Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2352: Outside the city

Under the bright moonlight, a young man in a white robe stood against a fence. The black hair was touched by the night breeze. Although the appearance was ordinary, it gave a calm feeling.

The young man held the wine glass in one hand, and looked out against the bar. He heard the footsteps behind him, looked back, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Qin Shuang smiled, "Sorry to bother you."

"It doesn't matter!" The young man shook his head: "Master Qin doesn't like the noisy environment?"

"Yeah!" Qin Shuang came to the railing and looked up at the bright moon in the sky: "I like tranquility."

The young man nodded in agreement and said, "I also like tranquility, so that my heart and the road are closer."

Qin Shuang smiled, didn't talk anymore, put the wine glass on the railing, and looked down.

Under the bright moonlight, the entire city has been quiet, and there are no pedestrians on the street. Where they are, on a mountain built in the middle of the new city, standing on the third floor balcony, you can look out of the city. See the endless forest.

In the darkness, there seems to be light on and off, one after another. And on the move.

"Those are the eyes of the Chaos Beast!" The young man whispered.

"Are there many chaotic beasts outside the city?" Qin Shuang asked casually.

"Yeah! So the teams from all sides come together in the new city, and then go together." The youth explained.

"Master Wucheng ... from that sect?"

"Cang Lanzong!" There was a touch of respect in the eyes of the youth: "The Lord of Wucheng is very powerful!"

"Cang Lanzong, one of the nine gates!"

There was a hint of pride on the youth's face, which was keenly perceived by Qin Shuang, and he laughed:

"Dao You are also Cang Lanzong?"

"Hmm!" The young man placed the wine glass on the railing and arched his hands towards Qin: "Cang Lanzong has seen Qin Suze in peace."

Qin Shuang laughed and said, "The name of Daoyou is not wrong."

Tranquil laughed too, and he laughed very charmingly and quietly. After a few chats, the two of them calmed down, looking at the distance under the moonlight, enjoying the moment of peace.

After about two and a half minutes, Qin Shuang took the lead to break the silence: "Ning Daoyou, what is the situation in Shangyuan now?"

"It's messy!" Tranquility sighed softly: "Those chaotic beasts rushed out of the chaos zone, and many customs were lost. Although the chaotic beasts suffered huge casualties, the human race has been in operation for more than 100,000 years. Almost crashed. "

"How about the hundreds?"

"Some monks from hundreds of continents have ended the beast tide of their continent and rushed over."

The two remained silent until the banquet was over. Qin Shuang stepped out of the gate and slowly walked down the mountain to the city. She didn't go back to practice, she didn't want to practice tonight, she just relaxed herself. Let Zhong Yu and the young man go back, she walked alone in the gradually empty street.

Tomorrow, it is estimated that the strengths of the parties converging to the new city will be convened for consultations. When the forces join together, they will definitely choose an ally. Qin Shuang did not fight for the mind of the alliance leader, she now puts her mind on understanding the Xuanwu Sword.

Unconsciously, he stood behind the daughter's wall at the city head and looked out of the city.

After thinking for a moment, she jumped from the top of the city. She wanted to explore the surroundings in advance. The art master was bold, and she was not afraid to be caught by Chaos Beast.

All the way forward, long walk, after more than an hour, she stood on the bank of a large river, bright moonlight sprinkled on the river, sparkling.

Qin Shuang frowned suddenly and squatted down by the river. Looked towards the river.

There are many slapfish swimming in the river. Qin Shuang suddenly volleyed towards Hanoi.

"Wow ..."

A gray fish was caught by Qin Shuang.

"Ka-K-K-K ..."

The fish held in Qin's hands kept opening his mouth to bite, and the sharp teeth up and down shone in the cold light in the moonlight.


As soon as Qin Shuang exerted a little force, the fish in his hand was pinched and burst of chaos radiated.

"Fish is already infected? Start to transform towards Chaos Beast!"


Qin Shuang stood up, and the uneasiness in his heart floated. If the law of chaos can change the creatures of the original immortal world, wouldn't it always destroy the unclean chaotic beast?

As soon as he stepped in the void, Qin Shuang crossed the river and continued to move forward.

The ground beneath my feet lost a familiar smell of soil, and I walked with a rustling sound under my feet.

There was a layer of gray in the field of vision, which was a layer of gray mist. Qin Shuang looked up into the distance, and at the foot of it was a stepped out dirt road that stretched forward and finally disappeared into the gray mist.


got windy!

The wind didn't blow off the gray mist, it just made the gray mist start to flow, like a gray river, Qin Shuang frowned while walking forward, because she found that the gray mist became more and more dense. .

She reached out a hand, but could not feel the wetness of the mist, and looked back, the new city had been drowned by the gray mist and could not see a shadow.

Qin Shuang looked up at the dim shadow of the moon, took a deep breath, and the cold air entered the lungs. The whole person was awake a lot, recovered his gaze, and moved on.

Qin Shuang seems to be in a foggy sea, but it is not white, but gray.

At this time, the Qin Shuang had lost its direction, and did not even know the direction of the new city. However, Qin Shuang was not in a hurry. Disorientation is only a visual problem. She is not too far away from the new city. Once she releases mystic knowledge, she will quickly find the new city.

The sound of the leaves blowing by the gust of wind came over lazily. Qin Shuang stopped and looked around. There were no trees around. This seemed to be a small grassland with lots of grass but no trees. Where did the wind blow the sound of leaves?

Qin Shuang couldn't help being alarmed, and was instantly creepy. Because she heard it, the sound of the wind blowing leaves was coming from behind her. I just came from there, where did the tree come from?

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shuang turned slowly, the sky was still gray, and a misty moon rendered mystery, making the light look very dim.

Qin opened her eyes wide. Behind her, where she had just walked, was less than ten meters away from her. At this time, an irregular crack appeared, like a lightning, standing on the ground meandering. It is only three meters high and about one meter wide.

Through the crack, Qin Shuang could see a green forest and clear sky inside.

The wind kept blowing, the branches were swaying, and the leaves were rustling.


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