Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2380: Siege

The black stone door slowly pushed open towards the inside, revealing the dark stone steps inside, and the stone steps that kept going down.

Lan Feihe flicked his fingers, and a series of fireballs were bounced by him, floating in the air, shining a bright light on the passage below the stone steps.

Stone steps can take four people side by side, Qin Shuang and Lan Feihe go side by side down. As Qin Shuang descended the steps, he looked towards the passage.

The entire passage was illuminated by fireballs to show a reddish color. It looked cold and cold, but had a warm feeling. Except for the sound of fireball burning, there were only two people's footsteps.

"Mr. Qin, do you want to look around first, or just go to the place where my monk disappeared?"

"Go straight to the missing place." Qin Shuang thought for a moment.

Lan Feihe nodded, and took Qin Shuang along the way. For about an hour and a half, two people entered a hall, one door on each side of the hall, and an altar in the center of the hall. Various battle scenes are engraved on the walls of the hall.

In addition to the monks in the murals, there are many monsters that are not in the fairyland, but Qin Shuang has seen them. Those monsters are all dark creatures.

"This way!"

Lan Feihe led Qin Shuang to a small door on the right side of the hall. He reached out and pushed the door open. Qin Shuang followed Lan Feihe into the room and kept walking through the rooms as if walking through a maze. Finally he stopped in front of a small door.

"Master Qin, our people just entered this door and disappeared. Be careful!"

Qin double nodded, then Lan Feihe reached out and pushed open the small stone door, and the two went in. This is a small room. It is estimated that it will not exceed 100 square meters.

Weird patterns were also engraved on the walls. The room was empty, and Qin Shuang did not see danger, nor did he see any signs of disappearance here. She stretched out her hand and stroked the mural on the wall gently, and her fingers brought a cool and creamy texture.

Qin Shuang's mysterious power moved with her footsteps and began to scan the murals on the wall carefully. After she scanned all the murals, she had reached the other door of the room.

"Did you find something?" Lan Feihe asked, looking at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang shook his head and asked, "Have you ever found anything?"


Lan Feihe shook his head, a regret appeared in his eyes. Don't look at the Qin Shuang is just the seventh floor of the Emperor Emperor, but Lan Feihe did not underestimate the Qin Shuang. An immortal emperor who can fight for a moment with the human chaos, can you still regard him as an immortal emperor?

A person's strength can reach such a high level, and knowledge must be extraordinary. Otherwise, it is impossible to compete with one person in a state of immortal emperor.

Therefore, he has great expectations for Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's eyes fell on the ground again, and Xuanli began scanning the ground.

Lan Feihe also strenuously gave up his hope for Qin Shuang and began to study it seriously.

"Booming ..."

Suddenly, the whole underground shook slightly, and dust and powder fell from the ceiling.

Qin Shuang and Lan Feihe looked at each other with shock in their eyes. This is definitely the effect of all potential battles erupting during the human respect period.

"Go out and see!" Lan Feihe didn't solicit Qin Shuang's opinion, but just notified Qin Shuang that he flew towards the road.

Qin Shuang was scanning to a corner of the ground at this time, and her expression changed slightly. Eventually she followed Lan Feihe behind her. She was also worried about her fourth sister, Qin Jiao.

"Well ..."

The figures of the two men flew through the underground passage at a speed of a hundred times faster than when they entered. Soon, the two rushed out of the crack in the mountain.


As soon as the two rushed out of the crack in the mountain, they rose into the sky, looking through the large array and looking out.

"Master!" Lan Feihe exclaimed in surprise.

Qin Shuang flew towards the gate of the mountain while looking at the battlefield.

Suddenly appeared was an old man with silver hair, who was joining hands with Qin Jiao to attack that human chaos beast.

Qin Shuang had already reached the gate of the mountain at this time, and stood in the air in the air.

Andrea should have been injured before, hiding in a place to heal. When he senses the turmoil of the battle for human respect, I am afraid he will hide for a while. At that time, it should be the time when he fought with the Chaos Beast. Waiting for him to feel that he has been fighting, he secretly ran out to see, but saw Qin Jiao, an immortal emperor, who can come and go with you. Although Qin Jiao fell into the downwind, this also gave Andao Lie a chance.

If Andrea and Qin Jiao join forces, is there a chance to defeat the human beast?

Whether he can be defeated or not, he can no longer hide!

Because here is his gate!

Therefore, he rushed out violently and pinched the human chaos beast with Qin Jiao. However, his cultivation has just barely recovered, and it has reached the first level of human respect. Even if he joined forces with Qin Jiao, he still fell behind.

"Master Qin!" Lan Feihe came to Qin Shuang. He also saw that his master was falling behind, and the surprise on his face became anxious.

"Click ..."

The back of Qin Shuang gave birth to a pair of fire thunder wings, which fluttered. Qin Shuang's figure had rushed out, as the same lightning struck the sky, the exquisite sword in his hand had been split against that human chaos beast.


The Linglong sword collided with the bone spear, and a layer of bone powder dropped from the bone spear, but Qin Shuang's body was shaken out and flew back in the air. Human respect for the first layer of power, after all, human defeat for the four layers of power.

"Click ..."

Fire thunder wings spread, Qin Shuang's figure turned into a flash of lightning, appeared on the other side of the human chaos beast, shocked and superimposed on the strength of the body, pure power released through the exquisite sword, the space was cut out of a crack.


Qin Shuang's body was shocked again.


Andorraine released a fire spear and fired at the Chaos Beast. At the same time, Qin Jiao's double-sleeve waving, even under his feet, is constantly running out of a rune pattern, turning into a rune chain, entangled towards the human chaos beast.

One immortal emperor, one immortal emperor, one deity, besieged one chaos beast.

Qin Shuang fought close, and shocked the Chaos Beast.

Andorrael released the Taoist method and attacked long distance. Qin Jiao constantly releases runes, entwining human chaos.

Long attack, close attack, twine.

The man's chaos beast even started to fall.

Andorra was shocked in his ecstasy!

Where are the two little monsters?


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