Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2357: Exhausted

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, and the thoughts in her heart moved into a stream of light into the Confucian classics and into the body of Xiao Confucianism. The chain of six rules appeared from the realm and swooped towards the master of the fairy. The tail of the chain of the law stays in the realm, and a large mouth is formed on the head, which bites on the body of the immortal, and the power of the mystery is pulled away by the chain of the law and led into the realm.

There was a buzzing sound from the immortal body, and the body shook, and the six immortal emperor's chains were vibrated, and then two large hands were born from his back. When he took the six legal chains and swooped over, he grasped towards the law's chain. Passed. However, the six rules of the chain did not slip, and kept dodging and attacking. Although he didn't bite Xianzhu any more, it interfered with Xianzhu, letting Xianzhu absorb the demon master's speed again by 10%, and absorbed the master's speed by 80%.

The immortal master knew that Qin Shuang was interfering with him and could not help hurting him. He only wanted to interfere with him and let him absorb the demon master's rate of decline. It was better to be able to hold on with the demons.


The immortal master pouted his lips. A little fairy emperor can do this step, which is already the apex. What other means can he use?

Although the speed of absorbing the Lord is reduced, this will not change the final result, it is only a matter of time.

My luck is really good!

Originally thought that it would take at least a million years to recover. Now that the Lord is absorbed, it can be recovered within 10,000 years. If I win the Qin Double, within a thousand years, I will be able to return to the Holy Order.

Xiaoru's space.

Xiao Ru's figure suddenly appeared, exuding a mighty light, holding a Confucian book in his hand.

This is the Confucian heart of Xiao Confucianism. Within the Confucian Shu, Xiao Confucianism is revealed in his body. He keeps turning the Confucian Books, and every time he turns a page, Confucianism is released and he bombards the fairy master. There was a smile on the corner of the fairy's mouth.

"This should be the last resort of Qin Shuang!"

His hair was broken by dozens, and then each hair turned into a black dragon, which circled around the body of the immortal master, blocking the Confucianism released by Xiaoru. Even so, the speed at which he absorbed the Lord of Masters dropped to 70%, but this did not affect the results, only the extension of time.

As soon as Qin Shuang was thinking, in the soul space, the earth soul came out of the soul of the soul, reached out to the sea, and the soul-refining lamp in the hands of the Fire Phoenix Primal God turned into a stream of light and fell into the hands of the earth soul.

The next moment, the earth soul has appeared in the Tao heart. The mysterious door at the heart of the eyebrow of the spirit opens, and the earth soul flows into a stream of light. Inside the mysterious gate, a huge Confucian book stood there. When the earth soul came in holding the soul-refining lamp, it opened a gap and the earth soul poured in.

Xiaoru space.

The earth soul came along holding the refining soul lamp, and with one finger, a trace of refining soul fire was picked out from the refining soul lamp, and it was directed towards the Lord of Immortals. Immortal's face changed. Both ears fell off their heads, and instantly became larger, like two large fan, constantly fanning, flying the fire of the soul-refining fire picked up by the earth soul, but the fan did not destroy the fire of soul-refining.

This took up another energy of him, he has only 60% of the speed to absorb the Lord, occupying a slight advantage. This caused the master of the fairy to start to panic slightly. If it is weakened by 10%, his battle with the Lord will not have any advantage at all.


One must be resolved immediately!

The immortal master did not take the instrument of Qin Shuang as a thing before, but also played it to Qin Shuang, so that he could clearly see the potential of Qin Shuang, which would also be of great benefit to his practice after winning the house. However, he did not expect that Qin Shuang's means are constantly emerging, and Xianzhu has begun to threaten him.

However, he was only a little flustered, and now he has a 10% advantage in his battle with the Lord. As long as he splits this advantage, he stalemates with the demon master first, and splits up his energy first to kill Qin Shuang as a means ...

Do not!

Simply kill all the means to kill you first!

Kill that Soul Refining Lamp first!

"Click ..."

Suddenly it lights up in Xiaoru's space, and the look of the immortal master is a look. What does he see?

What is this again?

He saw a monster with twelve arms, some of them holding Thunder Vortex, some with big seals, and some with various immortals. Then they saw big seals, and a lot of immortals attacked him.

Qin Shuang also transferred Wu Xiang in.

"Hisse ..."

The two eyes of the immortal lord came out of his eyes and turned into two mirrors. They circled around the body, releasing rays of light, blocking the seals, thunder, and pieces of fairyware blocking the outside, and Wu Xiangji Fight together.


The immortal master is almost crying!

He now has a share of energy, and the speed of absorption has dropped by 10%. Now, he and the Lord have become evenly matched, and no one can do anything.


The immortal master thought for a while, thinking that this is not the way to go. He and the demon can't help anyone now. In this way, maybe Qin Shuang took the advantage instead, and they want to reach an agreement with the demon.

"Don't think about it!"

Before the master said, the master knew the mind of the master. But he couldn't agree.

Fight with Xianzhu, and Xianzhu will immediately clean up the Qin Shuang, and then win the house successfully. At that time, the Lord was not the flesh on the chopping board?

How do you want to be pinched by the master?

He is also very heartbroken now, and he fights with Xianzhu, the final result must be refining by Xianzhu. Continued stalemate with the Master of the Immortal, and it is likely to end up being cheap.

However, Qin Shuang's threat is much smaller than that of Xianzhu anyway, so he still chooses to join forces with Qin Shuang.



Qin Shuang exhaled a long breath and sat up from the ground. The whole shirt was soaked, as if it had just been removed from the water.

Her face was extremely pale, and she got up from the ground, her figure stunned. Taking a deep breath again, his face became gloomy. Now the situation is very complicated, the master of the fairy, the master of the master and themselves form a delicate balance. But who knows when this balance will be broken?

The other party is the Lord of the Immortals, who knows what else can be done?

The Lord can be ignored for the time being, the Lord is very weak now. Therefore, we must further suppress Xianzhu, but how to suppress it further?

As soon as Qin Shuang's heart moved, the heavenly soul in the soul space came out of the soul of the soul. With a volley, the soul-slicing sword lying on the knees of the soul was caught by the soul.

Xiaoru space.

The immortal master was really flustered. He is now under siege by the demon master, spirit, Xiaoru, Wuxiang, earth soul, and siege. If Qin Shuang still has the means ...


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