Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2409: big clock

At this time, Qin Shuang had already explained the end of Xianhuang's cultivation experience, and another two quarters later, Qin Shuang said:

"Just here."

"Master Qin!" At this time, an immortal emperor said, "Can you talk about your understanding of the immortal realm?"

Qin Shuang smiled bitterly: "This Taoist friend, I am not an immortal emperor. Where can I find out?"

The immortal emperor's face appeared with regret, and he arched toward Qin Shuang: "I hope that Daoyou will break through the immortal as soon as possible, and you and I will cook and discuss it."

"Better words from friends!" Qin Shuang also arched with a smile.

Haotian Sovereign said at this time: "The Sovereign Qin opened the altar here to preach, which made my disciples a lot of enlightenment. Thank you!"

Qin Shuang saw that the other party was a human being, although he did not know that the other party was the lord of Haotian Sect, he hurried up from the high platform and arched toward the other party:

"Tao You speaks louder!"

"Boom boom boom ..."

The earth shook, and everyone could not help shaking.

Haotian Sect master stepped in the void, his body flew up, his eyes swept away, and his expression became dignified. Shouted:

"Big beast tide, everyone is ready to fight!"

"Well ..."

With the exception of those monks immersed in comprehension, all monks flew towards the gates of Zongmen. Qin Shuangzheng didn't know where he should go, so he saw Li Tianxing and others flying by.

"Master, come with us!"

Qin Shuang followed Lie Tianxing and others to a large array. The monks on the pretty continent skillfully held their respective positions. Lie Tianxing stood beside Qin Shuang, looked up into the air, and saw Hao. The Emperor Tianzong once again used the large array to raise his strength to the landlord, and stood with the landlord of the Chaos tribe, and the two elders stood with the two people.

Qin Shuang retracted her gaze and looked to the opposite side, her eyes appeared horrified, not because the chaotic beast tide was endless, but she saw so many immortal chaotic beasts.

"Elder Hunt, do the Chaos Beasts that attack Haotianzong usually have so many immortals?"

Tianhunxing also looked back from the air, looked forward, and his face changed in shock:

"No, never!"

Bi Chongtian gritted his teeth: "It seems that during this time, the Chaos Beast has been secretly summoning the Law Chaos family, and today it is dangerous."

"Sect Lord, do you think Haotianzong's large array can be stopped?" Haizhen asked hurriedly.

"Can't stop it for a few days."

At this time, the master of Haotian Sect who was fighting in the air also saw the situation below, and his face appeared anxious. No one knows better than Haotianzong.

This level of beast tide, if no monks go out to interfere, let the chaos beasts continue to attack the large array, the large array persists for up to four days. Just moments later, he whispered:

"All monks obeyed, two days after the chaotic beast attacked, all monks attacked, they must block the chaotic beast outside for a day, and then withdrew."

It was only momentarily that all monks understood that the large array could only persist for three or four days. Two days later, going out to block the chaotic beast was the time for the large array to recover.

"More people are going to die this time." Li Tianxing looked dignified.

"Let's adjust our breath."

Qin doubled her vocal channels, then sat down with her knees crossed, and preached for three days, so that she had a new understanding of the avenue. The five primordial gods each sorted out their new understanding, and the vitality of heaven and earth began to converge towards Qin Shuang, and the cultivation of Qin Shuang was slowly rising.

A day later, Qin Shuang finished combing and repaired to further approach the peak of Xianhuang.

The rumbling sound was endless, and it was the chaotic beasts outside that were slamming into a large array. Qin Shuang opened his eyes and glanced out, then took out the array, and surrounded the hunting team sitting around himself, Bi Chongtian, Hai Zhen, Yang Yuzhu, and Luo Shuiliu shrouded in a large array. Five people felt that there was a change around them. Opening his eyes, he saw that he was shrouded in array, and he could not help looking at Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang took out six December fruits and gave them to each one, and then he began to eat.

The five elders looked at the December fruit in their hands, but after taking a sip, they felt that their comprehension had improved, and some confusion became bold and cheerful. Luo Shuiliu suddenly remembered what Qin Shuang had said, and looked at Qin Shuang with a trembling voice:

"Sovereign, this ... this is the December fruit?"

"Yes, hurry up. Elder Yang and Elder Luo can take advantage of these two days to understand the Fire Phoenix Sword and the Xuanwu Sword. Elder Hunt, Elder Bi and Elder Hai can also understand what they want to understand. A little more skill, more protection. "

"Thank your lord!" The five elders were grateful. When I met a good suzerain, I gave such a precious December fruit.

When the five elders finished eating the December fruit, Qin Shuang put away the set, and just thinking about what he realized, he came to Ai Ai in the Lei Ding period.

"Master Qin ..."

"What is it?" Qin Shuang looked a little surprised.

Lei Ding was almost crying: "That ... My detoxification Dan is about to run out."

"Oh, here you are!" Qin Shuang took another bottle of Jiedu Dan and threw it to Lei Ding.

Lei Ding caught up with Du Dan and wanted to say something. When he saw that Qin Shuang had closed his eyes, he had only cried and left Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang decided to understand the violent bell. She already had a further understanding of the violent bells, and was almost able to understand the bells of a thousand miles, but later went to the chaos area.

Qin Shuang transferred the five major gods to the town demon tower and began to understand the violent bells. What's more, she left Xueqin to her. The inheritance of Yin Gong began to be reorganized, including Long Fengming and Soul Killer, to get inspiration from it.

Less than an hour after the outside world passed, Qin Shuang Five Great Gods returned to her position. She opened her eyes and looked up into the air. Then she saw that the Emperor Haotian and the two elders were in a hard battle.

Hao Tianzong Sovereign was not originally a landlord, but relied on the large array to forcibly raise his strength to the landlord. In the battle with the chaos tribe, he barely supported and did not let the other party attack the large array. The other two elders were equal to the two chaos.

Qin Shuang looked again at the ground outside the large array, and the endless chaotic beasts were filled with eyes. A row of chaotic beasts ran and rushed over, and then ran to the side. Come, like the tide, never stop, shaking the large waves.

Qin double opened her lips and made a sound between her lips, straight away thousands of miles away.


A big clock appeared thousands of miles away, and it was too big. The diameter is more than ten miles, and the runes above are dazzling.

The big clock came down from the sky, and then it didn't ring.


Many thanks to the gusts of james (200), Hengzhu blowing quotient (200), little bookworm children (200), seaphay (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for their rewards!



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