Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2516: seal

Originally thought that with the opportunity of the Chaoyuan continent, with the gift of Kui Tian, ​​with the guidance of Xu Ziyan, and the teaching of Xianzun such as Danyuewu, the Five Elements Ring has become unimportant.

However, Xiao Shu had no intention of reminding today, but discovered the fundamental meaning of the five elements in one. Only then did she know that the five-element ring on her body was the most important.

The small world of the Chaoyuan continent, the gift of Kui Tian, ​​the guidance of Xu Ziyan, and the teaching of Xianzun, such as Dan Yue Wu, only increased Qin Shuang's knowledge of Tiandi Avenue, and increased the thickness and breadth of her foundation. The direction is in the ring of five elements.

When Qin Shuang thought, the five elements of the five-element ring flew out of the storage ring, and then a five-element ring was constructed. Qin Shuang's mind urged the five major gods to let the five major gods understand the five elements in one, and then separated a ray of divine knowledge, enveloped the five elements, and put the five elements into the sea of ​​knowledge.

As soon as the ring of five elements entered the sea of ​​knowledge, it was dragged by the five great gods, suspended on the heads of the five great gods, flying in the twins, smiling at the corners of her mouth, and now she had the direction, and soon found The true meaning of the Five Elements Ring doubles the speed at which the five elements are combined.

"Boom boom boom ..."

In the dark red sky, black cracks appeared, which was the power that erupted from the battle between Danyuewu and the soul tribe.

A big hand came down from the sky, and his five fingers were like a cage, covering him in the direction of Danyuewu. The fairy sword in the hands of Danyuewu turned into a thousand feet, and the sword tip was in the palm of the giant hand, but from which height the figure was still pressed by the giant hand.


Danyuewu shouted loudly, and the space around the whole person was constantly shattered by the mighty energy she urged, and the sky was like a broken mirror.

Not far from Danyue Dance, the body of the soul tribe has disappeared and was hanged by Danyue Dance to become a fan, that is, the soul has become very pale and is fleeing a little bit, but seems to be extremely injured Heavy, it is very difficult to move, very slow.

"Hmm ..."

A sword whistle, a fairy sword passing through the air, completely annihilating that very light soul, a hundred ancestors swept through the air, the sword became a thousand feet, and was chopped toward the giant hand in the air.

"Hmm ..."

A huge sword screamed, the giant sword stood on the big hand covering the sky, but the big hand was not damaged in the slightest. Instead, the figure of the Baizu Tianzun flew thousands of miles in the air.

"Boom boom boom ..."

A dozen Celestial Celestial Masters, while fighting with the Spiritual Celestial Celestial Master, moved towards this side, and then they all saw the situation of Dan Yuewu at this time and the current situation.

The giant hand was right in the center of the vortex channel, as if a giant hand protruded from the center of the vortex. While attacking the pale moon dance, it also sealed the channel to the fairyland. If you want to leave the soul world, you must defeat this giant hand.


The giant hand fell to the ground, with five fingers stuck on the ground like five giant pillars.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

For a while, Jianming saw that the giant sword of Dan Yue Wu was compressed to a hundred feet, the hilt of the sword lay flat, and the tip of the sword was against the palm of the giant hand, so that the giant hand could not be completely beaten down. At this moment, Dan Yue Wu sat cross-legged under the giant sword and tuned his power.

The five-fingered brilliance of the ground shone, forming a circle of light curtain, sealing the light moon dance inside. At the same time, the vortex channel was sealed.

The space becomes silent, and the deities who are fighting are also separated. The deities of the hundred races retreat around the seals, and the deities of the soul races also recede far away, staring at the hundred monks ironically, with victorious smiles on their faces.

"Hmm ..."

The monks of the hundred ethnic groups who received the message from the original Yueyuewu Feixue all flew towards this side, and behind them they were hunted down by soul monks.

And those souls in the air do not even kill the monks in the hands, but just look at the sealed pale moon dance and those around the seal ironically.

"Yuewudaoyou, are you so?" You Tianzun asked.

"I'm okay!" Dan Yuewu stood up, looked up at her giant hand that sealed her, and then looked at those gods outside the light curtain:

"I felt the breath of the Holy Order from the power of this giant hand."

"What?" The face of more than a hundred Tianzuns changed greatly. If there really were holy master monks in the soul world, they would not even want to live.

"Everyone, don't be impatient!" Danyue Wu condensed, "Just the breath of the Holy Order does not mean that it is the Holy Order. You also know that we are too Xu Zong with two Holy Masters, so I am The breath of the class is still relatively well understood. The master of this giant hand is not a holy monk now, but he has also touched the threshold of the holy class, so he has the holy class breath. "

"You mean, he's not a holy monk yet?"

"Yes! Not even half-step holy level, but just a hint of holy power. Otherwise, how can I live to this day?"

"Huh ..." Zhong Tianzun was relieved.

"But!" Dan Yuewu frowned. "The master of this giant hand should have found a way to break through the Holy Order and become a Holy Master. It is only a matter of time. Now he seals me here instead of killing Die me, it's not that he doesn't want it, but that he can't.

He should be at the critical moment of the breakthrough, not wanting to waste energy, let alone affect his breakthrough. However, once he breaks through to the Holy Order, we monks will all become the sacrifices for his break through the Holy Order celebration. "

"Then ... what shall we do?" These heavenly priests standing at the top of the fairyland, could not help feeling a little flustered when they heard the Holy Master.

"I estimated that it would take about 150,000 years for the master of this giant to break through to the Holy Level. That is to say, we have 150,000 years to figure out a way."

"Hmm ..."

More and more monks came together and saw the situation in front of them. There was a panic in each eye, and they gradually gathered around the seal to form a huge camp. And those soul monks also started camping in the distance, and began to gather more soul monks.

"What are they trying to do?" The Baizun Tianzun looked dignified.

"They ... this is to concentrate us under siege here!" Said a fox tribe, thinking: "The soul tribe was closed for too long and the fighting power was insufficient. This is to make us sharpen themselves."

"What kind of grind? Don't you fear we killed them?"

"No!" The face of the Fox clan Tianzun expressed anxiety: "There are as many monks as we come in, but not all soul monks in the soul world. You must know that they have not experienced the catastrophe, and they have developed steadily. In 2016, the number of soul races was endless. We had an advantage before, and killing the soul race was like chopping melon and vegetables, because all of our monks suddenly poured into a place in the soul realm. Now the entire monk's law is bound to be facing The gathering here, a few years later, the law monks of the entire soul race will come. At that time, the number of their law monks will probably be dozens or even hundreds of times. They will use us to sharpen themselves, and gradually will We kill all. "


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