Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2300: Fire ray wing

Qin double changed his appearance, and quietly came to the Tianta again. He inquired about it in the barbaric city. Inquired about the news, those ruled monks seem to have closed. Qin double believes in this news, those ruled monks should have obtained mine treasures in the palace space, and want to refine the mine treasures, it can not be refining in a year or two. So she is sure that it is relatively safe to go to the tower now.

Qin double went to the tower, and of course entered the tower with the image of the barbarian. This time she came to the fourteenth floor. Twenty-one days later, when she realized the soil property method of the nine-day Xuanxian period, there were eleven yuan beads around her. Qin double thought about it, took a fire pearl and left the tower.

At this time, there are some embarrassment outside the tower, but there are some low-ranking monks who are looking at the Xuan Xianbang, where there is no ruler. The piano doubles easily left the tower and left the barbaric city. , riding a flying boat, flying toward the earth line.

After a dozen days, Qin double quietly returned to the peak of the earth line, and on the way she has adjusted her state to the peak. Therefore, once we return to the Crescent Moon Peak, we will begin to break through. After a few days, it was easy to break through to Xianjun.

"It’s going to be a fairy king!"

Qinshuang’s already pressing mind has a hint of relaxation, and his mind has moved into the town demon tower. Came to the crater and shouted to the crater:

"Fire and thunder wings!"


The fire thunder wings flew out of the crater, and the piano took out the fire bead and held it in the hand.

"Fire Yuanzhu!"

The spirit of the fire-sweeping wing cheered up and flew over to the fire yuan. The fire yuan beads were collected by the piano and looked at the fire and thunder wings with a smile.

"Give me!" The fire thunder is like a child who can't get candy.

"First recognize the Lord!" Qin said with a smile.


The tender voice sounded, and then opened up the sea of ​​his own spirit. Qin double will explore the mystery into the fire and thunder wings, into a space, in which a fiery little man stands there, the double metaphysical brand of the piano is branded on the villain.


The fire thunder wings disappeared and entered the Dantian of Qinshuang.


Under the martial arts of the piano, two arms were drilled, and one arm dragged the fire and thunder wings.

"Master, my fire pearl!" The fire and thunder wings hovered on the palm of Wuxiang.

Qin Qin double minded a move, the fire Yuanzhu in the hand was taken into Dantian, was captured by the fire thunder wing into its space, and then saw the fire and thunder wings on the palm of Wu's palm, motionless.

Qin double sighed with relief, and the five thunders were finally refining. Now I am waiting for the soil property to break through the fairy king, cultivate to the peak of the fairy king, and then try to try the five elements.

Finally, there are specific training goals!

Qin double decided to rest for two days, then came out from the town demon tower, sitting next to the waterfall, let the ghost face tree demon give himself a pot of tea, and then cook for himself. As she drank tea, she thought about what she was going to do next.

Two days later.

Qin Qinshen left the Qiuyue Peak and came to Qilin Mountain.

It fell under the Qilin Mountain and looked toward the mountain. It turned out to be empty. After thinking about it, I realized that those who passed on the disciples and the core disciples should have refining themselves in their own caves and got the treasures of the mines on the big stars. This can not help but let the piano double scratched his head, it is estimated that Hunting Heaven also closed the refining treasures in the Dongfu, and cultivated the thunder. Originally, she still wanted to let Hunting Skywalker take her own to find a fire-fighting sect to discuss a little things. Now it seems that it has not become, and the fire patriarch should also refine the treasures of the fire.

"Then go to Kirin Hill first."

Qin double has fully realized the fifth style of the Great Sword Code, and easily came to the fifth floor of the stone door, opened the stone door, and entered the fifth floor. In the inside, he and the Guangren fought for three days, and realized the Tao of this layer of Qilin Mountain, defeating the Guangren. He simply stayed on this level and cultivated.

She had long discovered that it was all earthy and there was no trace of other attributes. And it is very rich, one layer is twice as thick as the first layer.

Qin double knees sitting on the fifth floor, holding the town demon tower in both hands, absorbing the richness of the inside, coupled with the pure earth strength here, the piano double repair is in a rapid upgrade. Mainly because he has no bottleneck at the level of Xianjun, as long as the vitality has accumulated, he can naturally break through a small layer.

At the same time, she is also comprehending the Great Sword Code. In the days of the cultivation of the stars, hundreds of years have already made the spirit understand the eight layers behind the swords of the earth, which is her limit. At this time, the piano double served the December fruit, it is to make up the two, to achieve the perfect rhyme.

one year later.

The cultivation of Qin Shuang came to the third level of Xianjun, and the sixth style of the Earth Sword Code was completed. The piano double opened the stone door and entered the sixth floor.

Four days later.

Qin double came out of Qilin Mountain. She has already printed out the exercises and roads on the stone wall in the sixth floor.

Out of the Qilin Mountain, looking towards the mountain, still empty, the piano double is still not dead, and flew to the Dongfu of the hunting sky. I saw the boy who guarded Dongfu, and surely, Hunting Sky has not yet gone through. Qinqin had to return to the sixth floor of Qilin Mountain, taking the December fruit, while practicing, and comprehending the seventh style of the Great Sword.

This time, she spent two years, repairing to the sixth peak of Xianjun. At the same time, I also realized the seventh style of the Great Sword Code. Opened the stone gate and entered the seventh floor. The martial arts and roads on the seventh stone wall were printed and once again out of Qilin Mountain.

Just coming out of the cave, I saw that the monks such as Yushengyan and Zhang Yingfeng stood at the entrance of the cave many times. When they saw the piano double coming out, Zhang Yingfeng laughed:

"Jade brother, how? I said that Qinqin sister is at Shaoguan!"

Did not hear the movement of jade smoke, Zhang Yingfeng could not help but turn to look at the jade smoke, they saw the shock of the face of Jade smoke can not be suppressed.

"You, you, you... are you six layers of Xianjun?"


Zhang Yingfeng turned to the head and looked at Qin Double with shock. She was originally the peak of Xuantian in the nine days. In the course of refining the soil and treasures in the past three years, it has a breakthrough understanding. It is now the first layer of Xianjun. This attention shows that the Qinqin is already the sixth floor of Xianjun.

However, she then relieved, looking at the jade smoke and laughed: "What is strange? The piano master is originally the fairy king peak, the difference is only the accumulation of vitality, there will be no bottleneck in the realm below the king, natural breakthrough Very fast."

At this time, Yushengyan also reacted and bowed to the piano: "Congratulations to the piano master!"


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