Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2471: small world

Qin Shuang's heart was aroused, and she did not cultivate the violent bells. The key was that she was not good at training. Once these Yalongs got mad, Qin Shuang also felt a headache.

After more than two months, a mountain range appeared in front.

"Ang ..." All Yalongs issued a long howl, shaking the earth.

Sitting on the back of the python-necked dragon, Qin Shuang suddenly stood up. She practiced music, and she could hear a kind of excitement from the long howling of these Yalongs.

"That mountain ..." Qin Shuang observed carefully: "It's like a crouching dragon!"

"Booming ..."

All Yalongs pulsed towards the mountain, and then they began to eat the mountain with a big mouth.

Not bad!

It is to eat the mountains, to scoop down a stone and eat it.

"Why is that?"

Qin Shuang was somewhat inexplicable. As soon as he stepped in the void, his figure flew in the air, landed on the mountain, and looked around.


As soon as Qin's eyes moved and her body moved, she flew towards a mountain peak in the mountains. Her body fell on the mountain peak, and she saw the bodies of two monsters lying on the peak. Although the two monsters were dead, But the breath radiating from his body still brought oppression to Qin Shuang.

This is definitely a monster of two immortal periods!

These two monsters should fight each other and lose both.


Qin Shuang's eyes fell on a crack above the mountain peak, which should be the time when the two beasts fought and cracked the mountain peak.


Qin Shuang suddenly stepped on the empty step, and his figure flew up into the air, and saw countless Yalongs rushing up, regardless of the two immortal monsters, kicking the mountain at will, and then absorbed greedily towards the crack . Qin Shuang quietly fell down and rushed over. Those Yalongs ignored her. Compared to Yalong, Qin Shuang's figure was too small, and it was easy for him to catch the crack before taking a breath.

"This is ... Dragon Qi!" Qin Shuang looked: "Is this mountain a dragon? Is it a real dragon, not a dragon? No wonder these dragons eat the rocks of this mountain, where is the rock? , Is simply the dragon body!

It was the two fairy demon monsters fighting here, blasting the dragon's body out of a crack, and the dragon's energy inside emanated.

Yalong should be very sensitive to the breath of Shenlong, so so many Yalong rushed here. "

Qin Shuang wanted to understand everything and was a little disappointed in his heart. The dragon body seemed to do little to himself. I just wanted to turn around and leave, but I stepped suddenly, a flash of excitement flashed between my brows, and then stood there quietly, feeling the dragon spirit.

"This ... turned out to be the breath of the five elements in one! Was this dragon once a five-colored dragon?"

"Ka-K-K-K ..."

Yalongs were eating at the rocks constantly, Qin Shuang kept dodging, and was almost eaten by a Yalong. As soon as I stepped in the void, I left the mountain and arrived at a mountain without Yalong. I sat there on my knees and felt it carefully.

"Not only the dragon spirit, but the whole mountain contains the rhyme of the five elements. Only that gap is richer!"


"This is the chance!"

Qin Shuang sacrificed the array, then sat cross-legged, and began to infer the meaning of the five elements in one.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


Seven days later.


A colorful light rushed into the sky, awakening Qin Shuang in comprehension, and Qin Shuang looked at them, and saw that the crested mountain peak had been taken away by one third. From the mountain peak straight into the clouds. Like a huge five-colored beam of light, the sky and the earth are shaking, and the space is like a lake, constantly swinging around.


Qin Shuang stood up arrogantly, and as soon as he stepped in the void, he had already reached the mountain peak, lowered his head and looked down. I saw that there was a layer of five-color light curtain below, and the five-color light shining directly into the sky was released by that light curtain.

"Boom boom boom ..."

A head of Yalong hit the layer of five-color light curtain, and the five-color light curtain continued to tremble violently, but remained strong. Qin Shuang's eyebrows contemplate, and her eyes suddenly shake.

"Does this ... the dead five-colored Divine Dragon form its own realm? Within the five-colored light curtain is the small world inside the Divine Dragon?"

She spread the mystic knowledge down to the layer of five-color light curtain, and could not detect it without accident. But let Qin Shuang analyze, with his current strength, it is impossible to break this layer of light curtain.

"Om ..."

The space shook, and a figure came out from a distance. Qin Shuang raised his eyes and saw a black spot. The black spot had enlarged and stood in the air not far from her. Gaze glanced down, then looked at Qin Shuang, Qin Shuang felt his body sinking, the pressure increased sharply.

It was a demon fairy, and when Qin Shuang was just an immortal, he asked lightly:

"What do you see?"

"Buzz ..."

There are constantly immortals coming across the space, there are demons, demons, and people.

"I pass by here occasionally, and I see a lot of Yalongs eating mountain ranges, and in doubt, I see a beam of light soaring into the sky, and then the seniors come."

The voice of Qin Shuang sounded in mid-air, and Zhongxianzun stopped paying attention to Qin Shuang, and set his eyes on the light curtain in the mountain.

"This should be a small world!"

"An untapped little world!"

"This should be the time of the catastrophe, where a dragon fell."

"Five-colored Guanghua, that is the most honorable five-colored Shenlong."

"The small world bred by the five-colored Shenlong has many opportunities!"

"The Dragons have always been fascinating with treasures, and it is estimated that there are countless treasures in the small world."

"Well ..."

At this time, the Emperor Xian already started to come one after another, but just saw those immortals, one by one stopped far away, asking each other. Qin Shuang also left those immortals at this time, stepping on a white cloud, waiting quietly. With these immortal presences, we must be able to break through the light curtain and enter the small world. And those immortal statues should not forbid them to enter the lower monks.

"I don't know if there will be an opportunity to realize the five elements in one?"

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, looking forward in her eyes. Her current situation is that she must realize the integration of the five elements, or she has no hope of breaking through the period of human respect.

"You drive these Yalong away."

Suddenly a demon fairy respected to all the immortals. Although the Yalongs are huge, their strength is not strong. The strongest is the Emperor Xian. These Xianzun lazily got out of hand, and ordered the surrounding emperors to take action.

Qin Shuang hurriedly searched and found the python-necked dragon and its children. The python-necked dragon is gentle and combative, so it is squeezed by the other dragons on the edge of the mountain.


Many thanks to Zhao Yilin Ziyan (200), a gust of wind james (200), seaphay (100) for the reward!



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