Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2343: Startled

"Okay!" Hua Taixiang came to the side of the road and lay on the ground: "Sister, do you really care? This is the most chaotic world I have ever seen."

Qin Shuang stowed the town demon tower and smiled, "It's not that easy to manage. If you want to manage, then you must be fair and just, and ask the cause of the fighting between the two sides, even the robber who killed the treasure. Can you guarantee that they did not find a reasonable excuse in advance? It will be a waste of time, more than waiting here for their fierce end.

And the current environment is beyond control. "

As he said, Qin Shuang looked forward. At this time, a fierce assault was going on.

There is another important reason why Qin Shuang doesn't care is that both sides of the killing are human. At this moment monks from one ethnic group were besieging monks from the other, releasing the sound of Taoism, injured screams, angry curses, wild laughter, mixed together, and abnormal chaos.

Perhaps Qin Shuang arrived here late, and one monk has already taken advantage. So Qin Shuang did not wait long, and the previous battle was over.

However, the winning side did not quickly slash the opponent or rob the opponent's resources quickly, but surrounded the remaining monks, pointed and laughed.

Qin Shuang frowned gradually, because the laughter in front of him continued for a quarter of an hour, but still did not disappear. Qin Shuang was a little impatient, raised her head and patted Hua Taixiang's head gently, and Hua Taixiang stood up and walked forward.

Gradually, more than twenty people appeared in Qin Shuang's field of vision. These twenty people surrounded the city in a circle, pointed and pointed at the circle, and kept laughing.

"This robber is really unprofessional! Everything is for resources, shouldn't it be whistling, whistling away? Why are you still playing here?"

Qin Shuang sat on the back of Hua Taixiang and looked lazily at the back of more than twenty people.

On the ground were the bodies of more than twenty monks. At this time, there were only three people who could stand in the encirclement. All three were women. Among the three, a young man was sitting cross-legged and very injured Heavy look.

At this time, the three women were holding the fairy soldiers to protect the young man in the middle, but everyone's face was very pale, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

Among the twenty monks who surrounded them, a tall monk was obviously their head. At this moment there was a nun under his feet.

The female repairing her nose and nose was bleeding continuously, her body was soft and she had lost her ability to resist.

The tall monk stared cruelly at the pale woman on the opposite side, with one foot stepping on one leg of the nun under the foot, one hand holding the other leg of the nun, slowly tearing Then he slowly tore the nun in half.


The nun's mouth began to scream screams.

Twenty monks around him had cruel and teasing smiles on their faces, and looked at the three pale women and surrounded them tightly.

The immortal soldiers in these monks' hands are almost all subordinates. Only the leader is holding a middle-class immortal sword, and his body is also worn out, giving a low-level adventure team feeling.

Slowly tearing the nun ’s head on the ground, her ears suddenly moved, and she stopped to tear the nun ’s hand.

The woman no longer felt pain. She cried "whine", her nose and tears oozing.

The leader turned his head and looked at the big dog who walked over without getting sick.

It is over five meters long, golden retriever, and prestigious. On the back of the big dog, a lazy woman sat, looking faintly at this side.

At this time, the three women surrounded by them showed hope in their eyes and looked at Qin Shuang.

A woman holding the hand of the fairy sword clenched suddenly, it seemed to want to take advantage of the surrounding monks, attracted by that person and a dog, to break out. Was gently pressed by one hand.

The woman turned her head and looked at the woman holding her hand, her gaze revealed madly:

"Anyway, die, fight it. Do you want to be humiliated by them before being killed?"

The woman holding her hand, looking at the gap between the robbers, looked at the piano double, whispered softly:

"Our mission is to protect the son, and we cannot give up. As long as the son's poison is resolved, we have hope."

"Yes, as long as the son wakes up, killing them is like killing chickens," said the third woman.

"Go and see!" The robber chief shook his head at a monk beside him.

The monk nodded, turned to face Qin Shuang, and stretched out a hand:


However, the big dog Huataixiang didn't stop, the frequency of the steps didn't change at all, and they still walked towards those people unhurriedly.

Qin Shuang still sat lazily on the back of Hua Taixiang, looking lazily at the monk on the opposite side.

The chief glanced at the harp pair, and his eyes appeared dignified. Qin Shuang's look was too lazy, and it seemed as if he was watching some ants. He immediately released the hand holding the woman's ankle and greeted the Qin Shuang with seven or eight monks.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. Although there was only Qin Shuang on the opposite side, he couldn't see through each other. The cruel smile on his face disappeared, and he sang:

"Friend, let's do business here, save face, wait a little while, let's make friends."

Qin Shuang just wanted to speak, but suddenly closed his mouth. Then he heard the sound of the hunting and hunting coming behind him.

"Pump ..."

A blood-red shadow, like a blood line, moves from near to far, very quickly. When the blood-red figure passed by the sides of the piano, it suddenly burst out, showing a clear figure.

It was a middle-aged man in a blood-red robe. The white part of his eyes was a little red.

The man looked at Qin Shuang, seemed to be confirming something, and then arched toward Qin Shuang:

"May I help you kill all those who are blocking the way?"

Then he saw his eyes turned to the robbers, and the faint red in his eyes gradually became denser.

Qin Shuang looked at him curiously, and could feel a trace of magic in his body. However, the blood robe monk in front of him was a human race, not a demon race.

"Who are you?" Qin Shuang asked lazily.


Before waiting for the monk in the blood robe to answer, he exclaimed in horror at the robber leader on the opposite side. He was startled by Qin Shuang.

It was really startled!

Not because the robber's leader had a loud voice, but because he heard the words "Blood Demon".


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