Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2492: Kill

Hunting for the sky, Bi Chongtian and Haizhen shook their heads and said, "We are also the peak of the Emperor, and what we need is comprehension. It's just ..."

Bitter words appeared on the faces of the three people: "For the past six months, I haven't got a trace of comprehension, and I can't find any direction at all. I even feel that I can't break through human respect in my life, and will die at the peak of the Emperor. "

"Even if it can't be broken, there's nothing strange!" Haizhen shook her head, and was a little frustrated. "Ninety-nine percent of the Emperor's Peak cannot break through human respect, and we are not geniuses."

Qin Shuang's heart suddenly moved and almost raised her hand and patted her forehead. She forgot the December fruit. Now that her five great gods are realizing the integration of the five elements, she first had a trip to the Yuan Dynasty. In the small world of the five-colored **** dragon, she gained the direction of the five elements, and then inherited from Kui Tian. Xu Ziyan was perfused with her experience again, and her hope of breaking through the human respect period rose rapidly. Therefore, she forgot the December fruit. If she eats the December fruit, it is estimated that she should have touched the veil now?

"follow me!"

Qin Shuang took them to a mountain peak on the edge of the plain and landed on the peak. Qin Shuang took out three December fruits and handed them to three humanities:

"This is the December fruit. You go back and eat the retreat."

"December fruit?"

The eyes of the three of them immediately glowed like a little sun. They took the December fruit and carefully measured it. It turned out to be the December fruit. The three men carefully closed it, saluted solemnly to Qin Shuang, and then hurried to their own. Dongfu flew away.

Qin Shuang looked at the chaotic beasts outside the big array, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth:

"It's time to start!"

Qin Shuang came to the hall of discussion and played a pattern, and an entrance appeared in the center of the hall, and the first-level steps extended downward. Qin Shuang took out a December fruit and ate it, then went down the stairs to the ground.

Underground is a large stone room, which is the control center that reverses Zhou Tianzhen. There is a circular table in the center of the stone chamber, there is a hole in the center of the circular table, and there are sixteen concave holes around it.

Qin Shuang took out an array of flags and inserted them into the central hole, then took out sixteen fairy crystals and put them into sixteen recessed holes. A burst of lines struck towards the banner.

"Om ..."

A beam of light rushed upward from the banner, and that beam of light beamed straight towards the roof of the stone chamber.

The entire stone chamber is round, like a large bowl with an inverted buckle, and its shape is like the upside-down Zhou Tianzhen at this time. That upside-down Zhou Tianzhen is like a big bowl of upside down, which inverts the entire Heavenly Sect.

After the beam of light rushing from the array banner hit the roof, I saw that the roof was lit with the beam of light as the center, and the runes circulated around, lit up, and circled around the ground. Spread, from the roof to the surrounding walls, all the way to the ground, the entire stone room lit up.


The runes disappeared, and the entire stone room's roof and walls became light curtains. The light curtains showed everything in the Heavenly Sect, and they could clearly see that the Chaos outside were attacking the array.

The two-way town of Qin sent a message, and the town of the town gave a trick to an immortal vein. The immortal vein that stretched for thousands of miles began to shrink, and finally contracted to a length of more than one foot, like a shrinking dragon. . Qin Shuang took the immortal vein in his hands and broke into the underground of Shishi. Then all the tricks entered the underground, connecting the upside-down Zhou Tianzhen connected to the earth vein to the immortal vein. Then he sneered and looked at the surrounding light curtain.


"Boom boom boom ..."

The Chaos roared, attacking Zhou Tianzhen upside down continuously. Those ten and a half steps were also violently bombarding the large array.

Stone interior.

Qin doubled the lines and broke into the line one by one.

"Booming ..."

A circle of Chaos tribe around Tianxing Sect, rushed to the upside-down Zhou Tianzhen. These chaotic beasts are chaotic beasts without understanding and wisdom. They also cannot release magical powers of the Tao. The force hit upside down Zhou Tianzhen.

They have been doing this for the past six months. Tired of it, replace it. It was just that they rammed for half a year, and they did not smash a crack into the large array. Of course, they did not encounter the monks in the large array to kill them. Therefore, they are all used to it, or in other words, they are numb, but they just collide mechanically.


This time, instead of being bounced back as usual, they rushed in.

Those usages in the air attacked the monks of the Chaos tribe, and watched a circle of chaotic beasts that hit the big rushed into the big array, disappeared without a trace, it was a frustration, and then a joy.

"Didn't it happen?"

"Hmm ..."

The monks of the Chaos race rushed towards the large array. At this moment, looking from the air, the endless Chaos race was like a wangyang, and the central skywalker was like a reef. The endless wangyang slammed at the reef .

However, the reef is like a black hole, no matter how many Chaos race into it, it will disappear.

"Hmm ..."

Even the ten and a half-step deities also rushed in, and they were fearless. As long as so many chaos raced into the large array, each one would pull a shit, and it would also drown the Heavenly Sect. .


When they entered the large array, they felt that everything was upside down, and it seemed that the space inside was extremely wide. The chaos clans came in, not only did they not drown the heavenly sects, but there was also a sign of disorientation.

"Om ..."

The strangling came suddenly, that was the irresistible strangling, that is, the ten and a half steps of the deity did not resist the time of more than three breaths, was strangled by a large array, not to mention the remaining chaos monks. The Chaos invaded incessantly and were hanged one after another, and the corpses on the ground quickly piled up like mountains.

"Go on!"

Qin Shuang sacrifice the town demon tower, the town demon tower turned into a streamer, flew out of the stone room, flew out of the hall, and blasted towards the large array.

Qin Shuang controlled the large array while strangling the Chaos, while paying attention to the surrounding light curtain, a little golden light appeared in the light curtain, and then zoomed into the town demon tower. At this time, the large array was controlled by Qin Shuang, covering everything, whether it was the Chaos tribe outside, or the Heavenly Sect monk in the ancestral gate, you could not see the situation in the large array, so the town's demon tower turned into a huge tower .

"Booming" opened the door of the tower, and where the golden light shined, those chaotic beasts that were strangled were absorbed into the town demon tower like Wanliuizong.


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