Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2267: Borrowing tower

The classification of resources has been established before the classification, so the Terran and Barbarians soon ended the division. This time the two ethnic groups have won more than the previous year, so the barbarians will withdraw from a mine area within one month. The human race will occupy the business for 10 years and the next big one.

A group of immortals returned, and they looked at the piano double. It is not to look down on other monks who have won the victory for the Terran, but the piano pair is too dazzling. With the repair of the eight layers of Luo Tianshang, three strokes killed the barbarians and the heavens. What's more, Qin double is the first in the list of the top of the tower!

Anyone can see that as long as the Qinshuang does not fall, the future must be a giant of the mainland, becoming the backbone of the human race.

Therefore, knowing the celestial celestial behavior of the celestial emperors, they will summon the piano to the past, and the emperors will praise and praise the piano. Hunting Skywalker stood on the sidelines and looked at it with a smile.

After the public praise and enthusiasm, Hunting Heaven said with a smile: "Qin double, you make great contributions to the human race, in addition to the resources you have won, the Zongmen must have rewards, what do you want?"

A group of emperors also smiled at the piano double, want to see what the requirements of the piano double.

"The Sovereign!" Qin double naturally will not give up this rare opportunity, immediately handed over to the ceremony: "I want to go to the tower."

All the emperor's eyes are bright, and when the Qinshuang Tianta, the first in the Mahayana, they did not go. Later, Qin double sneaked to the tower, they did not even see it. Only in the recent 闯天塔, Hunting Heaven and other earth ancestral celestial emperors personally protected the piano double, witnessed the Qinshuang Tower. If Qin double can win the first place in Luo Tianbang this time, they are also witnessing history. Not by the heart of a big move. On the contrary, there is some hesitation in the mind of Hunting Sky:

"Qin double, you are still only the eighth floor of Luo Tianshang..."

In fact, he does not worry whether Qin double can win the first place in Luo Tianbang, relying on the body of Qin double, he believes that Qin double can easily get the first place in Luo Tianbang. However, he is afraid that the realm of the piano pair is not enough, and the effect of the experience is not achieved.

"My realm is enough."

Qin double is naturally the idea of ​​understanding the inner world of hunting. This sentence is telling the hunters of heaven, although his cultivation is only the eighth floor of Luo Tianshang, but his understanding of the heavens has reached the realm of Luo Tianshang. When I heard the words of the piano, the hesitant heart of the hunting sky immediately strengthened. Laughing:

"Well, the emperor will accompany you to go." Then he looked at the emperor around him: "You, can you be interested?"

"Of course, we also want to witness the birth of a new history."

"Go with you!"

"Go with you!"

All the emperors have opened their mouths, and the news that Qinqin wants to go to the tower is spread all over the ears of the human and barbarians. The Terran monks are boiling, and they are all going to go together. Can you be in the territory of the barbarian, watching the self-family powers overwhelm the barbarian, is there anything better than this?

The face of the barbarian is very ugly, but it can't stop it. At this time, there is almost a gathering of the majority of the Terran Emperor, unless it is a open war, otherwise it can only endure.

The flow of people is like a river, but there are two rivers, one is composed of ethnic monks, and the other is composed of barbarians. The two torrents go hand in hand, but they are clearly divided, and they all roll in the direction of the tower.

Among the barbarians, Wu Manjiang is on the Wuman River: "Big Brother, do you think Qin Double can get through this time?"

“It’s hard!” Wu Manhe shook his head: “The reason why Qin double became the first in the four rankings is that she is not the same as other monks in the Tianta, nor is it the strongest monk in the tower. History There are too many monks who are more powerful than the piano, but they don’t have the level of the realm. The piano double is in the same level as the one that has been repaired, which makes her the fourth list. One.

However, it is difficult to get through. Otherwise, it will not be more than 100,000. There has never been a layer where monks have opened up the realm. You also know that Qinqin will be cultivated to the peak every time, only to dare to tower. But this time it was only the eighth floor of Luo Tianshang, and some were in a hurry. It is almost impossible to get through. ”

"Oh..." Wu Manjiang laughed: "It is estimated that the last time Hunting Sky took her to the tower, so that she felt our killing, so this time I will continue this opportunity to come to the tower. Multi-ethnic, at least we are not very popular?"

"Oh..." Wu Manhe smiled two channels: "Do you say that Hunting Heaven really reported the things of Qin Double to Taixu?" "It should be!" Wu Manjiang thought for a moment: Such a big thing is bound to cause a sensation among the Terran. Even if he does not report it, I am afraid that the Taizong is still under investigation. It is only a matter of time to know the identity of Qin Double. However, the mainland of the Baizu is far away from the Yuan Dynasty. In the middle, through the law of chaos, the communication of jade can not be transmitted to Taixu, they only have to shoot people to Taixu. The distance between the barbaric continent and the Taixu class will take at least six years. It is estimated that it is too virtual now. Zong still doesn't know."

Wu Manhe nodded and said: "But, Taixu Zong must now send people to investigate the piano pair. They will send monks to the Baizu mainland, but it will take about six years. The people like the patriarch may Tearing the space, it’s just around the corner, but she can’t do it for herself.”

"Big brother, what do you mean?"

Wu Manhe frowned and thought about it: "Let's talk about this tower."

Sky Tower.

The Terran and Barbarian monks gathered here, and the Terran did not have a monk to go to the tower, and they were afraid to miss the moment when the piano doubled to the top of the list.

The piano was in both directions, and the monks handed over the ceremony, then turned and entered the tower.

Seven days later.

Qin double has already realized the perfection of the soil property method of the eleventh floor, quickly killing the light man behind, and took up a time pearl, came to the twelfth floor, then conceded and was sent out of the tower. .


As soon as I was sent out of the tower, I heard the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami, and the big Luobang was shining.

The piano fell on the ground and walked toward the hunting sky.

"How?" Hunting Tianxing asked urgently.

Qin double show Yan Yixiao: "I think, after returning to Zongmen, I should be able to go to Qilin Mountain."

"Great!" Hunting is a big laugh.

The other four Emperor Xian, looking at the eyes of the hunting sky is full of envy. When they were fighting with the barbarians, they all saw the piano doubles pulsing the earth, which means that Qin double has broken into the third floor of Qilin Mountain. Now Qinqin said that it can be Qilin Mountain, this is not Said that Qin double has realized the earth's stars, can break into the fourth floor?


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