Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2305: Holy level gathering

Under the chaos, Xu Ziyan didn't know when he was standing there, and he fired the flames in the air. He punched the past with the chaos that was falling. The chaos suddenly bowed, and the head without the five senses hit the fist of the piano pair.

The fist and the head collided with each other, and the loud noise broke like a catastrophe. At the foot of the piano, the earth cracked into a gap and the body fell toward the gap. The chaotic figure was flew to the sky by the piano.

In the high altitude, Yanshan soul has swooped down, and a big foot stepped down again.

This chaos did not fight hard with Yanshan, and once again became a human figure. In the air and Yanshan soul, it was fast and fast. Just between the two, the two men collided hundreds of times, the space was extremely distorted, and it was impossible to see two people. Normal figure.

Qin double hands in the air, looking at the chaos and Yanshan soul fierce battle, the brow is locked.


As if there was a tumultuous thunder, the piano looked around and saw the sky appearing gray and obscuring the earth.

"Chaotic beast tide!"

Xu Ziyan once again glanced at the Yanshan soul and chaos in the fight. The figure disappeared in place.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan has appeared in front of an endless wave of chaotic beasts. A person stands upright and faintly looks at the chaotic beasts that are pulling the sky.


The endless chaos slammed into the sky and rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Too imaginary!

Hundreds of thousands of monks have a worried color on their faces. In their vision, Xu Ziyan faces a chaotic beast like a sea tide. It is so lonely.

However, without the order of the purple smoke, they did not dare to go out. And they know that it is their own going out, I am afraid that they can't get close to the chaotic beast, because if there is no resistance to the big imaginary squad, they will have been twisted into powder by Yu Wei, who has been fighting with Chaoshan soul and chaos.

Xu Nianzu has never seen her own ancestors, and her eyes are full of worry at this time, looking at the back of the piano. The one who felt the weak back before the endless beast.

Her gaze suddenly shrank, and she saw the space in front of Xu Ziyan suddenly twisted.

Silently distorted!

The endless chaotic beast rushed into the distorted space, and it was twisted into powder, how much it rushed in, and how much it was smashed. The double-handed piano pair is still standing still. But in front of her, the powder is foggy, gradually obscuring the eyes of the person, straight into the sky, like a thick gray barrier.


At the same time, two sighs came out in the sky, and the Yanshan soul and the chaotic figure crossed. Yanshan soul circling back, and the two scorpions shot two swords, like two arcs, and turned to chaos.


Behind the chaos, four wings were born, and they were in front of them, blocking the Jianguang of the Yanshan soul. But Jianguang also left two deep sword marks on the wing.

Chaos was boring, and the wings in front of him suddenly separated. Four feet were born in his chest and abdomen, and they went out to the Yanshan soul. Then they took out four chaotic mountains. The spirit of Yanshan is constantly retreating.

The soul of Yanshan is far away from chaos. Chaos feels that he and the fairy world have been isolated and separated in a separate space. The space suddenly swayed and his body was smashed. A chaotic pattern of gray chaotic lines emerged from the chaotic body, resisting the strangulation of space.

"Cultivating into a realm! But I am chaotic but able to travel through the world!"


His body suddenly came out of the world, and one arm pierced the chest of Yanshan soul, lifting the soul of Yanshan, while the other hand bombarded the sudden appearance of Xu Ziyan.


The two fists collided and the two men flew back. Yanshan soul 眸光古井不波,立掌如刀, cut in the chaotic arm piercing his chest, almost cut off an arm of chaos.


The soul of Yanshan was once on the chaotic chest, and the body came out from the arm piercing his chest. Both of them flew back in the air, their nose and mouth spurted blood, and the big hole in front of Yanshan's soul chest quickly closed and recovered, and the chaotic broken arm was also quickly recovered.


Chaos saw that the Chaos beast was constantly strangled and screamed, and the chaotic beast began to recede. The chaotic figure hovered, the four wings were like a windmill, and the original six feet, in which the four feet turned into an arm, attacked toward the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul circled around chaos, constantly colliding with chaos.

When they got to this repair, all kinds of Taoism lost their power. From the avenue to the simple, it is the law to raise your hand.

Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan each took the power of the world, but the more they hit the brows of two people, the more they wrinkled. The other party has no power in the world, but it has a power that is not weaker than the power of the world.

"What power is this?" Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul moved: "Is this the power of chaos?"

Suddenly a crack opened in the sky, a figure appeared in the air, looking toward the battlefield, a flash of surprise in the eyes, then standing in the air with a negative hand, staring at the battlefield of three people. After a few breaths, the sky broke open a gap, another figure appeared, saw the battlefield, and saw the monk with the hand in the air, the figure came to the monk's side:

"The Lord of Heaven Palace, who is the gray person?"

"do not know!"

His voice did not fall, and three cracks appeared in the sky. Three figures were sold out of the crack. Looking at the three people in the fierce battle, the eyes were all moving, and then they looked at the Tiangong Palace in the starry mainland. The Lord and the left rock of the lost continent. Hand for the ceremony:

"The Lord of Heaven Palace, left friend!"

The Tiangong Palace Lord and Zuo Yan also handed a gift to the Lin Sufeng of the Tiantian Continent and Minghao of the Baizu Continent. Then the five holy monks were standing in the air and looking toward the battlefield. Left Rock sighs one channel:

"Xu Zongzhu is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Yes!" Ming Hao nodded: "I don't know if Xu Zongzhu now has any perception of the realm above!"

The head of the Temple of Heaven is shaking his head: "Who knows if there will be a realm above? This is just our guess."

"Who is that gray person? Xu Zongzhu and Yan Daoyou have joined forces, and they can only fight with each other. In these years, Yanshan soul can break through the holy level, which is shocking enough, where is it again? Come out so a master?"

I didn’t change my face: “How do I feel that there is a kind of chaotic beast on the gray person?”

The other four holy monks also changed their faces, and their eyes locked the gray people.


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