Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2417: crisis

The strength of her body is only the second level of human respect. She is crushed by the peak of an immortal emperor, and she will be defeated sooner or later.

However, the peak of the Emperor Emperor has seen the end of the same family before, how can Qin Shuang get closer?

The immortal emperor stepped on the rule, and his body quickly pulled away from Qin Shuang. What's more terrible is that another immortal peak came from the other side and struck toward Qin Shuang. And the two immortal peaks deliberately kept a distance from Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang couldn't play them, but both of them could hit Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang has also tried to attack the opponent, but with her current basic strength, the real combat power of the tenth floor of the Emperor Emperor is the sixth floor of the Emperor. Even the Five Elements Sword can only increase her combat power by one level. The strongest Five Elements Sword can only increase her power to the eighth level of the Emperor Emperor, which is easily resolved by the two Chaos immortal peaks.

An hour.

An hour.

Three hours.


Qin Shuang's body was blown out, and three consecutive hours of fierce battles caused her huge physical exhaustion. When she was less than one, she was bombarded by the opponent ’s law, flew away from a distance, and fell to the ground. Mouth and nose spray.


Qin Shuang jumped up quickly from the ground, his hands were agile, but his heart was stunned. She knew that from now on, she was unable to approach the peaks of the two immortals, and all she could do was defense.

In other words, if you don't listen well, you will only be beaten!

"If it weren't for my only five Great Gods, the others would be fighting against the Immortal Master ..."

Qin Shuang gritted his teeth, but had to recognize the reality. Moreover, she cannot now return to the Huzong Formation. She does not hear the bell of the retreat, and flees without authorization. She will be punished.

"Then defend it."

"Boom boom boom ..."

The two Xiandi peaks attacked Qin Shuang intensively. Qin Shuang unfolded the exquisite sword and defended with all their strength.

"It won't work! Water drips through the stone, and sooner or later it will be breached."

Qin Shuang is now very aggrieved, full of strength in the body, and not much consumption. Mystery is not much consumed. But all this did not give her any advantage, because her method could not attack the opponent's body at all, and it would be easily cracked by the opponent. Only the strength of the body can help, but it consumes a huge amount. In this way, it is impossible to resist the attack of the opponent.

"Zhen Lao, look at how much metal is decomposed at the golden pillars, choose materials with magic and demon scent, and make me a fairy sword."

"it is good!"

In fact, seeing Qin Shuang eating crickets and the danger of falling, Zhenlao was very anxious. Upon hearing Qin Shuang's orders, he immediately flew towards the golden pillar.


Qin Shuang took a deep breath and continued to fight steadily against the attacks of the two immortals.

In fact, Qin Shuang is not without counterattack. At least she has the power to kill the other side. That is the fire thunder fin that she has never revealed. As long as she suddenly opened the fire thunder wing, using the speed of the fire thunder wing to surprise, with the sharpness of the exquisite sword, unexpectedly, she will be able to cut and kill an immortal peak.

But then?

It is bound to arouse the vigilance of other Chaos races. Just as now, other Chaos races know the strength of their own body and have distanced themselves from them. By that time, it became very difficult for him to use the speed of the fire thunder wings to kill the peak of the Emperor Xiandi.

Speed ​​is a good advantage, but if the opponent starts to take precautions, it will be difficult to work.

Now that Qin Shuang has fallen behind, no more Chaos have come to besiege. If you use the speed of the fire thunder wing to attack a peak of the Chaos Immortal Emperor, then it will not be two Immortal Emperor peaks. The minimum will be three, maybe four, or five.

After another hour.

Qin Shuang could not help but coughed twice, and with the cough, he spit a few mouthfuls of blood. She is like a piece of iron now, and the two Chaos immortals are like two refiners. They are constantly beating her, making her body more and more injured, and her physical strength is also getting more and more.

"Old town, how much have you refined?"

"There are hundreds of handles."

Qin Shuang's heart was a joy, and a ray of mysterious knowledge penetrated into it, and he saw two piles of swords thrown by the outside of the refiner.

"Finally I can resist for a while without physical strength!"

"Well ..."

A dense sound of swords sounded, and around the double-Qin Shuang, the magic flames suddenly towering. One hundred and eighty-handed magic swords emerged from the body, setting up a large Zhoutian sword array.

With the superb magic sword and Qin Shuang's realm of mysterious power, and understanding of the battlefield, this time when the Zhoutian Sword Formation was already in the spirit world, it could not be compared.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The attack of the two Emperor Emperor peaks intensively bombarded the Da Zhoutian Sword Formation. The Da Zhou Tian Sword formation shook violently and issued a chirping sword, but they survived the attack of the two Emperor Peaks.


Qin Shuang sat on the ground with his butt, thinking quickly in his heart. The Da Zhoutian sword array with 108 swords is estimated to be able to block the opponent's time of two quarters. It's still because there are too few magic swords. If you have one thousand or eight hundred swords, or more, let alone resist, it is possible to fight back.

"I need to restore my strength as soon as possible."

"But how do you recover?"

"Of course it is best to enter the town demon tower, but how is it feasible in the eyes?"

"Are there any elixir to restore energy?"

Qin Shuang shook his head, and the rejuvenating elixir was Yuanli. There was really no rejuvenating elixir.

"So ... is Vientiane fruit effective?"

"Try it! Regardless of the effect of restoring physical strength, at least, it can repair my injury."

Qin Shuang immediately took out a Vientiane fruit, ate it with three mouthfuls, and then sat in the sword circle of Da Zhoutian while repairing the injury while seeing if he could recover his strength. As for Da Zhoutian Sword Formation, as long as it is controlled by a Yuanshen.

After more than ten breaths, Qin Shuang's face was a joy.

Her rejoicing was not due to the recovery of the internal injuries. Vientiane healing was the meaning of the problem. She was pleasantly surprised that Vientiane really had the effect of restoring physical strength. Although the effect was not as good as the healing effect, it could have the effect of recovery. Just fine.

Qin Shuang calculated quickly in her heart, and now she has only 30% of her physical strength left. In fact, the remaining 30% of physical strength is already very dangerous for a monk. 30% of the physical strength is not enough to maintain a monk's perfect defense or attack, will reveal flaws, Qin double injuries several times, all because of this.


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