Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2423: casualties

Qin Shuang nodded and said, "Let me show the three seniors."

"Don't dare to be a grandfather and call your elders. How about our peers?"

"Okay, then I'll look at Brother Hong Dao's injury first." Qin Shuang nodded gladly.

"Thank you!"

Qin Shuangxuan's consciousness emerged, Xu Xu retracted it, and said quietly, "Brother Hong Dao, your injury is already very serious."

"I know!" Hong Tao looked forward to Qin Shuang anxiously: "Is there a quick cure for elixir?"

Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "If you want a quick cure, it can't be done by elixir."

Hong Tao's face could not help showing disappointment.

Qin Shuang took out a jade box and a jade bottle and handed it to Hong Tao:

"Brother Hong Dao, there is a Vientiane fruit in this jade box, which should be able to heal your injury within two days. Putting an elixir in this jade bottle, it should be able to make your repairs to the peak quickly."

"Vientiane fruit?"

Hong Tao's face showed ecstasy, and as a result, the jade box and bottle were hurried to open the jade box, shaking with excitement.

"This is Vientiane fruit! Too expensive! I ..."

Hong Tao's face was tangled. He now needed this Vientiane fruit too much, but what exchange? His mind quickly calculated the value of this Vientiane fruit and what he could exchange.

By this time, Qin Shuang had begun to examine the bodies of the two elders. There was a joy in my heart. The two elders were not injured, but they were exhausted to the extreme, and their power was exhausted. This is not a problem for Qin Shuang. Then he took out two jade bottles and handed them to the two elders:

"The elixir in the jade bottle will make you soon recover to its peak."

Two people took the jade bottle, opened the bottle cap, and their faces were shocked:

"Dan Mist-level elixir!"

When Hong Tao heard that, his expression was stunned, and then he opened his jade bottle in a hurry, and saw that there was an elixir inside, and there was a layer of colorful haze on the elixir.

Hong Tao couldn't help laughing, this value ...

After seeing Hong Tao's thoughts, Qin Shuang said with a smile: "Brother Hong Dao, now we are helping each other together, and the others need not be said. I will not disturb the three Dao brothers and recover from their injuries.

The three Hong Taos silently sent Qin Shuang to the gate of Dongfu. Looking at the back of Qin Shuang's departure, the two elders sighed:

"No wonder her injuries recovered so quickly!"

"This is the advantage of a great master!" The elder said with emotion.

"Don't feel bad here, we don't have much time, and quickly adjust the rate to resume!"

Hong Tao turned and walked into Dongfu. The look of the two elders at this time also relaxed a lot, turned and walked towards Dongfu.

However, Qin Shuang did not return to Dongfu, but came to the edge of the Dazheng. At this time, most monks stayed here to adjust their powers, because they knew that they would fight again two days later and fight for the restoration of the Huzongdazhen. Times of Day. In order to save time, they did not return to their respective camps.

Qin Shuang didn't bother them, and came to the edge of the large group silently. He sat cross-legged, moved the five Great Gods into the town demon tower, and realized the violent bells.

Around an hour, the Five Great Gods returned, Qin's lips opened slightly, and a sound of vibration sent thousands of miles away from her mouth.

A ten-mile-diameter bell appeared in midair and fell towards the ground. Rune flow, treasure light.


With a ringing bell, Qin's eyes stared at the distance the sound wave extended, turning a blind eye to the dead chaotic beasts.

"Nine hundred and ten miles!"

Qin Shuang once again sent the five great gods into the town demon tower, and the surrounding monks were awakened by the screams of the chaotic beasts outside, and saw the violent bells.

"She recovers fast!"

Many people saw Qin Shuang being hit by the ground, but did not expect that Qin Shuang appeared again in the morning, and also released a violent bell.

Another hour or so later, Qin Shuang released the bells again.

Nine hundred miles!

Moreover, the first layer of Xianhuang could not bear the attack of the violent bells, and his headshot died.


Almost every other hour, Qin Shuang released a violent bell sound. Twenty times after the release, Qin Shuang's mystic power was consumed. The scope of the bells of violent bells was reduced to seven hundred and twenty miles. Has begun to threaten the third floor of Xianhuang. Qin Shuang got up and left the edge of the large array, returned to his cave house, released the array, entered the town demon tower, and began to recover the mysterious power.

Within a quarter of an hour, Qin Shuang came out of the town demon tower, but instead of immediately releasing the violent bells, he began to practice while holding the town demon tower, accumulating the immortal strength in his body. Because she once told Hong Tao that after exhausting mysterious power, it takes ten days to recover.

While Qin Shuang was practicing, while comprehending the Tiandi Avenue, Hong Tao led the monks to go out and fight with Chaos Beast again.

Outside of Qin Shuang's Dongfu, there was a monk Haotianzong who didn't dare to disturb Qin Shuang, but just waited outside the Dongfu quietly. He brought Hong Tao to Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang no longer had to go out to fight with Chaos Beast, just stay inside the Zongmen to understand the violent bells. Moreover, Qin Shuang killed more chaotic beasts with violent bells than any monk, which is not an escape.

When Qin Shuang came out of Dongfu, when he heard the words of the disciple of Haotian Zong, he knew in his heart that the real reason for Hong Tao to stay in Zongmen was not to make her realize the violent bells, nor was it because of her violent bells Has killed many Chaos beasts, not less than other monks, but afraid that she died outside. Qin Shuang is the master of elixir. Once dead, it is not as simple as dying a fairy emperor. Who will heal them by then? Dan Mist-level Ivy?

When Qin Shuang stood in front of Dongfu, he could hear the killing noise outside, nodded toward that disciple of Haotianzong, and stepped into the void, and then appeared on the edge of the large array. First, he looked up into the air and saw six immortals. Zun is fighting. And the three races are in good shape now. Hong Tao's spirits were shaking, and the two elders began to prevail.

This is not surprising. Hong Tao ’s three deities have fully recovered, but the three Chaos immortals of the Chaos have not recovered to the peak. It is not surprising that the two elders have a slight advantage. However, Hong Tao is still in a disadvantage, anyway, he is not a true fairy. It's just trying to stop the Chaos tribe from bombarding the patriarch.

Qin Shuang retracted his gaze, looked out of the large array, and hunted for Tian Tianxing and others. It was easy to find them because the existence of the Jiugong Zigzag Formation was very conspicuous, and Xiandi and other immortals were also in the Jiugong Zigzag Formation Nearby.

"Injuries are inevitable!"

Qin Shuang saw that the monks who formed the Jiugong Zigzag Formation were only in their early thirteen million. These days, tens of thousands of monks have fallen.


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