Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2341: Leave alone

Fortunately, there are enough inheritances of Xueqin.

The hall was extremely silent, and everyone didn't know where Qin Shuang closed his eyes and did what? What do you want to do?

After more than an hour, Qin Shuang took out a jade bamboo slip and began to transfer the exercises into the jade bamboo slip. After half a quarter of an hour, Jade Jane was placed again with her eyes closed. After more than half an hour, Qin Shuang took out another jade slip again, and after transferring the exercises, he put it aside and stopped moving. This time was longer. After more than two hours passed, Qin Shuang took out the third jade bamboo slip and started to transport.

Qin opened her eyes and flicked her fingers, and three jades flew to three monks with ease. The three hunters hurriedly caught Yu Jian and looked at Qin Shuang.

"Three masters of the temple, this is my exercise method for you. You can continue to cultivate on the basis of your present, and you can continue to cultivate to Heaven."

The three people who hunted for the sky looked for a while, and then madly explored their own mystery into Yujian.

After an hour, the three of them recovered mysterious knowledge one after another and looked at Qin Shuang in shock. They didn't know that it was a coincidence of Qin Shuangji's coincidence, and they started to use it for a few hours, based on their follow-up, a follow-up method.

This follow-up exercise is really in line with their previous practice.

If it was the coincidence of the two pianos, they did n’t even believe it. How could there be such a coincidence? Opportunity coincides with one piece of work, which is already against the sky. How can chance coincide with three forms of work?

However, if so many hours have passed, Qin Shuang has deduced the follow-up of three exercises, which is even more shocking and unbelievable.

They didn't dare to ask, but Qin Shuang was even more mysterious in their eyes!

Mysteriously, they gave birth to a little fear besides worship.

The three stood up and bowed to the ground, "Thank you, Lord!"

Qin double waved her hands, took out a storage ring, put the nine altars that were retained when the chaotic vein was collected, and then handed the storage ring to the hunting skywalk: "Elder Hunt, there are nine Altar, you find a place to put it, this time to resist the tide of beasts, should you get a lot of chaotic beasts? "

"Yes!" Tian Tianxing concluded the storage ring.

Qin Shuang looked at Li Tianxing and found the storage ring, and suddenly thought, the current town demon tower breaks down a chaotic vein, which is about ten days, and the interval is only one year. The current town demon tower can completely decompose a chaotic vein.

And ... I still have a time Yuanzhu that has not been integrated into the town demon tower. If it is merged into this Yuanzhu, it is estimated that the time will be short.

I don't want anymore! Qin Shuang looked at the Hunting Road:

"There are nine altars in it, find a place to place them, and then continuously break down the chaotic beasts and break down the materials on them into usable materials. When I come back, set up a large array of guardians."


The spirit of Li Tianxing refreshed, but he knew the strength of Qin Shuang array. If the Tuxing line had a large array like Xingyuefeng at that time, they would not be afraid of animal tide at all.

"Now the Zongmen is your five elders and the five temple masters discussing everything. Zongmen's merger, reorganization, establishment of the merit hall, mission hall, etc., as well as the division of the Zongmen welfare level, you look at the arrangements. By the way, aren't you going to help Shangyuan continent? "


"You go first, I still have some things to deal with, and I will go there by myself. OK, I'm gone!"

Luo Shuiliu wanted to speak, vetoing Qin Shuang's idea of ​​going to Shangyuan Continent, but at this time Qin Shuang's majesty prevented her from speaking. In a short time, Qin Shuang had stepped out of the door, and the thunder wings flapped, turning into a flash of lightning and disappearing.

Within a day, Qin Shuang appeared at the gate of the barbarous city. This time she walked into the city gate brightly and headed towards the tower. Taking the repair of her sixth-tier peak of the Immortal Emperor now, she is not an opponent of the Wuman River, but if Qin Shuang wants to leave, with her body and the speed of the fire thunder wings now, let alone Wuman River, Even if there were more Wuman Rivers, she couldn't keep her.

Although Qin Shuang only has the sixth floor of the Emperor's Emperor, relying on the body can also open up the floor of the Emperor's Tower. She must come to the tower once before leaving the barbarous continent. On the one hand, I want to get a earthen bead for the minefield, so it must be that the minefield can be promoted to half a step later. The other is to understand. After all, I do n’t know how long it will take to assist the Shangyuan continent from the barbarous continent. It is estimated that such a large-scale immortal warfare will last for a hundred years.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Qin Shuang was noticed, and the news immediately reached the high level of the barbarians, uploading it layer by layer. When Qin Shuang reached the tower, the news had reached the Wuman River.

A pair of eyes looked away at Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang immediately felt those eyes. She stood in front of the door of the tower and did not rush in, but turned her head to meet the eyes.

There was a flash of surprise in Wumanhe's heart. After a few years of absence, Qin Shuang turned out to be the peak of the sixth floor of Xianhuang. This caused a strong killing in his mind. Qin Shuang felt that the eyes had become astonishing, and the corners of his mouth were raised upwards, revealing a smile.

Wu Manhe felt a moment in his mind, he remembered the legend about Qin Shuang.

Relying on Tianjie, he dragged five and a half steps into the sky, and gave death to the five and a half steps.

This is a cruel man!

It ’s ruthless, but five and a half steps were dead, but she lived.

What does this mean?

This shows that Qin Shuang is not a reckless person. She must be sure of what she dares to do, at least 80%.

There are also teachings that once there were thirteen and a half steps of people going to kill Qin Shuang, and finally Qin Shuang came back alive, and those 13 and a half steps were gone!

Such a person, unprepared, came to the territory of the barbarians with a big carelessness?

Wumanhe doesn't believe it!

And this time the beast tide, the human race is because of this Qin double, has solved eighteen and a half steps of human respect, so that the people quickly gained the upper hand, driving out the beast tide. Then the Terrans took a lot of resources from the Barbarians, before they were willing to assist the Barbarians.

Resources are still a trivial matter. The key is that this time the barbarians did not have freaks like Qin Shuang, and resolved eighteen and a half steps. Therefore, the barbarians lost huge amounts of beast tide this time, that is, the Emperor Emperor has fallen by twenty-seven. Compared with the human race, it has no advantage in terms of strength.

For such an important person, will the Terran be assured that she is here alone?

Is it possible that the immortal Emperor of the human race is hiding in the dark, waiting for the barbarians to play against Qin Shuang, and then use this as a handle to blackmail the barbarians again?


Thank you so much for the rewards of james (200), seaphay (100), and blue magic stone (100)!



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