Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2372: Siege

Qin Shuang shook his head: "My Five Elements Sovereign now!"

"Zongzhu? Five elements?" Xu Nianzu said suddenly.

"Not in the Shangyuan continent, the first door of the savage continent!"

Xu Nianzu shook his head with a bitter smile: "No matter where you appear, there are always amazing things. You didn't expect that you could break out of the world on the barbaric continent. However, the barbaric continent is not the center of the human race after all, cultivation there The environment, as well as the heritage and heritage, are far too different from the Shangyuan continent, and too different from Taixu Zong.

Too fierce, but the only super super gate in the whole fairyland! "

Qin Shuang gently shook his head.

The barbaric continent is not a barren land. It used to be the place where the emperor lived, but it began to become barren after the collapse of the fairyland. But how could the land of the emperor have no background?

It's just that the details haven't been dug out yet!

Over the years of the Five Elements, she has discovered the differences between the Five Elements. No matter whether it is the Five Kinds of Swords or the Five Kinds of Treasures, they are not ordinary things. With a place like the Five Elements Sect, how could it be simple in the wild continent?

not to mention……

Xu Nianzu is a dragon and phoenix among people, and he is also a dragon and phoenix among people. If he stays at the same gate, there is no doubt that the chance of the gate is inclined to Xu Nianzu.

This chance is not a resource, but a chance that the monk has encountered in his life, or the only chance he encountered. You don't need to think about this kind of chance, too Xuzong will definitely give it to Xu Nianzu.

In this case, it's better to go outside yourself, no matter what the chance, you can grab it and grab it! Instead of being robbed at Tai Xuzong.

Qin Shuang looked at Xu Nianzu and saw that her eyebrows were a little more majestic than when she was in the spirit world. Qin Shuang knew that such majesty would surely increase with each passing day.

This majesty will cause her to become a decisive existence. If two people encounter an opportunity at the same time, Xu Nianzu will not tolerate herself to **** her opportunity. In the face of the opportunity on the avenue, she will definitely kill Qin double, seize the opportunity.

What about yourself?

Qin Shuang smiled, how could he give up in front of the road opportunity?

Without this decisive, what kind of immortal cultivation?

Both of them are daughters, but they are heroic!

And the two people counted seriously, only counted as cherished love, not close friends. If Qin Shuang and Xu Kaiyun met the opportunity of the avenue, Qin Shuang would still hesitate, but with Xu Nianzu, she would not hesitate at all.

Presumably Xu Nianzu is the same!

"How long will you stay here?" Qin Shuang forcibly changed the subject.

Xu Nianzu did not continue the idea of ​​the original topic, and his face became calm: "I will leave when I kill that human chaos beast. This time I come here to clear the beast tide of the edge gate and the city, and then Monks and city monks continued to assist Tai Xuzong. The final decisive battle was not here, but in Tai Xuzong. "

Qin nodded, no more words.

At this point, the battle around Mucheng has ended, the monks are hunting down the running chaotic beasts, and there are a lot of corpses of chaotic beasts on the ground. The ground can no longer be seen. .

After half a day, monks began to return one after another. Qin Shuang took Xu Nianzu to his place of residence.

After three days.

Mu Yong returned with the two men, who was chaotic beasts, and had been beheaded by three men. Although Mu Yong is respected, he is still very kind to Xu Nianzu. Xu Nianzu and Mu Yong talked separately for two quarters and left.

At this time in Qin Shuang's room, there were also high friends. Li Tianxing, Bi Chongtian, Hai Zhen, Yang Yuzhu and Luo Shuiliu all sat in the room. The siege of Mucheng has been cracked. They don't know whether the next action will be unified or individual action. Where are they going to help?

So, they gathered here together, waiting for Qin Shuang's order.

The Five Elements Sect is the largest sect of the Barbarians, and is the leader of the Barbarians. Therefore, the Five Elements Sect is not only leading the monks of the Five Elements Sect, but also the ethnic monks of the entire barbaric continent.

"Elder Hunt!" Qin Shuang looked at Li Tianxing: "How many monks did we come to? How many are left now?"

Tian Xingxing's face became bleak: "At the beginning, we gathered more than 6 million monks at the passage, and these 6 million monks were all over the Celestial Period. It can be said that almost 80% of the strength of the barbarous mainland people . Now there are only more than 2 million monks.

The Barbarians are similar to us, but Wuman River will not be with us, because it is impossible for us to gain command of the Five Elements, and it is impossible for us to give command to him. "

"How strong are these two million monks?"

"It's all above Luo Tianxianxian. The monks in Tianxian period either broke through to Luotianxianxian or they have fallen."

Qin Shuang looked sad. In such a war, the first thing to die was to become a low monk.

Qin Shuang took out a storage ring and handed it to Hunting Street: "Here are some elixirs, send those monks, ten per person."


The five people who hunted Tianxing took a sip of air-conditioning. There were more than two million monks. Each person had ten elixir, that is, more than two thousand.

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "I have everything else, the least is elixir. Tell the monks, as long as they strive to kill the enemy, I will not give them here.

Qin Shuang knew very well that if he was a holy monk, he could freely move between the sky and the earth. Even Tianzun doesn't care about his own safety.


He is just a small fairy emperor. In such a large-scale war in the whole fairyland, one's power becomes very small. If you want to survive this war without knowing how long it will last, you must have your own strength and countless monk guards around you to survive.

However, every monk, no matter the monk of that race, wants to survive. Most monks do not have such a status as Qin Shuang. As the master of a suze, they naturally have a force under their command. So what about monks who have no strength?

Improve practice, as high as possible, as quickly as possible.

In today's environment, whoever can bring them to survive is more likely, who can give them cultivation resources, make them as high as possible, improve cultivation as quickly as possible, they will condense around whom.

These two million monks, originally from the barbarous continent, have a natural awe of the Five Elements, and it can be said that the status of the Five Elements has given Qin Shuang great convenience, and they are willing to gather around Qin Shuang. If Qin Shuang can provide them with elixir of cultivation, the cohesion will be unstoppable.


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