Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2298: Warlord

Qin double left the big star and took out a revolving boat and flew in the direction of the tower.

The speed of the double refining boat is very fast, but she still feels slow.

"When I break through the refinery to the middle of the Great Master, I will refine one!"

Putting Huataixiang out of the town demon tower, unconsciously, Huataixiang is already a fairy king.

"Too incense, go to the tower."

Qinqin gave a sigh, and he realized the sword of the earth.

After more than two months, Qin double put away the flying boat and landed in a forest. After more than two months of comprehension, Qin Shuang has already realized the perfection of the fifth form of the earth sword.

In fact, at this time, the piano has already understood that the so-called perfection is only perfect in the scope of the rhyme, above the rhyme, and there are rules. However, Qilin Mountain only needs to complete the rhyme and then open the Shimen.

"Call..." The piano spit out a long breath: "Tianta, I am coming!"

Her figure squirmed and turned into a barbarian monk, and then moved all the gods into the town demon tower, leaving only the Xuanwu Yuanshen, walking towards the barbaric giant city.

Sure enough, the barbaric giant city has been sluggish a lot. Even if you see a barbaric monk, 90% of the time is a fairy, but not to mention a monk. Qin Double went all the way to the tower, and found that there were no monks around the tower. It seems that today's monks are attracted by the big star.

Qin Xuanxuan spread out and found that there were no monks around. He simply changed back to the original appearance, moved the Xuanwu Yuanshen into the town demon tower, and returned the Qilin Yuanshen to step into the Tianta.

After taking a December fruit, Qin double came to the thirteenth floor and realized the soil property method of the Da Luo Jin Xian period.

After eleven days.

Qin double appeared outside the tower, she has already collected space beads.

"Qin double!"

Just fell to the ground and heard an angry voice. Qin double looked up, but saw a barbarian monk, the body of the immortal.

"You didn't go to the big star?" Qin did not panic, but the opposite was just a fairy king.

The barbarian monk said: "Qin double, you are so courageous, dare to come alone to the tower? Little big Luo Jinxian, I can pinch you with a finger."

"Everyone goes to the big star, why didn't you go?" Qin doubled his head and smiled, like a friend chatting.

The barbarian king is not afraid of the double-running of the piano. In her view, a big Luo Jinxian, in front of his own monk who masters the law, is an ant. Not to mention the Da Luo Jin Xian, that is, Xian Jun, is also a cockroach ant. The monks who did not practice the law were all ants, so she did not shout, but looked at the piano with great interest:

"You said it is good. Everyone is going to the big star. I have been retreating. I don't know what the big star is going to. I just went out and wanted to come over and smash the tower, then go to the big star, but I didn't expect it. You are a daring person."

"Then you continue to tower up, we will see you!"

The piano stepped out in one step, and the body shape disappeared in place.

"Where to go?"

The barbaric singer Wang Ling emptiness stepped and chased the piano. At this time, the barbarians in the city were almost all in the fairy season, and the Qin and the barbarians left the monks without disturbing them.

Between the two, the two monks have been far away from the barbaric city. Behind the fairy king is rapidly approaching the distance, the piano doubles with the repair of the soil properties, even if it is displayed on the horizon, it is much slower than the fairy king.

The piano doubled in shape and walked on the white clouds and looked back. The fairy king is far from the piano, and he has one hand and one hand. There was a big force in the air, and he came over to the piano.

Qin double just took a look at the Yuanli big hand, and gave up the use of the soil attribute Taoist law, because the Yuanli big hand contains the law, the soil attribute is only the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian, and it is impossible to resist the law. Therefore, her figure suddenly rushed toward the Yuanli big hand, and she punched out with a punch. The power of the seventh layer of the Emperor of the Emperor came out.


The Yuanli big hand was smashed by a double fist, and his body was like a meteor spurting toward the opposite king.

The heart of the barbaric sage king sinks down and can crush the big hand that she condenses, which shows that the body strength of the lyrics is definitely above the king.

She is not afraid that she will be killed by the piano, but she is afraid that she will not kill the piano.

"I can't give her the chance to escape, she must kill the piano pair!"

"Hey, she doesn't understand my physical strength, killing her with a punch!"

Both Qin and the other side killed each other with a single blow, and the two figures quickly pulled closer. A fist of Qin double is only half a foot away from the barbarian king.

The eyes of Qin double suddenly shrink, but they have already lost their fists.


The shape of the piano pair could not be repulsed in the air, and the fist came up with a pain.

At this time, the barbarian king was turbulent, and instantly became stronger. The momentum was like a wolf, and it went straight into the sky. Between her hands, there was a human-sized ball. A punch hit the ball and was shocked by the ball.


The ball quickly grew like a star and rolled over to the piano.

"Water Pearl!"

Qin double recognized it, it is a water pearl, she also got the water pearl. So I can recognize it. However, the water pearl she had obtained was refining her to the town demon tower, but she did not expect that Yuanzhu could be refined into a fairy.

"It's a defeat!"

In the view of Qin Shuang, the role of Yuanzhu is two, one is the cultivation of the monk refining, and the other is the main material of the Tianxianbao after refining. And the Yuanzhu is only refined into a fairy, even if it is the best fairy, it is a huge waste.


This piano doubled the strength of the seventh layer of the Emperor, bombarded on the water pearls that have been as huge as the stars, her body shape was shaken out, the body blood surged.


I saw the big star of the water pearl, the waves smashed into the sky, and rushed out of the big star, turning into a dragon and a circle around the big star. The power of the big star became more and more, and once again, it fell to the piano.

"I still don't believe it!"

Qinqin once again swayed a punch, the power of the body superimposed and oscillated, and the power doubled.


The figure of the double is like a meteor, falling toward the ground.


Numerous water dragons rushed out from the big star, like a dragon sucking water, sucking the body shape of the piano into the dragon's mouth, and instantly was sucked onto the big star.

"Ha ha ha..."

The barbarian singer laughed loudly, stretched out a hand and grabbed the big star. The big star began to shrink and rushed toward the barbaric king.


Thanks a lot to the white leaves qaq (500), a gust of james (200), book friends 20181004094733563 (100), djp1123 (100), 皎 white months _ month on the willow head (100), seaphay (100) reward!




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