Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2287: Wuliusha



Can't push...



His wrist was pinched by the piano and a scream was made.


The screams came to an abrupt end, and Qin’s fists were bombarded on his head, and his head burst like a ripe watermelon. When the piano double grabbed it, he took the other's storage ring and then rushed toward the three barbarian monks. The three barbaric monks looked for a sigh, and then they ran away without a head, leaving three human monks looking at the piano.

Seeing the three barbarian monks fleeing, the pace of the piano double front is a meal. The three Terran monks not only reminded her, but also rushed over to help her. She was very fond of the three people and bowed to the three people:

"Thank you!"

"'re welcome!" The man-made monk waved his hand a little.

"Do you have a lot of monks in front?"

“Well!” The three Terran monks nodded again and again, and one of the monks opened the door: “The wild sands of the barbarians are in front, and the Jin Daolin of our Terran is also inside.”

"Ulu sands?"

Qin’s eyes were slightly stunned, but she remembered that the two barbarian monks in Wuliusha and Wuyang had challenged themselves, but that Wuyang had already been killed by herself.

Jin Daolin, although she has not seen it, she has heard of this person. She is the first person under the singular king. It is said that she has been retiring for a long time. She wants to break through to the king. It seems that she has already passed the customs, but she does not know whether she has broken through. Xian Wang.

"Does Jin Daolin break through the king of Xian?"

"No, now is a half-step fairy king."

The piano nodded twice and then handed the ball: "Farewell!"

"Take care!" The three Terran monks quickly repaid their gifts.

The piano went deep in both directions and soon disappeared into the sea of ​​fire. The three Terran monks picked up the Leiyuan stone on the ground and looked at the direction in which the doubles disappeared. self-mumbling:

“Is this the first in the list?”

Another three days.

Qin double encountered a few waves of monks, people, and barbarians. There is no more fighting. Every monk is busy resisting thunder and hunting for treasures, even if they are barbarians, and they have not intercepted the piano. Even some of the barbarian monks, the heart of the killing, but still endure, for the piano can go so deep, they also have some depth of the piano.

What's more, their strength has been greatly suppressed here.

No one is going to kill her, and Qin will naturally not take the initiative to provoke the barbarians. It’s just that she is moving towards the inside, and she is curious, so a large piece of fire, how to repair the highest is only Xianjun?

Or is it a half step?

Not a fairy king?

Is there no fairy emperor and emperor?

Where did she know that after the Emperor discovered the palace and could not open the door, he informed all the monks above the Xianwang who had come to practice the law, and rushed to the palace, and they were working together to bombard the door!

After walking for another five days, I encountered fewer and fewer monks. She had not met a monk in one day.


I was thinking about whether I should break through here, because after so many days of continually quenching the earth's strength in the body, she felt that she could break through again, but saw that there was a figure in front and it was difficult to move forward.

"Ulu sands!"

She recognized the back, and Wu Liusha felt the breath of the piano at this time. Looking back, it was a look of sorrow. His gaze fell on the piano, and the defensive shield, which was constantly broken and constantly propped up, could not help but exclaim:

"Your body is so strong?"

Later, his eyes showed deep jealousy and alertness, where his strength was severely suppressed, and the body of the piano pair was so powerful that it had already threatened him. Of course, if it is not in this piece of fire, he will not care about the piano, but here, but he is not deeply jealous.

Qin double did not want to start with him, Wuyang that nine days Xuanxian peak, can burst out of the strength of the late Xianjun. This Wuliusha is also the Tianjiao of the barbarians. The cultivation of Xianjun’s peaks may also lead to the outbreak of the late Xianwang. Qin double is not afraid of him, but he may not be able to retain him. Laughing at Wuliusha:

"Wu Daoyou!"

"Qindaoyou!" Wuliusha has no arrogance on the face of Qinqin. I look forward to the eyes of Qinshuang.

"Is there anyone in front?"

"Yes!" Wu Liusha nodded: "Jin Daolin is in front."

"Only he is one?"

At this time, Qin double has already reached the front of Wu Liusha. For the Qin double dare to go to him, this makes his heart more taboo, but he has not retreated. Once he retreats, is he afraid of Qin double?

His self-esteem made him unable to do such things, and he was able to perceive from the double body of the piano, the piano double did not kill. Then nodded:

"Well! Go ahead, those fires have the power of the law."

The piano nodded twice and passed the black sand.


Qin doubled his footsteps and looked back at Wuliusha.

"What is the realm of your ...?"

"Xian Wang!" Qin said faintly.

There is a hint of envy in the Ukrainian eyes, and the body of the fairy king can make the piano double deeper, and perhaps get a better treasure. Seeing that Wuliusha didn’t say anything more, Qinqin turned his head and stepped again.


Qin double once again paused and looked back. The black sand sand knot squirmed a bit:

"This is the best time for you to kill me. Why don't you do it?"

"We don't have any hatred!" Qin double shook his head and said: "And now we are allies, we must join hands to defend against the Chaos Beast. Besides, even if I want to kill you, I may not be able to kill you."

Wuliusha silently, the piano did not move, waiting for the Liuliusha. The face of Wu Liusha flashed a hesitant color, and finally he said:

"The chaotic beast has a day to be wiped out, and I am afraid I can't wait for that day."

Qin double understands the meaning of Wuliusha, I am afraid that the day when the chaotic beast is destroyed, the Terran and the Barbarian, or the Terran and the Baizu will explode. In fact, almost all the monks know this in their hearts. The piano double turned and walked, the voice came out:

"I can drag the day after the delay. I am not trying to kill, but I want to go further, stand higher, and look at the scenery."

Wu Liusha was staring at the back of the piano pair and disappeared. He muttered to himself: "Is the scenery high?"

Qin double has gone for more than an hour, the fire thunder here has reached the peak of Xianjun, the piano looks forward in two directions, has been able to see the front not far, the thunder fire, causing the law.


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