Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2376: Revive momentum

The head of the chaotic beast below the immortal king shattered, blood sprayed, and the huge body fell suddenly, tripping over the chaotic beast behind, but only momentarily, the chaotic beast fell down, and the rushing team was in chaos.


Another violent chime, Zhongli Zhongming!

When more than two million monks saw the power of Zhongli Zhongming, their flustered heart stabilized a lot, and began to focus on their position in the Jiugong Zigzag Formation. The giant Jiugong Zigzag formation moved forward while advancing.

As the distance between the two sides approached, the range of Qin Shuang's violent bells was also shrinking, and before the tide of beasts approached, huge casualties were incurred.


A roar came from the back of the Chaos Beast, and everyone looked at it, and they saw that behind the Beast Tide, the peak of the Chaos Beast Immortal had always issued an angry roar.

One rule chaotic beast began to gallop towards the side of Qin Shuang, and the rule monks on the side of Qin Shuang also rushed out, intercepting those law chaos, and the battle became more fierce. However, the panic of more than two million monks has completely stabilized, because they found that the nine-row zigzag array is really easy to use. The war broke out for so long, and there were not many casualties.

The flustered mind stabilized, so he focused more on doing his own zigzag. The power of the Jiugong zigzag array became closer and more powerful.

On the opposite side, the immortal beast on the peak of the Emperor looked distantly towards the center of the Jiugong Sawtooth Formation, and the flower pair on the back of Qin Shuang. The rules of the body are dangled, causing the surrounding space to ripple.

At the same time, Qin Shuang's eyes crossed the layers of chaotic beasts and looked at the peak of that fairy emperor.

Qin Shuang's eyebrows were raised slightly, this chaotic beast tide is not large, only about tens of millions. Although the number is more than ten times that of the monk army, with the jigong zigzag array, it is not that these chaotic beasts cannot be slowly worn away. However, what she didn't expect is that the leader is just the peak of an immortal emperor, but there are really a lot of immortals and immortals in the beast tide, which surpasses the immortals and immortals in the monks.

This is a great threat to Qin Shuang!

The monks of the rules of the human race are desperately blocking the immortal and the immortal emperor in the Chaos Beast, because they know that the jagged palace can not stop the imperial clash of the immortal. After all, none of the monks who built the Jiugong Zigzag Formation were law monks.

The immortal peak chaos beast commanded behind, a huge heart suddenly fled. He saw the intense murderous power in Qin's eyes from a distance.

He was a little puzzled. The other party was just a little fairy emperor, and he was the peak of an immortal emperor. Where did the other party's self-confidence release the killing power on itself?

"Click ..."

The back of Qin Shuang suddenly opened a pair of wings, and those wings were covered with thunder, dragging the flames.

Fire thunder wing fanned, Qin Shuang's figure has disappeared on the back of the flower too fragrant. The immortal beast peaked with big eyes and looked into the air. He didn't have the slightest fear, but he was curious about the speed of Qin Shuang.

The piano pair flying in the air, their lips opened slightly, and the shock of mysterious force emanated from the mouth.


A big bell clasped the immortal peak and chaotic beast inside, Zhongming was fifty miles away. This was the strongest hit by Qin Shuang's violent bell sound. Then the thunder wing fanned, the figure flickered through the air, and the exquisite sword was already in his hand.


The violent bell sound was blasted by the peak of the immortal emperor. He was not harmed in the slightest, but only the big clock was buckled and cut off his sight. Therefore, after he broke the big clock, the first thing was to find the Qin Shuang. Squeezed double piano.


When he cracked the bell of violent bells, he only saw an electric light passing by him.

"not good……"

The two words had just risen from his mind, and the electric light had passed by his head, radiating towards him behind.

He turned his head abruptly and looked behind him, and when he turned around, he saw a bloodline appear on his neck.


His head soared to the sky, and was smashed by the blood in the neck cavity, like a blood-colored fountain, which blasted the skull high.

A thick, blood-colored fountain sprayed a dozen feet high in the air, showing the figure of Qin Shuang, and the two fire thunder wings slowly fanned behind.


The chaotic beast's huge body like a hill finally collapsed, and the earth shook.


More than two million monks shouted in unison, and their spirits rose. Seeing Qin Shuang almost killed the peak of the Immortal Emperor instantly, so that the momentum of their previous depression suddenly skyrocketed, and the situation was turbulent.


The panic roar emanated from the mouth of the Chaos Beast, losing its leader, and the Chaos Beast fled. However, the monk army did not chase wildly, still running the Jiugong Zigzag array unscathed, strangling the surrounding chaotic beasts. When there are no Chaos Beasts around, their formation is not chaotic, and they have not pursued the Chaos Beasts. They just released various ways to attack Chaos Beasts from a long distance.

A beast tide ended like this, and the monk army exchanged a great victory with very little casualties. The monks looked worshipped at Qin Shuang, and their morale was no longer low.

It turns out that with the Jiugong Zigzag Formation, it is not weaker than defending against the city!

It turned out that the Emperor Qin, the Emperor of the Emperor, had the power to kill the peak of the Emperor!

Do not!

Master Qin killed the Emperor's place instantly, maybe Master Qin has the strength to fight against human respect!

Qin Zongzhu is the number one on the tower list. It is said that he is already number one on the list of immortal kings, and maybe the number one on the list of immortal kings in the future. I really want to see, when the supreme master Qin became the first emperor list, it would be He Xuweineng!

Qin Shuang ordered the army to trim an hour in place. An hour later, the army began to move forward. Qin Shuang is still sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang to infer the violent bells.

In the genius battle, she has already experimented with the violent pleasing to fifty miles, which can make the blood of Chaos beasts in the early days of the Emperor Emperor burst into his head and burst his head. But for the middle of the Emperor Emperor, there was no such effect, it just made them shake and lose their consciousness temporarily. However, this has made Qin Shuang excited. If he can reduce the violent bells of group attacks to a monk and become a single offensive method, to what extent will the power be achieved?

After more than a month, Qin Shuang has reduced the violent bells to thirty miles. During this period, he also encountered six beast tide. Although there are countless beasts to kill Chaos, the number of monks has been reduced to two million , Fell more than a hundred thousand monks.

"Sovereign, look!" Li Tianxing, who was walking next to him, pointed suddenly at a distance.

Looking at Qin Shuangning, he saw a beam of light in the distance. After taking out Yujian for comparison, a look of shock appeared in his eyes.


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