Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2428: Lei Bing Man Tian

"Click ..."

A lightning circled the arc through the sky, and then the figure of Qin Shuang appeared. At this time, Qin Shuang was about ten miles away from that ground respect. This distance could ensure her safety. At the speed of her fire thunder wings, This distance can ensure that she avoids the attack of that deity.

The chaotic landlord really wanted to rush to slap dead piano double. However, his heart beat suddenly and violently. He sensed an extreme danger that was locking him in, and the direction from which was the robbery clouds in the sky.

"How is this possible? Isn't it homage?"

He looked up into the air and frowned.

Earth robbery is the Purple Thunder Robbery!

However, there is no half-purple color in the robbery cloud at this time!

At this time, Qin Shuang was also looking up at the robbery clouds in the air, feeling uneasy in his heart. She knew it was definitely not Purple Thunder, but she did not know what it would be. Because she didn't know, what would be above Purple Thunder?

"How do I feel more powerful than when I crossed the streets?" Said the second elder.

"Crap!" Said the elder with a sorrowful face. "Putting that land respect in is the land respect."

"No!" Hong Tao shook his head and said, "I've seen Dire Robbery. This seems to be stronger than Dire Robbery!"

The elder erupted in dismay: "Can it still be God's robber?"

"Is there a difference?" The elder shook his head sadly. "It's the land robber, and Qin Shuang can't bear it."

The three were silent!

The wind howled, and Haotianzong was silent inside and out.

In the sky, the landlord and Qin pair both fell towards the ground, more than ten miles apart, each preparing to cross the robbery.

The chaos man held the huge bone spear in his chaotic hands, and stared at the air with a grim expression.

Qin Shuang's expression was also very dignified. As a person locked by Tianjie, she could clearly perceive that the thunder rob that was about to land was definitely not a purple thunder rob.

"Om ..."

She sacrificed the town demon tower, which enlarged and hovered over her head, hiding her under the town demon tower.

The sky was completely dark, and at a glance you could not see the marginal calamity cloud, like a dark cover, covering the earth.


There was a deafening roar in the sky, and a dark tone broke through the dark clouds.

"Click ..."

There was a thunderous thunder, and then a dazzling thunder pour out of the crack like the Yangtze River.

Do not!

That was not a simple Thunder, but a Thunder Soldier. One by one, Lei Bing, who turned into a humanoid shape, held a spear and a sword turned into a thunder in his hand, as if the river was hanging upside down, and rushed to the chaos and Qin Shuang.

"Tianzun Jie!" Hong Tao exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear.

"Tianzun Jie!" Chaos Tianzun exclaimed in fear, a kind of despair came to mind.

"What is it?"

Qin Shuangmeng circle!

When she wanted to come, no matter what the catastrophe, it was a rough thunder bombarded. In this way, with the resistance of the town demon tower, you can hide under the town demon tower.


This is not a big thunder, this is a thunder! They can pounce on themselves and cut themselves!

How to stop this?

"Master, nothing!"

When Qin Shuang was anxious, Zhen Lao's voice came out. Then I saw a circle of light curtain descending from the town demon tower, enveloping the piano double in the light curtain under the tower.

"Click ..."

Countless thunder soldiers descended from the sky, and the swords in their hands blasted towards the town demon tower, and then more thunder soldiers fell to the ground and flew towards Qin Shuang. Within three breaths, both the town demon tower and Qin Shuang were overwhelmed by Lei Bing. Qin Shuanghe Zhenyue Pagoda is like a reef in the ocean, submerged in sea water, and you can never see the slightest.

"It's all right, all right!" Li Tianxing's voice trembled. "The thunder robbery hasn't ended, it means the suzerain is okay."

"Boom boom boom ..."

On the other side, you can't see that chaotic landlord, countless thunder soldiers have drowned that chaotic landlord, like a thunder mountain, and as thunder soldiers continue to flow in, that thunder mountain is still expanding.

"Boom boom boom ..."

No one knows what the chaotic landlord and Qin Shuang are doing now, but only knows that neither is dead. They could only watch quietly, praying for that chaotic landlord to die quickly, praying that Qin Shuang could live.


That chaotic landlord may still be alive, how can Qin Shuang live?


From that huge crack, a dazzling torrent poured down again, and countless thunder soldiers descended again.

The two dazzling Leishan mountains piled up by Lei Bing are getting bigger and bigger, all monks in the Haotian sect are silent, and those chaotic beasts outside the sect are constantly retreating.

"It's already the 17th Thunder Soldier." Luo Shuiliu's face showed a look of expectation: "Should the lord be all right?"


As soon as Luo Shuiliu's words fell, I saw the Thunder Mountain covering the Chaos Emperor suddenly dispersing like a firework. The thunder soldiers rushed towards the Thunder Mountain where Qin Shuang was located, like a mighty soup Milky Way for soup.

"this is……"

Everyone was stunned, with speculation in their hearts, but couldn't believe it, their eyes were fixed on the thunder mountain that was spreading like a collapse.

The last few thunder soldiers also rushed in the direction of Qin Shuang, revealing the original coverage.


No more!

nothing left!

The chaos tribe is gone, and even the dregs are gone!


The endless chaos beast raged. Everyone knew in their hearts that the chaos was revered to death, and was blasted to death by Tianjie. No **** was left.

The two Chaos people showed a glimmer of fear in their eyes. The two knew that the attack on Haotianzong had failed. Without that deity, they would be at an instant disadvantage. If the two of them dare to be like before, Hao Tianzong's three people can kill themselves. As long as one entangles one of them, and the remaining two Haotian sects attack a chaos tribe, even the mills can kill the chaos tribe.


In that case, the three deities will kill a large number of Chaos Beasts, and Chaos Beast Tide will no longer threaten Haotianzong.

Use the quantity to pile up Haotianzong's respect?

Do not make jokes!

With a large array of support, the three men were tired, and went back to rest for a while. It can be said that without that chaotic land respect, Haotianzong does not even need other monks. Only those three respects are enough to keep Haotianzong in the battle.


One of the Chaos tribe honored and shouted for the first time.

"Booming ..."

Chaos Beast began to retreat, just like the ebb tide, galloping in the other direction. On the side of Haotianzong, they were already powerless to destroy Haotianzong, and they would immediately meet another target and join the chaotic beast there to jointly destroy the next target.


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