Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2411: Meet

One had two wings behind it, and it was ten miles wide when unfolded, and the two wings were like two huge swords.

A slender figure, but with 10,000 arms, rushed into the air at this time, like a huge puppet.

There was also a man with six heads and a huge body, screaming and rushing towards the clock.

These chaotic beasts are all immortal emperors, and they rushed to the big bell that was landing from midair. Every chaotic beast explodes with dense laws, tearing the sky and rendering huge power in the air.


The imperial emperors struck on the big clock, and a crack appeared on the big clock. But their impact also struck the bell. That bell sounded better than the big bell sounded.

The figures of several imperial emperors flew upside down. Although there were no broken heads and blood shots, each imperial emperor also spit a blood in his mouth. Within a thousand miles, more chaotic beast heads Broken, the blood column skyrocketed.


The big bell cracked before it landed!

Qin Shuang thought about it, but in fact she felt that Zhong Ming has reached its limit. The former Shili Zhongming and Baili Zhongming can damage the highest level, which is the fairy king. However, Qin Shuang still wanted to try and moved the Five Great Gods into the town demon tower again.

This time is even longer. The outside world has passed for an hour and a half, and it is already dusk, and the blood-stained sun is covering the sky.

Qin Shuang opened his eyes, and helplessness appeared in his eyes. The Five Primordial Gods no longer raised the power of the violent bells. Maybe this requires Qin Shuang's cultivation to improve again and break through to Xiandi. He has a further understanding of the avenue. Will be able to increase the power of the violent bell.

But now, obviously not!

"Then narrow it down."

Qin Shuang closed her eyes again, so that the five great gods could change the direction of comprehension in the town demon tower, narrowing the area covered by the thousands of miles.

"It's hard!"

When the morning sun rose the next day, Qin Shuang opened his eyes. When Baili Zhongming was originally able to reduce the envelope of Baili Zhongming, Qianli Zhongming made the big bell of that violent bell sound more mysterious, and the rune of the big bell became more mysterious. Narrowing down the range, Qin Shuang spent one night outside, in the town's demon tower, that is nearly two years, but still unable to do so.

"It seems that I really can't help it, at least I can't help it for the time being, or am I going to retreat now, and then use time beads to break through the Emperor?"

Qin Shuang was thinking, but at this time those chaotic beasts were pounding violently. The scene was terrifying. Within such a vast area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, such a vast territory was broken by the Chaos Beast.

If Haotianzong's large array is broken, the consequences will be disastrous. The whole Haotianzong will be razed to the ground in an instant, and all the monks are unlikely to survive.

The impact of the Chaos Beast, the rules of the Chaos clan attack, poured on the guardian array, the brilliant aura covered the array. Let a large burst shake.


The Haotian Sovereign, who is not truly respected, is in peril, his face has become pale, and his body has been traumatized.

"The situation is not good!" Qin Shuang was also worried at this moment.


At this time, Qin Shuang heard that someone beside him was calling himself, and turned to look, but it was Lei Ding. Qin Shuang frowned and said:

"Isn't Jiedu Dan here for you? What are you doing here?"

"No!" Lei Ding said bitterly: "I'm not always like this, when will you take me to see Xu Master?"

"Master Xu?" Qin Shuang's heart moved.

Yes indeed!

You can find Sect Lord Xu, one is to tell her about Chaos Lao Chao, the second is to ask Xu Zongzhu to help Lei Ding to detoxify, and the third ... The Xu Sovereign is everyone, and you should be able to make some suggestions for yourself. . The fourth one is Xu Zongzhuang. Is the beast tide here still a thing?

Four birds with one stone!

The question now is, will Xu Zongzhu come?

It should come. It's about Chaos' old nest. Xu Zongzhu must return.

Qin Shuang immediately took out Chuan Yujian, and Xuan Shi penetrated into it. He sent a message to Xu Nianzu, and then held Chuan Yujian and waited.

Soon, the newsletter Yujian shook, and Qin Shuang probed into Xuan Shi and heard Xu Nianzu's voice:

"Qin Shuang, are you telling the truth?"


"Okay, my ancestor. Where are you now?"


"Okay, you wait for me!"

Xu Nianzu believed in Qin Shuang, and even passed a message to Xu Ziyan.

On a large mountain near the chaos area, the seven holy monks sat cross-legged, closed their eyes for a while, and then argued with each other. The laws around them oscillated, and when they argued, the flowers of law suddenly came to life.

"Om ..."

And at this time, the messenger Yujian hanging from Xu Ziyan's waist shook. Xu Ziyan probed into the mystery, and his face was not shocked. Reclaimed mystery, with a smile:

"Everyone, my family is looking for me for something. I'll come and go."

"I'll go with you!" Yan Shanhun stood up.

"Shan Hun, you still stay here, and deduce the law of chaos with Dao friends. This is the most important thing now. It ’s just a trivial matter to remember the ancestor.

"Okay!" Yanshan soul groaned slightly, then nodded, and sat down again.

Xu Ziyan ripped open the space and took a step out.

The next moment, Xu Ziyan had appeared in the sky above Haotianzong. She converged and no one found her. She glanced at Haotianzong and saw Qin Shuang.

With a wave of his sleeves, Qin Shuang disappeared silently. Even the people beside her did not find it.

Haotian Sect.

An uninhabited place, Xu Ziyan and Qin Shuang's figures showed up. Seeing the person in front, Qin Shuang hurriedly bowed and saluted:

"Meet seniors!"

Xu Ziyan looked at Qin Shuang with a smile: "Qin Shuang, you are too disciple disciple, shouldn't you call me a suzerain?"

"This ..." Qin Shuang's face was awkward: "It was a misunderstanding at first!"

"So I misunderstood you?"

Qin Shuang thought about it, and put on a pair of dead pigs who were not afraid of boiling water and said, "Take care of your predecessors."

"Do it with me?"

Qin Shuang looked helpless: "Yes."

"Then I want you to return to Taixu Zong?" Xu Ziyan still smiled.

"Senior!" Qin Shuang looked helplessly: "I am now the Five Elements Sect Lord!"

"Yo, you are the lord! I am the lord and you are also the lord, so we are in a similar position." Speaking of which, Xu Ziyan arched toward Qin Shuang:

"Have met Lord Qin!"

Qin Shuang really wants to say, you are all holy monks, so skinny, is it okay?


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