Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2331: Fire Phoenix Sword

In the distance, Tianhunxing and others watched the tide of beasts, and from time to time there were still chaos beasts with lower strength that were chopped to death by the thunder. But more Chaos beasts poured into the sea of ​​fire and thunder.

"Is this chaotic beast looking for death?" Haizhen was a little confused.

"No!" Tianhunxing's look became dignified: "Those half-step humans let a large number of chaotic beasts enter the sea of ​​fire and thunder, and each chaotic beast stayed within its own area. So, although it is impossible to catch At any angle where Qin Shuang was able to secretly escape, Qin Shuang will be found if he comes out of it. "

"What then?"

Everyone felt the danger of Qin Shuang in their hearts. When they wanted to come, Qin Shuang must be hiding in the thunder zone of the land respect period, relying on her fairy treasures to resist the fire thunder. But how long can that be?

They will never forget, Qin Shuang almost died under the disaster. Since Qin Shuangding won't be long, it will definitely break out. Once it breaks out, it will fall into the encirclement of countless chaotic beasts, reveal its whereabouts, and then be slain by thirteen and half steps.

"Wait!" Bi Chongtian sighed finally: "Keep an eye on those thirteen and a half steps, it is a big deal that we will use our lives to give Qin Shuang time to escape."

Everyone was silent, the atmosphere was very dignified, and even as time passed, the atmosphere became sad.

Sea of ​​fire and thunder.

Qin Shuang is comprehending the Fire Phoenix Sword Code. She has been comprehending here for a few days. With 80% of the previous comprehension, only 20% was left. Now it is in the sea of ​​fire and thunder that is full of the laws of fire. I did not hesitate to eat the December fruit, but in the past few days, I made up the 20%, and realized the first form of the Fire Phoenix Classic to the completeness of Dao Yun, and began to understand the second form.

At this time, Huo Leiyi found the approaching chaotic beast. With a click, her wings fluttered, and she took Qin Shuang into the depths of Huo Leihai, and suddenly interrupted Qin Shuang's understanding. This gave Qin Shuang a moment of anger, but then he remembered where he was.

"Fire thunder wings, Chaos Beasts come in?"


"Half step respect?"

"No, it's all immortals!"

"Immortal? Stop first, I'll go back and see!"

"Click ..."

Huo Lei wing took Qin Shuang back to the area of ​​human respect, and Qin Shuang's mysticism spread out. She found that they were all chaotic beasts of the immortal period. She stood in the sea of ​​fire and thunder for a while and understood the 13 and a half steps Human respect. There was also an instant decision in her mind.

Here is her home. She can escape into the depths of the sea of ​​fire at any time. The number of Chaos Beasts is large, which is countless times the number of humans and barbarians on the barbaric continent combined, but the number of high-order Chaos beasts is not large. For example, the immortal can kill one, which is a loss of the chaos. That's a good thing.

And for the Qin Shuang who is the peak of the immortal, these immortal-level chaotic beasts are very difficult to hurt themselves. Fanning your wings, you can enter the depths of the sea of ​​fire and thunder in an instant. As long as you are not far away from this area, it is near here. And in combat, it is more beneficial to understand the sword code.

Taoism is not Gongfa, like practiced Gongfa, such as the Fire Phoenix Book, it requires retreating in a very quiet place, and slowly thinking about deduction. However, such methods as Jian Dian used for slaughter can only be realized faster in slaughter. Qin Shuang only made a determination in an instant. She did not use the thunder wing. On the one hand, she wanted to kill the Chaos beast of the fairy emperor here and weaken the strength of the Chaos beast. On the other hand, Chaos Beast is used as a sharpening stone for comprehending the sword code. Therefore, she does not need to attack, she needs to fight with the chaotic beast upright, and she needs more chaotic beasts to give her enough pressure.

"Well ..."

Qin Shuang's body rushed towards an immortal peak, and all who could penetrate into this area were the immortal peak. A little weaker could not get here. Seeing Qin Shuang, the beast of the immortal peak immediately roared, and the roar had a certain rhythm, and then a roar rang not far away, and then another roar. The roar went away, Qin Shuang knew, This is the thirteen and a half-steps of the Chaos Beast.

The best way for Qin to face a chaotic beast at the peak of the Emperor Emperor is to chop the chaotic beast with the exquisite sword with the strength of the body, so as to hurt the chaotic beast. If added to the shock, there is still a chance to kill the opponent within a few rounds. You know this is not a sneak attack, but a face-to-face assault.

However, Qin Shuang did not do this, and even the exquisite sword was useless. Instead, the fire phoenix sword was used, and it was also the fire phoenix sword code. There was no threat to the Chaos Beast, but Qin Shuang suffered huge pressure. He was even hit a few times by the Chaos Beast, very embarrassed.

Of course, the peak of Qin Shuang's body, the Emperor Qin, was hit a few times by the Chaos Beast. Even if she was injured, the injury was not very serious, and she did not delay her in fighting with the Chaos Beast. Under this pressure, Qin Shuang's understanding of the Fire Phoenix Sword has rapidly increased.

Unfortunately, the battle only lasted about two and a half minutes, and Fire Thunder reminded her that thirteen and a half steps came. Qin Shuang fluttered into the depths of the sea of ​​fire and thundered immediately. Then sat cross-legged on the ground, the opponent's battle began to sort out the sediment, and gradually sink into the realization. Fire thunder wings spilled out of the light curtain, covering the piano double.

Fire Thunder Overseas.

Tianhun Xing and others saw thirteen and a half steps of people rushing into the sea of ​​fire and thunder. The look became serious, but they had no way to follow up. It was a death hunt, and they didn't even know where Qin Shuang was. Wasn't it dead?

There was only one party waiting anxiously.

Besides, those thirteen and a half steps came to the place where Qin Shuang fought. Only then did they learn from the mouth of the immortal chaotic beast that Qin Shuang ran away again. These thirteen and a half-step people thought for a while, they didn't go out at all, they backed up a little, and hid in the sea of ​​fire and thunder, not far from the peak of the immortal. I thought they would be able to surround them as soon as the doubles came out.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Deep in the sea of ​​fire and thunder, Qin opened his eyes, and a little regret flashed in his eyes. The second form of the Fire Phoenix Sword was almost complete. If people came slowly in the first half of the step and gave themselves a few more breaths, maybe they would realize it.

Mysterious knowledge spread out, and the power of solidifying mystery with Qi Qin's double seventy-seven, soon she discovered the thirteen and a half-step human race. Qin Shuang shook his head. Most of the Chaos Beasts have no IQ, but once they break through the fairy king, wisdom will be born. The stronger the strength, the stronger the wisdom. However, it is still worse than human race.


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