Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2528: aisle


At this time, countdowns were all monks of various races. Qin Shuang passed through layers of monks and came to the pool. The deities were gathering to study what. Seeing Qin Shuang coming, Danyue danced:

"Did you make it?"

"Huh!" Qin Shuang nodded.

"That ..." Dan Yuewu's eyes brightened.

Qin Shuang shook her head, Dan Yuewu raised her hand and patted Qin Shuang's shoulder gently. Many things can't be forced, let's study how to leave here.

"Did you work out a solution?"

"Look here!" Dan Yuewu pointed at a light curtain among them. There was a matrix on the light curtain: "We envisioned it like this, and set up a large array here, this large array is stable space. And this The large array is conductive, and starts to stabilize from this end, and then gradually conducts this stability along this spatial channel, toward the other end of this spatial channel, until it stabilizes the entire channel. You are the great master , Let's see if it works! "

"it is good!"

Qin Bin's eyes fell on the array on the light curtain. While watching and deducing, the monks were not in a hurry. Knowing that Qin Shuang was not able to be deduced in a while, he took out the fairy crystals one by one and began to adjust his breath .

Thirty days passed, and Qin Shuang stopped deducing.

"Senior, there are no problems in general. There are only seven details that need to be improved. Let me talk about it, let's repeat it together."

"Okay!" Dan Yuewu waited for her to stop breathing and turned around.

After more than two months, the map was finally determined. The next step is to refine the flag and set up a large array. The conditions here are very bad. I collected the refining materials of the hundred monks, and estimated that it would take about five years from the refining of the banner to the deployment of the large array.

No one knows Qin Shuang's refining realm, so Dan Yuewu did not ask Qin Shuang these deities, and since the map came out, in order to speed up the formation, everything is done by these deities.

Qin Shuang stood idly by and watched the people at Danyuewu busy. There was no fire pulse here. The refining machine relied on the fire attribute method provided by the fire attribute monk. Such a refining machine would naturally be much slower. Qin Shuang did not participate in the refiner. Since she cannot expose the town demon tower, whether she participated in it was of little effect. And it's been four years here, and staying for another five years is nothing. She has nothing to worry about.

Looking away from the refining device, looking around, gray mountains like Wolong. Suddenly, my heart moved to Danyue Dance:

"Senior, I'm going for a walk!"

"Go and remember to come back in time."


Qin Shuang left the ruins, then spread the power of the soul with all his strength, and his body flew in the space.

A day later.

Qin Shuangfei's figure in the air was a meal, with joy between the eyebrows.

"Sure enough, there is chaos!"

The double sleeves of Qin turned over, and a stalk of fairy sword burst out. A large array was set up to cover the pulse of chaos, and then began to drag the pulse of chaos towards the town demon tower. When the chaotic veins were put into the town demon tower, Qin Shuang put away a large array and continued to look for a second chaotic vein.

Soon, she found a second vein of chaos. Dragged it into the town demon tower. The town veteran stowed the second chaotic pulse into the storage box.

one year later.

Dan Yuewu, who was working on the refining machine, suddenly looked up at the air, closed her eyes, and felt:

"Man, how do I feel that the laws of chaos in this space are thinner."

Tianzun closed his eyes and felt for a while, then all nodded, Danyuewu frowned slightly:

"It seems that something has changed in this space, let's speed it up."

Four years passed in a hurry.

Qin Shuang has collected more than 700 pulses of chaos in this space, and it is far from exploring this space. However, she is not ready to continue exploring, and is not sure if Danyuewu can be completed in advance. She doesn't want to be left here alone.

After three more months, Qin Shuang returned to the ruins. You will see that the large array has been set up. Qin Shuang came to Dan Yuewu.

"You are back?" Danyue danced.

"Huh! How?" Qin Shuang asked.

The large array was set up half a year ago, and the rest of the time was waiting, waiting for space to stabilize.

Qin Shuang probed the power of the soul into the passage in the pool. At this time, the bottom of the pool had been opened. You can see that there is a chaotic passage there. Qin Shuang quietly perceives for a while, and it turns out that the chaos is stabilizing for a while.

Get up and leave, look for a quiet place, sit cross-legged, move the town demon tower under the skin of the left palm, look at your body, can not help but sigh slightly.

In recent years, Qin Shuang has taken a lot of elixir to restore the mysterious power in order to maintain the understanding of the five great gods. A lot of impurities of paeonia were accumulated in the body. The five big gods now have a third of their main arms.

"It's a long process!"

Qin Shuang closed her eyes and began to recover her breath. Swallow an elixir from time to time to restore mystic power.

This is ten years.

For ten years, three quarters of the five Yuanshen arms of Qin Shuang have been integrated. Xiu Wei returned to the peak of Xiandi again.

Finally, the big buzz at the pool buzzed and Guanghua flickered.

Almost at the same time, all the monks opened their eyes and looked at the array, looking forward to each face. A dozen Tianzun stood up and looked into the passage.

That passage was no longer chaotic, and a passage like a wormhole appeared in front of the monks. Qin both got up, came to the pool, condensed the power of the soul into a bunch, and probed into the passage. Continue to stretch forward, exploring this passage. At this time, Danyuewu has spoken:

"I'll go and see."

After that, Danyuewu has jumped into the passage, leaving a sentence: "Wait for me."

The speed of Qin Shuang's soul power exploration is much faster than Danyuewu. However, this passage is winding and winding, too long. In the end, the power of Qin Shuang's soul has been extended to the extreme, but the other end of this passage has not been explored, but he has no choice but to recover the power of soul.

The silence was restored by the pool, everyone went through the initial excitement, later expectations, and finally waited silently.

Qin Shuang also returned to his place, inferring spiritual cultivation.

Forty-three days later, the figure flashed over the pool, and the figure of Danyuewu flew out of it.

The dozen or so Celestials sitting around the pool opened their eyes immediately, and their eyes were relaxed. Regardless of whether the passage is smooth or not, the ability of Danyuewu to return is good news.

"How's it?" A Tianzun asked cautiously after a long silence.


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