the mystery will be born. After obscuring the law, even if it is just a misty metaphysical. God's knowledge is definitely not good, and it can only be traumatized.

"The sovereign, this is too messy!" Qin double looked up and looked at the hunting sky.

"Yeah!" Hunting Heaven sighed: "This treasure is part of the five elements of the ring. The inheritance treasures passed down by the Five Lingzongs are the five elements of the ring. After the five spirits are divided into five elements, five sects, The five parts of the five-line ring were each controlled by five sects.

When the five elements are separated, the rules inside are very confusing, and it is impossible to comprehend the points. Only the five lines are closed and the five lines are closed. This messy rule will become orderly. It is only this evolution within the five elements that is how to integrate the five elements. ”

“Five elements merge?”

The double heart of the piano is a sharp jump. She knows the direction of her cultivation, her cultivation is too mixed, five attributes, the refining body has developed a military phase, as well as Confucianism and Taoism, and there are also fellow practitioners. Her future is unpredictable, but after reading the book, she has a hunch that if she continues to carry out such a complicated cultivation direction, it will inevitably start to rush each other, and the final result is degenerate.

If you don't want to fall, the only direction is to integrate all of your learning.


Where is the integration?

She has been in the process of merging for centuries since she began her cultivation, but she has not found a direction. Now I hear that there is a kind of treasure, five elements.

The five elements of the ring actually contain the secret of how to integrate the five gods of Jinmushui.

How can this not make her excited?

Although, even if it is a combination of five elements, she still has a military martial art, as well as a martial art, and there is no fusion of magic. However, being able to fuse five lines is a good start, at least reducing the risk of her fall.

"Yes, it is the integration of the five elements!" Hunting Heaven nodded: "Actually, in the mouth-to-mouth communication about Wu Lingzong, Wu Lingzong was divided into six halls. Among them, the five halls are Jinxing Hall and Muxing Hall. The Water Palace, the Fire Temple and the Earth Temple are the predecessors of today's Jin Xingzong, Mu Xing Zong, Shui Xing Zong, Huo Xing Zong and Tu Xing Zong. There is also a temple, which is the Five Elements Hall.

The disciples recruited by Jin Xing Dian are all monks of Jin Linggen, and the wooden row hall recruits the disciples of Mulingen. The water hall is recruited by the disciples of Shuilingen. The temple of fire is recruited by the disciples of Huilingen. Linggen disciple. The five elements of the temple are recruited by the five elements of Linggen disciples.

It’s just that Wu Lingen’s disciples are extremely rare. The Five Elements Hall is also three or two people in each generation, but the strength is the same. ”

Speaking of this, the eyes of Wang Tianxing show the color of the king. The mood of Qin double is also like a surge. Half-sounding, the hunting sky line sighed and continued:

"The five-ring ring is the treasure of the Five Elements Temple. It is used by the five elements of the disciples to understand the use of the five elements. It has been passed down to the present. But now it is not the Five Elements Temple, that is, the five Lingzong are divided into five sects. Where else? What are the five Linggen disciples?

The greatest use of this Wulingen is to let the monks understand the five elements of oneness. They have little help for the inheritance of the five elements. This is also the five elements of our five elements. It is only barely pushing a little bit of their own exercises from the five elements. the reason.

However, there is always better than nothing. Our five elements are relying on these five elements of the ring, a little bit of added and broken inheritance.

Qinqin, with the ratio of the barbarians, will go to the time when the five elements will meet again and gather the five elements to realize the time. I will take you there. This is my surprise for you! ”

"Thank you, the lord!" Qin Biao Gujing's mood is not fluctuating. The combination of five elements is too important for her, and is similar to life.

"The Sovereign!" There is a trace of doubt on the face of Qinqin: "Since the five elements are all comprehending their respective exercises from the five elements, why are the waters and fire sects so low?"

"Because their inheritance has been broken more. The inheritance of the fire sects and the ancestral sects, which were preserved in the first centuries, has only been passed down to Luo Tianshang in the millions of years. Jin Xingzong and Mu Xingzong originally retained the inheritance of cultivation to the peak of Xianwang. For millions of years, it has only been extended to the peak of Emperor.

Qinqin returned the five elements to the hunting hall and left the hall. She did not mention that she had five elements, although she knew at this time that in the other four, there were Baihu Mountain, Qinglong Mountain, Xuanwu Mountain and Huofeng Mountain, and like Qilin Mountain, there was a complete inheritance. She also knows that there are still great problems in her current five elements of cultivation.

There is no problem with the Fire Breeze and Xuanwu Collection. The inheritance she obtained was complete and she can continue to cultivate to Xianzun. However, the Qinglong Collection and the White Tiger Collection are not the same, but the Baihu and Qinglong gains.

Although she was originally born in December, she improved her comprehension and eventually realized the Qinglong Collection and the White Tiger Collection, but she did not realize the complete inheritance.

In fact, as her cultivation improved, she already felt that the White Tiger Collection and the Qinglong Collection had reached the bottleneck. In the beginning, in order to break through to the fairy king, she once decomposed the four great gods, and smashed the heavens and the earth, possessed everything, and spent a long time before deriving the follow-up of Qinglongbaodian and Baihubaodian, and finally broke through to Xianwang.

She is now completely unsure to break into the Emperor. The recent repairs for several times have been made because the town demon tower is fused with the yuan beads, so that the rules are clearly revealed, so that she can easily achieve a breakthrough.

"Maybe... I want to break through the Emperor, but I also need the town demon tower to blend the Yuanzhu, in order to be able to deduce the follow-up exercises. But now there are only time and space beads, I have only two chances. .

Still have to find a way to go to Baihushan, Qinglongshan to obtain a complete heritage.

Just now I am still too weak! ”

Qinqin is not a person who puts his own destiny in the hands of others, expects others to help, or is kind. She likes to hold her destiny in her own hands. With his current cultivation, the trade rashly puts everything out of the hunting sky. Even if Hunting is willing to help himself, can he convince several other sovereigns?

At that time, my secret was known to several lords, what would be the result?


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