Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2399: Speed ​​Stealing

Qin Shuang quietly turned over, lay on the ground again, and quietly stretched out his half head, looking into the circular valley, his face appeared surprised:

"Sure enough everyone!"


"No sound!"

"Ended the battle?"

Qin Shuang dare not move, who knows where the chaos is at this time?

At the same time, in the case of Xu Ziyan and other holy monks, they were helpless, because Chaos saw them aided and fled. Here the law of chaos shrouded the area, and they were unable to track at all.

The seven monks met and discussed, tearing away one by one, and each returned to the place where they had just been, and began to search slowly.


The huge roar frightened Qin Shuang and almost jumped from the ground. The roar seemed to be approaching. Qin Shuang did not dare to look up, buried his head in the ground, and raised his ears to listen.

At this point, thousands of miles away from the crater, chaos suddenly appeared, and the attack became silent. In this chaotic area, Cheng Buming was suppressed in the first place. Once he met, he was completely suppressed by Chaos.

"Well ..."

A crack appeared in the surrounding space, and Xu Ziyan and other six holy monks appeared, but the chaos fled in an instant. The helplessness of the seven holy monks. After a few more discussions, they left helplessly and returned to their search places.


In another area, Xu Ziyan was attacked, and the holy master monks tore away again. By this time, Qin Shuang understood.

This crater is definitely an old nest of chaos, and those immortals are definitely the secret of chaos cultivation. He attacked those holy monks in this way, so that the holy monks could not figure out exactly which area was the chaotic old nest, and if he interfered so much, those holy monks had no chance to find the chaotic old nests.

Unless the seven monks are gathered, at least three or two must be gathered together to search, which reduces the speed, and even if it is, chaos can sneak on them, leaving them no time and energy to search. After all, this is a chaotic area, and chaos occupies an absolute advantage.

"This is an opportunity!"

Qin Shuang poked her head out suddenly and looked into the crater. Her look was changed. She found that the sixteen fairy treasures were gone. There were only hundreds of millions of fairy wares, monsters and magical tools.

"Xian Bao was taken away by Chaos!" Qin double eyebrows raised his eyebrows. "However, being able to take away some immortals, monsters and magical tools can definitely reduce the speed of chaos realization, even affect his understanding, making him unable to Comprehend.

Must be fast! "

"Old town, go!"

The town demon tower radiated from Qin Shuang's eyebrows, turned into a streamer, and instantly came to the center. The place where the chaos practiced, the tower door opened, the tower circled, the place where the golden light swept, those fairy, demon. And the magic weapon is like a river rushing, Wanli returns to the sect like a river, pouring towards the gate of the town's demon tower.


Two interest.

Three interest.


Ten breaths.

Hundreds of millions of magical instruments, magical instruments and fairy wares were taken away by the town's demon tower for about 100 million yuan in just ten breaths, nearly a quarter of all the magical instruments, magical instruments and magical instruments.

"Old town, come back!"

The town demon tower turned into a streamer, flowing towards Qin Shuang and entering Qin Shuang's brows. Qin Shuang did not dare to use fire thunder fins. Fire thunder fins will leave traces in space. In the capacity of a holy monk, especially in the chaotic area, even in the past few days, the chaos may find traces of fire thunder fins. . Even if he escapes, he will be stared at by chaos and find himself eventually.

And she didn't even make use of the space magical power, which would be chaos to find out her direction of escape. She flew away against the ground in the most common way, flying. And it's not fleeing out of the chaos, but fleeing sideways.

There were no footprints left on the ground, no trace left in the space, and he ran away while listening with his ears.

The Shangyuan continent is large and the area covered by chaos is wide, but the power of the Holy Class is too strong, so no matter how far away, Qin Shuang can already hear the roar faintly. As soon as the roar disappeared, Qin Shuang stood still and converged. When the roar resumed, she began to escape again.

Even if the Qin Shuang is ordinary flying, that speed is not slow. When she fled thousands of miles away, from the first fighting, she had heard six fightings. Unable to secretly say:

"Among the hundreds, there are six holy monks!

Do not!

That's just six, maybe more!


I can't run anymore, there are definitely not many holy master monks, maybe the chaos will return to the nest soon, and I have to hide. "

"Well ..."

In the rapid flight, Qin Shuang glanced around, approached a large river, and moved into the town demon tower when his heart moved. The town demon tower turned into a dust. Spread out and found a group of fish. These fish have been chaotic, and the whole body is ashes. Qin Shuangyu led the town demon tower, came to a fish mouth, and then entered the fish belly. The school of fish went down.

Qin Shuang regained the power of the soul, turned and looked at the monsters, magical and fairy artifacts that were piled up like hills.

"Old town!"

"Master!" Zhen Lao appeared beside Qin Shuang.

"Can the town demon tower break down the chaos in the weapon?"

"Even chaotic pulses can be decomposed, and weapons can naturally be decomposed." Zhen Lao laughed.

"Then the chaos in these weapons is broken down!"


With a wave of the old man's sleeve, he landed countless runes from the air and gradually shrouded about 100 million fairy wares, demon wares and magic wares.

Qin Shuang stopped paying attention, and she did not dare to go out in a short time. She did not dare to go out to investigate. She sat down in the town's demon tower and began to cultivate, accumulating Xianyuan power.



Chaos appeared in the sky, and his eyes burst into anger. He saw immortal artifacts, magic instruments and magic artifacts were missing by a quarter. But he resisted the anger in his heart and did not erupt. He knew that once he broke out, it would cause spatial fluctuations, and Xu Ziyan ’s seven holy master monks would come here instantly.

He tried to calm himself and started thinking about what was going on?

Within a few breaths, he had a judgment.

This is definitely not the discovery of the seven holy monks, otherwise it would have been swept away. In this way, I don't know which hundred ethnic monks found this place, hurriedly collected a quarter and ran away, afraid to run into themselves.

"Om ..."

His sense of chaos spread out, and his brows frowned. No trace of spatial fluctuations was found, and there was no trace of what he could find.

When he saw his mind moving, an immortal treasure was sacrificed, and it was a tripod. The tripod cover was opened, and the remaining immortals, magic and demons on the ground were put away.


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