Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2453: Xu Nianzu

"Hundreds of people have some insufficiency!" Yan Shanhun looked at the three battlefields.

"There is no way. Only a hundred thousand years after the end of the catastrophe, hundreds of people are far from recovering. In that catastrophe, our hundreds of people suffered too many casualties. And the rules of heaven and earth changed, and the law of chaos occupied 90% of the immortal realm. These ten For tens of thousands of years, how many Chaos beasts have been bred by Jiucheng ’s Chaos Law? But we have been driving out the Chaos Law. For more than 100,000, it has only occupied four layers. Recovery is slow. ”

"Fortunately, there is this formation, otherwise the monks on the ground may collapse." Yanshan soul said.

"Even with this formation, it's just stalemate. There are too many beasts of chaos!" Zuo Yan sighed.

"Hopefully, the Monks of Law can take advantage!"

The seven holy monks set their sights on the two battlefields of the monk of law, looking slightly slower.

"It seems that in terms of wisdom, our hundred races still occupy a certain advantage, and there are more monks who understand the rules than the Chaos races."

"However, the ontology of the Chaos is better than that of the Hundreds! Even the dragons are not as good as the Chaos."

"Boom boom boom ..."

Qin Shuang did not release the violent bell, and with the power of the mystery she now has, she cannot release it dozens of times. Fire thunder fins were not used, because they could not last for a long time because of continuous use.

She fought with the Chaos cleverly. Whenever the power of the body was consumed by half, Zhenlao would throw a Yuandan in her stomach.

Moreover, the repair she showed was not strong at first, but only the third floor of the Emperor. Therefore, most of the attacks on her were in the early and middle stages of the Emperor, and sometimes there were several late emperors.

Qin Shuang knew that in this war, she was just a drop in the ocean. It was not her who played the decisive role, but the immortals above the wind layer. She plays a small role.

But even so. Based on the three-layer cultivation of Qin Shuangxian Emperor, she has the nine-layer combat power of the Emperor. In addition to the Five Elements Sword, she already has the ten-layer combat power of the Emperor. Respect. This kind of superficial deception is very deceptive, but Qin Shuang killed 37 chaotic immortals in three days.

This kind of performance has been very amazing, and finally was caught by the Chaos monks. An immortal peak rushed towards Qin Shuang. At this time, the war had been going on for five days, and she was not afraid to see an immortal peak rushing towards her. If you say that Qin Shuang was a little worried at the beginning of the war, he was worried that he would be besieged by many immortals, and he is no longer worried. Because she found that the immortal emperors of the Chaos tribe did not have as many immortals as the hundreds. Although most of them are one-on-one, there are also a small number of two hundred imperial emperors who pinch on one chaos immortal. This is the number advantage of the hundreds. Therefore, the Immortal Emperor of the Chaos can't besiege the Qin Shuang several times.

What terrible is this?

Even at the peak of Xiandi, Qin Shuang is not afraid!

Five Elements Slash!

Five Elements Slash!

Five Elements Slash!


Qin Shuang released the Five Elements in a row, and the power was close to half a step. The peak of the immortal emperor fell completely into the downwind, constantly blocking and blocking, and there was no chance of counterattack.

However, Qin Shuang's damage to the opponent is also very small. The body of the Chaos is strong. The emperor's peak cultivation, but the body has a state of near respect. The Five Elements were resisted by the opponent, and Yu Wei was cut on the opponent's body, which could only hurt the fur.

"No, it costs too much and hurts too little!"

Qin Shuang began to shrink to release the distance and power of the Five Elements, showing a picture of the immortal power consumption. This is really not a pretense, but the Five Elements are indeed quickly consuming the power of the Qin Shuang, so that the distance and power of the Qin Shuang and the Five Elements are rapidly shrinking.

Qin Shuang can do this, it's very simple, as long as Zhen Lao is not allowed to throw Yuan Dan in her stomach.

This is a real response, so the Chaos immortal peak is a joy in his heart and began to fight back to Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's state is getting worse and worse, no longer attacking, he is fully defending, and the range of defense is getting smaller and smaller, but the Chaos monks on the opposite side are attacking and getting fiercer, getting closer to Qin Shuang.

If this is a battle between human monks, the other party will no longer be able to see Qin Shuang, and they will definitely not approach. But Chaos are different. Although they also have rules, they prefer to fight close-ups, because their bodies are more powerful than the rules they practice. Therefore, the Chaos monk is getting closer and closer to the Qin Shuang.

He held a bone spear in his hand, and a smirk appeared on his face. He twisted the bone spear with both hands and stabbed at the chest of the piano. The distance between the two was no more than two meters at this time. His eyes had already imagined that his bone spear had penetrated into Qin Shuang's chest and provoked her high.

Then he saw the immortal sword in Qin's hands slamming towards his bone spear, and his mouth snorted softly:


The chaos tribe almost burst out laughing and sighed with joy:

"can not open!"


His bone spear was raised high, his arms were numb, his hands holding the bone spear burst and blood was flying out. Qin Shuang's body strength erupted at this instant, shaking the opponent's bone spear high, and her chest door widened.


A sword pierced the opponent's heart.

"Well ..."

Qin Shuang's sword dance became a cloud of shadows. The head and limbs of the Chaos tribe fell from the body, and the huge body fell towards the ground.

Qin Shuang's eyes looked at Qin Shuang, and she was watching Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang gave her a different feeling. From her first meeting with Qin Shuang, she felt from Qin Shuang's body that she had a very similar temperament to her when she was young. This temperament, she did not see from Xu Nianzu who valued her most.

Seeing the way Qin Shuang beheaded and killed that immortal peak, Qin Shuang nodded secretly. Looking away from Qin Shuang's body, his eyes penetrated thousands of miles and fell on Xu Nianzu's body.

At this time, Xu Nianzu was surrounded by the breath of the six layers of the Emperor Emperor, holding a handle of Houtian Xianbao in his hand, and each method was extraordinary and extraordinary, and he beheaded each Emperor from the air. Even at the peak of the Emperor Emperor, Xu Nianzu's hands could not get out of the confluence. At this time, Xu Nianzu was relying on his own body power to kill an immortal emperor one layer at a time.

"The ability to read ancestors is worse than Qin Shuang, and now the strength of the body has reached the third level of the Emperor. Qin Shuang is unfortunate, her skills are not as good as that of ancestors, so her ability to learn more is not as good , The height that can be reached in the end must not be better than ancestors. "


At this time, an early emperor peaked at Xu Nianzu, and Xu Ziyan released a Xeon move, like a world, bombarded towards the other side. Take the Emperor Xianxiu as a bombardment of the world. This momentum not only seriously wounded the Chaos monks on the opposite side and flew out, but also attracted the attention of many law monks. Qin Shuang couldn't help but look away, and saw the power of the Xeon move.


Many thanks to the gusts of james (200), seaphay (100), djp1123 (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for their rewards!



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