Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2402: Heartbreaker

It's too early to be born! If I can endure for a while ...

But it's too late to say anything now. He can now predict that he will not be able to practice in one place for more than 100,000 years like before.

It will definitely be constantly found by hundreds of monks, so they must find another place by themselves.

This won't work!

If you always interrupt the understanding in this way, there will basically be no understanding.

He is now a holy class, not a young monk during the gas refining period. Those young monks cultivate one by one every day. If they do this, they will not change much if they practice for thousands of years. Once they are disturbed, they will start again.

"Go underground!"

Chaos regained the sense of Chaos and gave up searching for the monk who stole his things. He felt that the monk must have left early, otherwise he would not be able to find his own practice.

As soon as my heart moves, your body shape has reached the sky above the crater. Gaze fell on the plain in the middle of the crater.

Seven holy ranks have been found here, compared to those fairy kings. Even if those immortal kings came over, they would not look into it, let alone think that I was below the plain.

His body became smaller, like a needle, and blasted towards the plain. Shot into the ground and drilled deep into the ground. There was only one pinhole left on the ground, and the wind passed, and that pinhole disappeared.

It's thousands of miles underground.

The chaos stopped. At this time, he was only the size of a needle. When he saw that he waved his hand slightly, the underground space began to expand toward the surrounding area, but a huge underground space appeared just between the beards.

"Well ..."

Pieces of fairyware flowed out of his storage ring and were inserted into the ground of the underground space. The last sixteen Tianxianbao poured out of his body and landed on the sixteen surrounding him. Orientation.

He was so confused that he sat down and closed his eyes.

quite a while……

Suddenly he opened his eyes suddenly, and the momentum in his body broke out.

"Well ..."

Sixteen celestial celestial treasures in sixteen directions shook, blocking most of his momentum. About 400 million fairy wares, monsters and magic wares made a crisp sound, and eventually offset his momentum.

The mixed eyes were full of anger, and he raised his head in a roar, and the roar spread dullly under the ground.

At this time, Chaos' heart was full of anger, and the lack of the 100 million yuan of immortal fairy wares greatly reduced his comprehension, and the speed of comprehending the Chaos Avenue was reduced more than ten times.

"No matter who it is, don't let me find out, if you dare to steal my stuff, I will definitely crush you."

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin Shuang's practice has risen to 10%. But she still didn't think of coming out. She knew very well that she could cultivate to the holy level. Regardless of race, patience was not generally large, and she didn't know how long she would wait, so she decided to spend more time in the town demon tower.

She began to comprehend Xuanwu Sword.

Hundreds of years have passed in the town's demon tower, and Qin Shuang has realized the fulfillment of Daoyun Sword. After calculating, I hid in the town demon tower, and it was almost half a year later.

She carefully poked her soul out of the town's demon tower, still inside the fish belly.

"This fish isn't dead! I don't know where she swam with me!"

The power of soul spread out of the belly of the fish and found himself in a large river. The power of the soul spread out carefully, and no chaotic beast was found.

There was some hesitation in her mind, she knew that it was not important to have chaos around him, what was important was whether that chaos was looking for herself.

"How to do?"

Qin Shuang thought for a moment, put away the power of the soul, got up and came to a valley, in that valley, there are six space surrounded by runes, each space is shrouded in a half-step human respect. These were six of the thirteen and a half-step human masters that Qin Shuang caught on the star at the time. Only these six were left, and the rest were killed by Qin Shuang.

"Town is old, tie one up."

Then he saw a rune chain descending from the air, plunged into the rune space, and wrapped a half-step human statue tightly. Although that half-step human struggling constantly, even breaking a rune chain, but more rune chains entangled. Always tie that half-step human chaos beast.

"Let the rune space go."

Zhenlao scattered the rune space, exposing the half-step human chaos beast bound by the rune chain.

Qin Shuang took out a jade piece, began to describe the rune, and then entered the rune into the body of the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast struggled violently, and finally broke free of the jade charm's control and broke it.

Qin Shuang wasn't in a hurry. She just portrayed a heart-controlling talisman, which could control the mind of the monk. However, he did not expect to fail in this chaotic beast. Qin Shuang thought about it for a while, and thought that it was because of the difference in rules that the heart-controlling symbol failed. After all, the self-made rune is the law of the immortal world, and the law of the chaotic beast is the law of chaos.

"What can I do?"

Qin Shuang thought for a moment, and hesitated in his eyes. In the end, he still took out a jade bamboo slip, which was given to him by Ding Lingxuan, the deputy director of the Tianzi Academy of the Spirit World. She never looked at it, because Ding Lingzhen's tragic situation finally died, and Qin Shuang was always frightened by this practice. Holding the jade in her hand, hesitation appeared again on her face.

"I'm just looking, not training!"

In the end, Qin Shuang made up his mind, penetrated into the consciousness, and started the exercises in Yujian. This time, Qin Shuang was settled.


Two months.


After more than a hundred days, Qin opened his eyes. In fact, the jade double has been read several times in less than an hour, and the rest of the time is deducing this exercise. After more than ten days, Qin Shuang concluded that this method would eventually replace the elemental force in the monk body with chaos, and the law would also be replaced with the law of chaos, and the spirit of the spirit of the gods would also be chaotic. In other words, there is a great trend that you will lose your mind, become chaotic, and become a chaotic beast.


How did those chaotic beasts regenerate their sage?

Once the Chaos Beast breaks through to the realm of law, it will give birth to spiritual intelligence. But why do you speculate about this exercise, even if you practice it yourself, you will lose your mind?

You know, you are a monk!

In this way, this method must be flawed, and it is not a perfect method, so the monks will go astray.

Qin Shuang decisively cut off the thought of wanting to practice this exercise method, and began to study the study of the law of chaos in this exercise method. Through this study, he improved the heart-controlling charm.


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