Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2354: Looking for someone

Qin nodded, but did not speak. The man groaned for a moment and said, "I am Yutian. The jade you have ever seen is my obsession."

"The senior?"

Yutian smiled slightly: "Do you want to ask me if I am dead or alive now?"

Qin Shuang's face looked awkward, but Yu Tian smiled lightly: "What do you think?"

Qin Shuang shook his head slightly, "I can't see it."

"Hehe ..." Yutian's eyes showed appreciation: "If you don't see it, you have doubts in your heart. In your realm, you can doubt my new life and have a good vision."

In Qin Shuang's heart, a little dissatisfaction was born, and in my heart, I secretly said that my cultivation is a good fairy emperor, but my mysterious power absolutely reached Xianzun. At the very least it is the period of human respect, how high is your cultivation?

Tianzun is the limit?

"Coo ..."

The tea boiled, and Yu Tian picked up the teapot, poured a cup for Qin Shuang, and got himself a cup. Then like Qin Shuangsu handwriting:


"Thank you!"

Qin doubled up the tea cup, took a slow sip, and when his eyes lighted up, he took a cup of tea and drank it, then closed his eyes.

At this moment, she felt that it was not her own understanding, but the avenue that became extremely clear. As if that avenue is evolving in front of his eyes, this is a completely different effect than the December fruit. Knowing that the opportunity was rare, Qin Shuang did not evade Yutian, and took out a December fruit serving directly, immersed in comprehension.

In just half an hour, the efficacy of Wudao Tea disappeared. Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and joy fluttered between his eyebrows. For a short time, Qin Shuang realized the Xuanwu Sword Code in the third form.

"Good tea!" Qin Shuang could not help admiring. Then he arched toward Yutian and said, "Including the last time, the junior has received the favor of the predecessor twice."

"Come!" Yutian stood up and said, "I haven't worked with people for a long time, let's discuss it with both of us. Well, we don't use Taoism first, we use the power of the body."

"it is good!"

Two people came to the open space, Yu Tian with one hand behind his back and one hand extended to Qin Shuang:


"The junior offended!"


As soon as Qin stepped on her right foot, her body rushed out and punched Yutian.

A simple punch contains surging power. As soon as Yu Tian's eyes lighted, she stretched out a fist and greeted Qin Shuang's fist lightly.


The two fists collided together, and Qin Shuang felt a violent attack on his arm, and the figure could not help but take a step back, and his entire arm was numb.

"So strong!"

Qin Shuang jumped violently in her heart. You should know that she is now a person with the highest level of strength, but she was repelled by the other side.

Qin Shuang immediately vibrated and superimposed the strength of the body, and blasted to the past with a punch towards Yutian.

Yutian greeted him with a flutter.


The two fists collided, and this time Qin Shuang took two steps backwards. She couldn't help but stand still. This could not be beaten. The other party only requested to use the strength of the body to learn, and her strength was obviously inferior to the other. What else could this be?

"Nice!" Yutian nodded and said, "Xian Huang's cultivation behavior has a human body, and you are in good condition. Come, let go and fight, and use all your skills."

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang thought for a while, but did not take out the immortal soldiers, but pointed at the sword like a sword, and stabbed it out.

"I didn't read it wrong, you are Wulinggen!"

Yutian's eyes were brighter, and she reached out her hand and held it lightly, and then crushed the five elements that Qin Shuang released. Then wave your hand:

"Okay, no need to learn. Let's talk!"

Qin Shuang was very frustrated. This was the first time she had been so helpless since she began to cultivate. In front of Yu Tian, ​​she was completely crushed. She even had a feeling in her heart. If Yu Tian wanted to kill herself, a finger would Can crush myself.

The two sat on the stone bench again, and Yu Tian looked at Qin Shuang:

"Do you know why this beast tide is so big?"

"I don't know!" Qin shook his head.

"This has to be said a long time ago!" Yu Tian seemed to be caught in the memory, Qin Shuang didn't bother, but just waited quietly until Yu Tian solved his mystery.

At half a moment, Yutian exhaled softly: "I'm sorry, people are old and always willing to remember."

Qin Shuang shook her head slightly, without speaking. Yutian continued:

"About 100,000 years ago, at that time, the immortal world was only the Shangyuan continent, and the hundreds of continents had not yet returned. There were five holy masters in the whole Shangyuan continent. Exalted with the sun and the moon, and with the heaven and the earth. "

Qin Shuang's eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes appeared shocked. Xu Ziyan's figure flashed in his heart.

"Originally above Heaven, there is a Holy Order! Then ... Is Xu Ziyan a Holy Order?"

"These five people are Immortal Master, Demon Master, Demon Master, Evil Master, and Kui Tian."

Hearing the name of the demon master, Qin Shuang could not help but jump sharply. It turned out that the demon master turned out to be a holy master monk, but he didn't think how powerful he was!

They were all swallowed by Xiaoru, and then sealed by Confucian books.

But this jade is so good that he is not his opponent at all, would he not be one of the five holy master monks?

"I'm the master of the fairy!" Yu Tian smiled.


"Later, another monk broke through to the Holy Order. You should know her name. Her name is Xu Ziyan."


"Her husband is called Yanshan Soul, and she is the evil master!"


"Later, hundreds of continents returned, and there were more holy monks!"


And just then, the catastrophe came. Numerous huge cracks appeared before heaven and earth, and countless chaotic beasts poured in from outside the sky.

"As you can see now, in the end we defeated the Holocaust and the cracks disappeared. However, a large number of monks have fallen. I don't know how other holy monks. "

"Fallen?" Qin Shuang exclaimed: "you now ..."

"My body was shattered, completely turned into powder, and I couldn't find a trace of it. Now I am just a combination of Yuanshen and Xianqi. This space is where I opened up and used to survive. You ... … Do you know any holy monks who are still alive? "

"I ... I only know that Xu is still alive. Oh, I have seen a man beside him."

"In a black robe?"


"That's the evil master. Their lives are really big!"

Both were silent and half-sounded, and Yutian said again: "For more than 100,000 years, I have been looking for someone."


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