Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2308: Animal tide

In the heart of Sha Baiji, I turned a few hundred circles in an instant, and the look immediately became intimate: "Qin double, since you and the Shaozong are friends, you should go with me too much."

"I will go later, but not now."

Sha Baiji looked at the piano pair seriously and found that the piano double looks firm, not like the appearance of lying. After thinking a little, I asked:

"But for the Kirin Collection?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded, there is nothing to hide.

"Qin double, we are too imaginary exercises but not worse than Kirin Baodian..."

"The sand predecessors, my idea has been set."

"Okay!" Sha Baiji watched the piano for a long time and finally nodded: "I will bring your words to the Sovereign and the Sovereign."

Qin double thought for a moment: "I also give my predecessors and Yan predecessors a good one."

Sha Baiji’s heart jumped: “Have you seen the Sovereign and Yan’s predecessors?”

Qin nodded: "I have seen it!"

Sha Baiji’s heart is jumping wildly. He now wants to know how Qin Qin and Xu Yan’s souls are seen, but when he sees the meaning of Qin double, he doesn’t dare to ask, and Qin double is coming in his heart. The more mysterious. After thinking about it, I looked at the hunting day:

"Hunter, since I am here, I will see Wu Man River."

Hunting in the heart of the sky is a joy, Qin double is a sigh in the heart, these old guys are not given to white, here to see Wu Manhe, it is to tell Wu Manhe, Taixu Zong has been concerned about the piano double, let quite After the barbarian wants to target himself, he has to be a lot of hands. At the very least, I dare not kill myself in a blatant manner. This person is owed.

Fairy world.

The chaotic beasts of various continents began to assemble, chaotic tearing space, shuttled across continents, and every time a continent was reached, the chaotic beast began to attack the Baizu.

Very brutal continent.

The chaotic law shrouded the land, the space cracked a gap, and chaos stepped out from the inside.


He made a long shout, and the sound of the tsunami was endless.

Earth line.

These days, a big feast.

The top leaders of the Terran and the barbarians gathered here because the messengers of the Taizong came. Although Shabaji is just a fairy emperor, it represents Taixu.

When Wu Manhe saw Sha Baiji and Qin bother to talk, he understood the meaning of Sha Baiji. But his heart has a strange, one does not care.

The strange thing is, how does Shabaji leave the barbaric mainland without the piano and go to Taixu?

What I don't care about is that he now knows that the Qinshuang of the Qinshuang is the Tianta that relies on the body to go to the hustle and bustle. So let alone the first in the nine rankings, the first in the ten rankings, then what?

This is clearly cheating!

Therefore, Wu Manhe has not cared about the piano double, although the Qin double has a killing heart, but it has faded a lot. In the future, he will kill the piano double without mercy. If there is no chance, he will not deliberately kill the piano.

In the void.

The chaotic ears moved, and the various sounds of the mainland were taken into the ears by him. There was a bit of interest on his face.

"The first in the Nine Lists is interesting."

His gaze passed through the layers of space, landed in the earth line, and finally fell on the body of the piano.

When Qinqin doubled, he felt that his body was stiff, and only for a moment, the stiff body of the piano recovered, but it was already sweaty.

"who is it?"

In the heart of the piano, the police were stunned, and their eyes were swept away, but they did not get it.

In the void, Chaos put away his gaze.

"The body of Xiandi, it seems that the piano pair can still get a few first. Hehe..."

Chaos tears open the sky and enters the crack. The figure disappears and the crack behind it closes.

A few days later.

Outside the mountain gate of the earth line, everyone sent a message to Sha Baiji to leave. Qin double is also standing behind the hunting sky and other people.

Suddenly, all the monks changed their faces, and the mystery spread out. Everyone’s face is amazed, and the hunting sky is suddenly high:

"The beast tide, open the guardian family!"

Zongmen was caught in a panic, and the guardian ancestors opened up, and a light curtain rose to the sky.

"Hunter, I am waiting to leave!"

The monks from various sects, as well as the barbarians, have left their hearts and left.

Qin double stood in the gate of the mountain and looked out through the guardian array. Numerous Terrans outside are rushing towards this side. It is the Terran inhabited by the surrounding villages. At this time, it has been told that they will withdraw into the soil.

The earth began to vibrate, and it was beginning to be light and more intense. In the field of vision, a gray line appeared on the horizon, then quickly zoomed in, drowning the earth and connecting the sky.

Qin binoculars glanced at the light curtain: "The lord, can this large array be able to stop the beast?"

"There is no problem for a year."

"A year later?"

"Every time the animal tide will not exceed one year, it will be several months." Hunting Tianxing said with a certainty: "And, we will not hide in the big array, since the Chaos beast is sent to the front, how can it not? Kill it?

This is all resources! ”

The double mouth of the piano just wanted to talk, the earth shook, and the entire sect was shaken. The tall chaotic beast, like Wang Yang, has a strong visual impact into the eyes of the piano.

Qin double wrinkled his brows, this kind of animal tide, the big line of the earth line can really resist?

This line of the ancestral ancestor, the piano double just glanced at it, it is known that it is a large array of sects of the sect of the immortal sect. This big squad is no problem to resist the general animal tide, but is this beast tide a general animal tide? ?


A beast, followed by a screaming beast, just this squeak, the earth tumbling like a wave, hitting a large array of earth sects.

"This..." The eyes of Hunting Sky flashed a trace of surprise, but it was just a trace of surprise, then he was confident and full of shouting:

"The disciples listen to orders!"

"In!" The disciples inside and outside the door answered in unison.

"It is time for us to harvest, how much resources we can get, and all of your own battle achievements. The disciples can go out and kill the Chaos Beast at will, and the resulting Chaos Beast will exchange the resources you want according to the rules of the Zongmen."

The disciples of all the disciples were excited. This is the resource that was sent to the door of the house! In the past, I had to form a team. I had to go hunting for chaotic beasts and go deep into the chaotic law. I might have died in a chaotic area.

However, now it is different, just kill the Chaos beast at Zongmenkou. If you are tired or in danger, you can return to Zongmen at any time. After redeeming the resources, you can practice in Zongmen immediately.

This is not a beast, this is to send resources!


The earth waves rolling over the earth, a wave of superimposed waves, rushing into the sky, covering the sky, hitting the big array of guardians. The big array just shook a little, and then recovered calm.


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