Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2451: decisive battle

The city's main house is noisy every day, but occasionally it is found that monks who are not quite from the mainland went to practice near the place where Qin Shuang lived.

? ? ?

What is this

Then they realized that the immortal spirit of the entire immortal city was converging towards the place where Qin Shuang lived. Even near the place where Qin Shuang lived, the immortal energy was several times stronger than before.

As a result, more people ran there and began to practice, and the city's main government gradually became silent, making Wan Yanmei cry and laugh.

For nearly five months.


The imperial energy of the imperial city boils, and it flows toward the place where Qin Shuang is located at a faster flow rate.

Qin Shuang broke through!

Xiuwei jumped to the third floor of Xiandi.

"Fast speed!" Wan Yanmei lost her hand in the courtyard of the city's main house and looked in the direction of Qin Shuang. She saw that Qin Shuang was absorbing the immortal energy frantically at this time and had formed on her head. A huge fairy vortex.

"I thought it would take at least two hundred to five hundred years for you to break through the peak of Xiandi. Looking at this speed, maybe you can break through the peak of Xiandi without a hundred years."

"Well ..."

The already very small crystal vein quickly turned into a strong immortal energy and penetrated into Qin Shuang's body. Within two hours, the crystal vein disappeared.

However, Qin Shuang's breakthrough continues.

At this time, other monks also awakened from the practice and looked up at Qin Shuang. Seeing that huge amount of immortal energy is poured into the body of Qin Shuang like a river flowing backwards, but Qin Shuang's body is like a black hole, which continuously devours a huge amount of immortal energy.

"How strong is this!"

After two more hours, the celestial vortex in the heavens dispersed, Qin Shuang opened his eyes.

"Congratulations to Master Qin for breaking through!"

"Well, such a loud voice!"

Startled Qin Shuang, opened his eyes and swept away.

"Why so many people?"

"Too many monks from the savage continent!"

Tianhun Xing came together, and the voice passed into the secret: "Sect Lord, they all came to immortal spirit."

"Yanxian's vitality?" Qin Shuang was surprised.

"That ... Because our monks from the savage continent are constantly breaking through, the immortal spirit of the entire immortal city is attracted here."

Qin understood for two seconds, then cried and laughed.

After many hours of noisy, the monks dispersed. Qin Shuang did not treat guests, and could not afford it. Hundreds of millions of monks chopped the monks from the savage continent to eat.

Qin Shuang took the five elders who hunted Tianxing back to his cave house, and his gaze swept across the five elders, his face showing joy.

Hunting the sky, Bi Chongtian and Haizhen are already the nine-level peak of the Emperor. The biggest breakthrough is still Yang Yuzhu and Luo Shuiliu, which were originally repaired very low. Now they are both the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. Don't underestimate these two big Luo Jinxian, because their practiced basalt tomb and fire wind tomb, these two men's true combat power, is close to the middle of nine days of Xuanxian.

"How are our monks now?"

"Luo Tianshang Xian is very rare in the middle period!" Li Tianxing excitedly said, "Many monks have broken through to Luo Tianshang Xian late."

"Very good!" Qin Shuang rejoiced.

"And, after you took out the second vein, monks have joined us in the Five Elements, and now more than 900,000 monks have joined us in the Five Elements."

"very good!"

When Qin Shuang was happy, he took out the agar milk corn, big mouth fish, fragrant beast meat, monkey wine and some fairy fruit, and congratulated the five elders. They surprised the five people who hunted Tianxing, but didn't expect that his master still had Such treasures.

"The lord is getting more and more ... unfathomable!"

With this shocking thought, five people from Li Tianxing left.

At this point, the sixth ring has begun to be broken. The tide of chaotic beasts submerged towards the five rings. At the same time, the monks who trained in the first ring to the fourth ring all started to march toward the fifth ring.

Hundreds of monks and chaos began to converge towards the five rings from opposite directions.

The decisive battle is approaching!

"Om ..."

Qin Shuang hanging on the waist of the message Yu Jian rang, Qin Shuangxuan insight penetrated, from the city owner to complete Yan Mei's order. After Qin doubled, he stood up, walked out of Dongfu, and yelled:

"Get ready!"

"Well ..."

Monks came out of Dongfu and gathered towards Qin Shuang.

At this time, this is true throughout the entire Emperor City, and throughout the five rings. Countless monks converged to form a monk army and set off in the direction they wanted to attack. Ready to start a decisive battle with the Chaos.

Qin Shuang directs monks from the savage continent to form the Jiugong Zigzag Formation, waiting for the order of the decisive battle.

"Om ..."

Chuan Yujian rang and ordered.


Only momentarily, I used the five rings as the cutting line, and I saw two tides trying to hedge, one from the chaos beast tide outside the five rings, and one from the hundreds of monks within the five rings.

You can't see the margins at a glance, and it's ridiculous.

"Well ..."

The entire battlefield is divided into three levels of three dimensions.

The monk of the law, that is, the monk of the immortal and the chaotic beast fight on the ground. The immortal king to the immortal fought in mid-air, while the immortal was fought above the high howling wind layer.

The battlefield of slaughter was everywhere, and people's scalp was numb.

Qin Shuang was in mid-air at this time, looking at the battlefield up and down, and couldn't help sighing.

"The scene is so grand."


Qin Shuang rushed out, the sword in his hand was cut out with a sword, and each rule was intertwined into a space of five elements, up and down, left and right, front and back, in all directions, like a large net, covering several early emperors and then inward Shrinking, one by one the Chao Emperor Xiandi were cut by the sword net, screaming endlessly.

Just for a moment, several immortal emperors were cut into pieces at the beginning and fell from the air, like a blood rain.

"After all, there is no real space for five elements, otherwise it will be stronger!"

Qin Shuang sighed in her heart, but she knew that if she wanted to upgrade the Five Elements to a qualitative change, she might really need to realize the Five Elements in one.


Suddenly a shrill, long and shouting sound, an immortal emperor rushed towards Qin Shuang in the middle. He is not a human figure, but a shape that has not been seen before. He has a huge body, six pairs of gray wings on his back, two legs and two arms, one eye and one mouth.

However, the mouth was too big, and at this moment he opened his mouth wide, exposing the two rows of teeth in it.


As he rushed towards Qin Shuang, he opened his ugly mouthful inhaling toward Qin Shuang, and Qin Shuang felt a huge suction, sucking his body.

"Well ..."

An immortal emperor who was not far away from Qin Shuang was caught in the early stage, and was suddenly sucked into the mouth by the Chaos tribe. Kacha Kacha, chewed a few times, Qin both saw the body of the Emperor and the Yuan Shen were crushed and crushed by the Chaos.

The Chaos tribe looked at Qin Shuang who was trying to stabilize his body, and laughed wryly:

"Humans, you are the blood of our Chaos tribe! Hey ..."


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