Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2522: Pathfinder

Here are all monks of the law, and there is also the existence of the Celestial Deity like Danyuewu, even if it encounters a powerful chaotic beast, there is no danger.

Will always go out!

Qin Shuang's mood was also relaxed a lot at this time, but her soul power was able to release a short distance, and looked around, but there was no danger found for the time being, there was thick gray dust everywhere, it seemed here For a long time, Jiu Jiu had no living things, even the Chaos Beasts, which looked extremely desolate.

She did not take the initiative to reveal her soul power, so she could look around. There are so many deities here, just follow them low-key.

Stomping ...

Qin Shuang waited for more than a dozen Tianzun to walk towards Qin Shuang and came to Qin Shuang's presence. Danyuewu was grateful:

"Qin Shuang, thank you!"

Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "I am also saving myself!"

Danyuewu nodded, then smiled, "It just makes you lose money."

When I heard Dan Yuewu's words, I thought of my more than 10 million fairy swords and a vein, and Qin Shuang's face appeared with pain. Not only was she in pain, it was the dozen or so Celestial Masters of Danyuewu, and at this time her face was showing pain. However, they also marveled at Qin Shuang's decisiveness.

One immortal vein and so many immortal swords would detonate when they were detonated. If they were replaced, it would seem that they would hesitate for a while, right?

"Thank you!" Those deities also thanked Qin Shuang. Without Qinhuang, they could not escape from the soul world at all.

Dan Yuewu's eyes flickered for a moment, revealing a touch of joy: "Qin Shuang, I feel your breath seems more condensed, want to break through?"

The dozen or so Celestial Masters around them looked at the Qin Shuang with burning eyes. At this time, they could not use mystical insights, but with the eyes of the Celestial Masters, they could also see the signs from Qin Shuang's physical characteristics.

"It seems to have condensed a bit." Zhongtianzun nodded.

Qin Shuang glanced at his own knowledge of the sea, and found that the arms of the five great gods had been fused together, and shook his head: "It's a bit of an understanding, but it's still early. But there is already a direction."

Dan Yuewu raised her hand and patted Qin Shou's shoulders, saying, "It's good to have directions, all that's left is water work."

The monks also came forward to congratulate the monks, such as the deity, the deity, and the human. Qin Shuang detonated the immortal veins and the immortals, and they all watched with open eyes. At this moment, the monks of all races were grateful to Qin Shuang in their hearts.

After half a day, all monks had emerged from the vortex in the air. By this time, the vortex had become very small, less than a hundred meters in diameter, and it was still shrinking. I am afraid that it will disappear soon.

Dan Yuewu and other deities discussed it, but in fact they could not determine the direction, so they went in a random direction.

Gradually they saw some decaying buildings, all of them were in dilapidated condition, covered with gray dust.

Qin Shuang came to a wall and felt that there was some texture on the wall. It seemed to be carved, so he raised his hand to wipe the dust from it. However, it was found that the dust had hardened and merged with the wall.

Frowning slightly, he continued to follow Dan Yuewu and others. At this time, all the monks of the ethnic group didn't all gather together. As they went deeper, the monks began to disperse one after another to investigate. First, there were hundreds of monks, spreading out as a unit, looking for a direction, and then spreading within each race.

When they came back, the monks found that there are too many buildings here. It may have been a glorious place, but now it is a ruin. They dispersed further and went to each other. Qin Shuang also left the team. Instead of teaming up with others, she chose a direction by herself. In fact, very strong and confident monks choose one person. Otherwise, whoever comes to chance?

After Qin Shuang's footsteps, his eyes fell on the left. There was a collapsed bell tower, a big bell lying on the ground in pieces. Qin Shuang walked over, looking at the pattern on a fragment.

"This pattern ..."

Qin Shuang soon became immersed in comprehension, and time passed in silence.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

There was a melodious bell in Qin Shuang's body. The sound was very light, but it was full of violent charm.

On the fifth day, Qin Shuang opened her eyes and looked up into the distance. Then her lips opened slightly, and a faint sound pulsated from her lips.

A large clock appeared in midair and fell towards the ground.


A bell rang, the sky shook.

Qin Shuang closed her eyes and sensed this violent bell sound. When the bell disappeared and the big bell broke down, Qin Shuang opened her eyes and fell on the big clock fragment on the ground.

"A shard gives me a better understanding of the violent bell sounds. Eight miles in diameter can hurt one layer of respect. What if I comprehend the Daowen on the remaining large clocks?"

Qin Shuang's violent bell sound can only hurt the eighth floor of Xiandi, but because Qin Shuang's cultivation was promoted to the peak of Xiandi, the power of violent bell sound also increased. However, limited to the understanding of the violent bell, it has never been able to transcend human respect.

However, today the fragment of the big clock has allowed her to cross this big level, and it can already hurt the first layer of respect.

"This big clock ..."

Qin Shuang squatted down, carefully watched the fragment of the bell, and flicked his fingers gently, he could still feel the residual rhyme of the avenue. It's just that this residual rhyme is not much, and it has been polluted a lot by the law of chaos.

"The worst clock in the beginning should have been an acquired Celestial Treasure, and an acquired Celestial Treasure was all broken down. What kind of catastrophe has happened here?

Moreover, the pattern on this big clock is different from the pattern I touched. It is a kind of ... "

Qin Shuang frowned for a moment and thought, "It's a difference in style and characteristics. Put it away first."

Qin Shuang took away a few large clock fragments, and then continued along the road in the ruins. Two quarters later, a huge shadow wall appeared in front of her. The shadow wall was covered with gray vines, completely covering the shadow wall. Qin Shuang came to the shadow wall and looked at the dense gray vines, and a thought came to her mind:

"Is this grey vine the same, or a later variant?"

Qin Shuang raised his hand and waved his sleeves gently, and swinged out the vines covering the shadow wall, revealing the shadow wall inside. The wall was sculpted with a creature, a creature that Qin Shuang had never seen, but it could be seen that This creature has the characteristics of a chaotic beast. This not only shocked Qin Shuang's heart.

"What the **** is this place? It's impossible for a hundred races to use the chaotic beast as an auspicious road map. No race will sculpt a chaotic beast on its own building, unless it is the mural that introduces the battle between the hundred races and the chaos.

However, the pattern on this shadow wall is clearly treating Chaos Beast as a kind of totem! "


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