Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2497: Gather

Happy Spring Festival to your comrades!


Qin Shuang took out a jade bamboo slip and probed into it. This is a map that she bought. It recently caused a sensation on the Yellow Star Continent, saying that there are relics. It's just that too many shops on this map are on sale. One of the ten sublime fairy crystals makes people doubt the authenticity of this map.

However, Qin Shuang did nothing, but was worried, so he bought one and searched along the map.

There is actually another reason for Qin Shuang to come. After her enquiry, when this map first appeared, it was very expensive. There were no shops for sale at all, but auctions. This map took the price of ten million top-quality fairy crystals.

But then, I don't know what happened, and the map flooded.

Qin Shuang analyzed that this situation happened, or there was a relic there, but it was very dangerous. Or it was just a conspiracy. Either way, the extremely boring Qin Shuang wants to see it.

According to the map, it is not too far away from the destination, so Qin Shuang did not fly, but just walked on the plain with vigilance.

"At my speed, I should be able to reach my destination in three days."

Qin Shuang took out a wine gourd, took a sip of Monkey's wine, strode forward, the wind rose, the yellow sand was diffused, and Qin Shuang's figure gradually blurred.

The call of the strong wind, the yellow sand gradually became dense, and people could not open their eyes. Qin Shuang's thoughts moved, and a layer of defense shield was supported, forming a layer of transparent defense film outside Qin Shuang.

After walking for a long time, there are gradually appearing under the feet, some people, there are demons, demons, and chaos, all kinds of strange.

"Click ..."

The bones under Qin's feet shattered. As she moved forward, bones continued to shatter under her feet. It can be seen that these bones were not new, but they did not know how long they had died, and were eroded by the sand.

Qin's eyes swept around, and there were some weapons on the ground, but those weapons were also rusty and eroded by sand.


Qin Shuang saw a big bird lying on the ground, and his muscles had not yet decayed. This should be a monk who had just died of a certain race, and appeared to be the original form after death.

Qin Shuang came to it and watched it carefully.

"It should be shortly after death. There have been fighting here!"

Qin Shuang waved the big bird away. This is a good material for the sculptors. Qin Shuang is missing these materials now.


There is also a fairy sword underneath the big bird, and it is not rusty. It is a middle-class fairy sword.

"What a surprise!"

Qin Shuang put away the fairy sword and moved on. As he moved forward, there were more and more dead bodies on the ground, and more and more immortals, monsters and magic weapons. Qin Shuang politely put away the body and even the weapon. However, no storage ring was found. It seems that the winner of the battle took away the storage ring and left. In this case, the fighting should have erupted in a hurry, and even the winning monk left in a hurry.

what reason?

Two days later.

Qin Shuang looked up, and in the sky far away, the black clouds rolled and converged in one direction, where a huge vortex was formed, turning slowly, and a hint of dark red light was revealed in the center of the black vortex.

The surrounding sky became dark. At this time, it was noon, but it was like night. The bright light that could be felt was the dark red light transmitted from the center of the huge black vortex.

There were still corpses on the ground, and many, Qin Shuang gave up collecting those corpses, and slowed down, moving forward vigilantly.

She was getting closer and closer to the black vortex, which was like a huge one-eyed eye, revealing dark red blood, slowly turning.

That whirlpool is very huge, about two kilometers in diameter.

Qin Shuang's eyes moved down from the air and looked at the ground. The wind was blowing, the yellow sand was overcast, and the sky was dark. Vision is greatly restricted. However, Qin Shuang still saw a pan-tilt under the huge black vortex. The gimbals floated in mid-air, flying up and down from time to time, flying in and out.

And there was a black monk under the cloud platform. At this moment, Qin Shuang was still far from there. She stood on a low hill and looked over there.

It is impossible to see how many gimbals there are, and how many monks there are under the gimbals. She saw the human race, the demons, the dragons, the Fengs, and so on.

There was a dignified color in Qin's eyes. It seemed that it was not only the monks from the Yellow Star continent that attracted monks from several continents nearby.

After thinking about it, I don't find it strange. Before she came, she did some research. The first auction of the jade bamboo slips appeared seven years ago and then flooded six years ago. It is not surprising that a few monks from the mainland came near.


It seems that there are really ruins here!


"It shouldn't be a ruin, that black swirl ... maybe a small world!"

Qin Shuang turned around arrogantly, and saw a dog head monk rushing towards her behind her. When Qin Shuang turned around, his expression was dull, and a sudden stop appeared with a hint of fear, but that power But he made no secret of oppressing Qin Shuang.

"Human race!"


Qin Shuang looked at each other lightly. I remember in my heart that before walking along, I seem to have seen many dog ​​corpses. The opponent's cultivation is not high, just a fairy emperor. It is also because the other party has no Qin Shuang high. Qin Shuang is now immersed in comprehension, so the breath completely converges. Today's Qin Shuang is a pure practitioner, so the dogs on the opposite side cannot see Qin Shuang's cultivation.


The dog monk leaped forward suddenly, and a claw came towards the piano. Qin Shuang couldn't help but take pleasure. With the current practice of Qin Shuang, the real headache is to deal with Terran monks, because Terran monks usually release Taoism. The demons and demons are different. Although they can also demons and magic, they prefer the power of the body. Today, Qin Shuang is most anticipating this type of fighting.


As soon as Qin Shuang turned his wrist, he grabbed the opponent's wrist, and the dog clan felt the whole arm numb instantly, and then half-pull. At this time, how did he not know that Qin Shuang's cultivation was far superior to him?

"My predecessor is dead, the little demon is wrong!"

The dog family immediately knelt. Qin Shuang released him and looked at him lightly:

"Why kill me?"

Although the dog family was loosened, they did not dare to escape. He felt like a cricket in front of both sides of the piano.

"It's messy now!"


Many thanks for the gusts of wind james (200), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100), seaphay (100), blue magic stone (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for the reward!



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