Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2303: Guest string moon peak

"I haven't been to the Qinfu sister's Dongfu!" Zhang Yingfeng said.

Everyone flew toward the chords of the Qinshuang, flew from the core area to the edge area, and felt that the vitality was getting thinner and thinner. The monks were not changed by the look. They knew that Qinshuang did not open a cave in the core area and still lived. In the area where ordinary disciples practiced in the inner door, they did not expect the piano to live so remotely.

"Qin Shijie..." Zhang Yingfeng said, "Why do you want to live so remotely?"

"The scenery is good, and it is not noisy, I like to be quiet!" Qin double road.

"But... this is too poor!" Jade smoke also frowned: "Qin Shijie, still open a hole in the core area. Although you can not let you have a whole mountain, but the sage is extremely rich, the environment is against our monks Cultivation is very important."

The piano double shook his head, and the disciples who followed him shook their heads. In the heart, this woman is different from the man. Men put the cultivation in the first place, and the woman puts the scenery in the first place. How can you guarantee your cultivation speed?

No wonder the monks who are high in the sects are mostly men...


No, oh...

Qin Shijie's repair is not slow to improve!


Her fire attribute is the peak of Xianwang, so the speed of repairing the soil property will be accelerated. When her soil property reaches the peak of Xianwang, it will not be so fast at that time!

Not right!

Qinshijie's fire attribute is Xianwang Yufeng, which is only helpful for the understanding of Tiandao. There is no bottleneck under the Qinshi sister Xianwang, but what is more needed is the concentration of Xianyuan, why Qinqin sister still lives in So remote, the place where the sage is poor? The most important thing is that the repair is still very fast. Is there any treasure in the piano master? Or a lot of fairy crystals and remedies?


The doubles that stepped on the clouds broke through the clouds and fell to the bottom. The crowd followed, looking at the moon peaks not far away. One by one is not strange. I saw the peaks and peaks in the field of vision, strange rocks, weeds, and thanks to Nagano, the big trees grew freely. Where is the scenery?

A pair of eyes can not help but look at the piano double strange, is the piano master's aesthetic problem?

The crowd fell at the foot of the mountain, and the piano doubled and smashed, and the big bang broke open a gap. I haven't waited for everyone to see the scenery inside from the cracks. A singular scent of scent is ejected from the cracks, and the hundreds of thousands of pores are relaxed.


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath, and they felt a burst of Shutai, and then they couldn't help but be surprised.

Where is this fairy power thin?

This is so full of enthusiasm, more than a lot of their core disciples...

Do not!

It is more than ten times thicker than the main house of the lord.

Not looking at the crack in front, I saw a small path in front of it. Qinqin double stepped on the trail and walked toward the inside. At this time, Yushengyan and others did not speak, and one by one curiously followed the Qinshou, and sneaked in. The big back behind it. The faces of the monks have changed, and some of them look at the sides of the trail.

They found out what path there was at this foot and they did not walk on the ground. At this time they are in a starry sky, with a completely forward light belt under their feet, they are stepping on this light belt. They can perceive that there are great dangers besides the light belt under their feet, the danger that they can't cope.

Yusheng smoke swallowed a mouthful of water: "Mr. Qin, this big array is the sect of the sect of Zongmen?"

"I laid it!" Qin double.

"You, you... are you laying?"


"You are a fairy singer?"

"No!" Qin double shook his head, Yusheng smoked a sigh of relief, and then he heard the piano double: "How do you look, I am the great master of the fairy tales, the formation of the palace of the big star is my broken."

Everyone was silent. For a moment, their minds showed an idea. Is this string moon peak really not as good as their cave house?

"Going out!"

The doubles in front of the piano suddenly opened, and then the piano took a step and disappeared. Although knowing that the piano pair will not harm them, but seeing the piano double suddenly disappeared, and perceived the danger of the stars, one face is still a little nervous, one by one followed by the footsteps of the front.


They stood there dull!

What kind of beautiful scenery is in their vision!

All kinds of Lingguo trees are lush, all kinds of herbs are like wild grasses all over the mountains, colorful, pavilions, hidden between green trees, a jade-like river running around the mountains at the foot of the mountain, looking up, a waterfall hanging from the sky, like Tianhe .

Take a breath, this scent is so rich... I can’t say it...

"This is this..."

Everyone did not speak, followed the piano and stepped on the steps, all the way up the mountain.

"Well, somebody?"

The eyes of the people could not help but then saw a few ghost face trees demon coming out of the forest, and the piano pair was facing the few ghost faces:

"Pick some Lingguo, do some sautéed corn rice, big mouth fish soup, fragrant beast meat, pick some mushrooms and various vegetables, and monkey wine. I am a guest in the middle of the mountain."

"Yes, master!" Several ghost face trees demon.

Some people numbly followed the Qinshuang and went up to a two-story building not far from the waterfall. The ghost-faced tree demon had placed several tables in front of the half-mountain, and had already brewed the tea. The piano double greeted everyone. Sit and sit.

"Mr. Qin, why is your scent in this place so rich?" Zhang Yingfeng could not help but curiously asked.

"In the past few years, I left Zongmen to go out and travel, and I got a fairy pulse by chance!"

"You mean that there is a fairy vein buried under this mountain?" Zhang Yingfeng shocked.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"No wonder you are not willing to go to the core area to open a hole." Zhang Yingfeng shouted.

In the eyes of everyone, there is a color of envy, and if you live alone in such a mountain, there is no such thing as the sovereign! For a time, everyone was not restrained. However, with all kinds of fruit, food, and bigmouth fish, savory meat, monkey wine, and sautéed corn rice, the atmosphere gradually became warm.

"According to the legend, there is a more endless world outside of our endless universe."

After drinking the wine, everyone slowly let go. When Qinqin asked what was going on in the original catastrophe, everyone would tell it, and these people did not experience the catastrophe. hearsay:

"It is rumored that the outside world is a chaotic beast. I didn't know what it was. The sky was broken. Countless chaotic animals came in. This is the catastrophe of the fairy world."


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