Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2486: Report

At that time, I was leading the Terrans to hunt down the Chaos. The man who led the Chaos tribe led a group of Chaos tribe. It is estimated that there are millions of them who want to siege us. As a result, that man was killed by me. At his death, the Chaos tribe collapsed and began to flee, and we hunted all the way. Unexpectedly, the fleeing chaotic beasts scared other chaotic beasts, so the tide of fleeing beasts became larger and larger. In the end, the Chaos Beast Tide is irreversible, and nothing can stop them from escaping, even if the Supreme Master comes, it cannot be stopped. Therefore, although we only have hundreds of thousands of monks, as long as we keep attacking in the back, the Chaos Beast will keep running and keep running, and the Chaos Beast tide will keep expanding and running in one direction. Wu Daoyou, you do n’t know. On this way, Chaos Beast does not know how much he trampled himself, ha ha ha ... ”

Wu Manhe's eyes shrank. He didn't know whether Qin Shuang was true or not, but one thing he knew was that the chaos and beast tide at this time was unstoppable, let alone hundreds of thousands of monks behind, even if only a few Brother Wan, just made a hunting gesture in the back, and the Chaos Beast will always run away.

"Humans will stop at the Wuman River, but the Barbarians cannot stop the Chaos Beast Tide, otherwise it will cause disaster to the Barbarians. The territory occupied by the Barbarians is based on the Langyue River. It must continue To chase chaotic beasts and let the chaotic beast tide continue, it is best to drive chaotic beasts to the west, where they are originally chaotic areas and there are no barbarians. And after being expelled, as Qin Shuang said, chaotic beasts will trample themselves to death. Chaos beasts. "

"Notify the clan immediately, assemble to Langyue River, and prepare to chase the chaotic beast." Wuman River immediately issued an order, and the immortal emperors took out the jade Jane and began to inform their clan.

"Decisively!" Qin Shuang nodded.

"When does Qin Zong want to clear the Chaos?" Wu Manhe asked tentatively.

"Let's trim it for a while!" Qin Shuang shook his head. "This time our people have suffered a lot of casualties and need to be restored. And this time, it is purely accidental that this kind of effect can be caused.

"That's right!" Wumanhe nodded: "The lord of Qin, the human race and the barbarians live together on the barbaric continent. We have common enemies, barbarians. In the future, we will help each other and communicate with each other."

"That's a good thing!" Qin Shuang nodded: "We're almost here to Langyue River. Our Terrans are not good enough to cross the border, and Chaos Beast Tide will be given to you. This is a chance to hunt Chaos Beast."



The Wuman River flew in the direction of Langyue River, gathered the barbarian monks, and prepared to hunt down the chaotic beast tide.

Tian Xing Xing flew to Qin Shuang's side, and felt a little depressed: "It was a bargain for them."

"It's not cheap." Qin Shuang whispered, "We will kill Chaos Beast sooner or later. The barbarians will take this opportunity to kill more, and we will be easier in the future."

Tianhunxing nodded, and the two flew in the air following the tide of chaotic beasts. On the ground, hundreds of thousands of monks released the dharma with all their strength. Within a short time, the chaos beasts began to suffer heavy casualties and fled faster.

There is no other way. The barbarians look at the other side of the Langyue River. Even if they are pretending, they must be disguised. The barbarians can't see at a glance that the people are chasing the chaos.

Besides, it's not far from Lang Yuehe, it will be over for a few days!

Six days later.

The last batch of Chaos Beasts jumped into Langyue River, and a monk of a personal tribe lay on the ground, exhausted one by one. Looking at the chaotic beasts fleeing to the other side of Langyuehe, they laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha ..."

In the laughter of the monk monks, the barbarians relayed the monk monks and began chasing the chaotic beast tide.

The east bank of the Langyue River gradually became silent, and the monks climbed up from the ground, began to take the elixir, and adjusted their interest.

Qin Shuang summoned Tianhunxing and handed him a storage ring, saying:

"Elder hunter, there is an altar here. When the monks resume their cultivation, they will select some monks and form a number of teams. They will distribute the altar to them, and let them collect the chaotic carcasses along the way."

"Good!" Li Tianxing excitedly took the storage ring and said, "From now on, there will be no more chaotic beasts in this territory. Waiting to slowly decompose the laws of chaos, it is our territory. . "

"We don't have as many human races," Qin Shuang shook his head. "There will be a lot of areas to turn into territories of monsters."

However, now more than 60% of the territory east of Langyue River has been put on altars, and no more chaotic beasts will live. Only 30% of the area in the northeast is still covered by the law of chaos. However, it is difficult to meet this opportunity. Northeast and East could only be expelled slowly.

"This is also good!" Hunting Sky Road: "Originally we prepared for five or six hundred years, and now we have directly saved half of the time, at least two hundred years and as many as three hundred years, we can convert Lang Yuehe to East's Chaos Beasts are all expelled. "

"Hope!" Qin Shuang nodded: "It seems that the barbarians have no doubt that we consciously expelled the Chaos Beasts towards them. This is a good thing. This time I went back to repair for five years, and then slowly expelled. Hope The barbarian can find some more. "

"Hehehe ..." Li Tianxing laughed happily.

"Zongmen is entrusted to you. I have something to deal with."

Li Tianxing nodded, without asking Qin Shuang what to do. If Qin Shuang wanted to say, he would naturally say to him.

Qin Shuang moved the thunder wing and flew towards the passage to the Shangyuan continent. The law of chaos separated the barbaric continent and the Shangyuan continent. She wanted to inform Qin Shuang about the demons, but the news of Yujian was because of chaos The reason for the blockade cannot be passed. If you want to pass it, you must pass through the passage between the two continents and go to the Shangyuan continent.

The last time I just told Jiao, she notified Xu Ziyan, but she did not find that the demons modified the law of chaos. However, this time it was discovered that the situation was serious and she had to notify Xu Ziyan. Based on her current status and cultivation, knowing this is useless. You must let Xu Ziyan know, and only Xu Ziyan can handle such a major event.

There has been a lot of delay in Kui Tian, ​​so she was anxious at this moment.

"Click ..."

The thunder wings fluttered, and Qin Shuang's figure flew across the air like a lightning bolt. Her gaze swept across the ground below and saw the chaotic beasts everywhere.


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