Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2530: Release Xiao Shu

The principal of the earth line hall Zhen Renfeng, the chief of the wood line hall Ma Qian, and the master of the gold line hall Yue Peng, are already the fourth floor of the Emperor. Xun Daise, the main hall of the Fire Hall and Luo Fei, the main hall of the Shuei Hall, have also made rapid progress, breaking through to the middle of the nine days of Xuanxian.

But none of them broke through to Xianzun.

This is the gap between the heritage and inheritance. The Celestial Sect does not have the guidance of the immortal, but only slowly explores it, so it is difficult to break through to the human respect. Maybe it will take only a few hundred thousand years to realize it. Maybe it's stuck here for a lifetime.

However, now there is a hint of detail. Because Qin Shuang brought back the light moon dance and so on for the breakthrough experience left by a dozen of immortals.

The masters of the eight halls reported one by one. After listening, Qin Shuang was very satisfied. For nearly two decades, the Heavenly Sect had no other chores because of its closure. Every monk has a qualitative leap. Qin Shuang does not care about monks at other levels, but only cares about how many immortal peaks there are today. After listening to the report, there was joy between Qin Shuangmei. Now there are thirty-seven immortal peaks in the Heavenly Sect. Perhaps it won't be long before, among these thirty-seven immortal peaks, there will be immortal statues.

"How about the barbarians?" Qin Shuang asked.

"The barbarians are also very calm, barbarians are closing the mountain, and they are nurturing their lives. The chaos are also relatively calm." Li Tianxing stood up and handed some storage rings and said:

"Sovereign, these are the immortals you left behind, and now they have become top-quality crystal veins. And these storage rings, the ninety-nine immortal emperors sent back are here. Chaos. "

Qin Shuang took those storage rings, and the power of the soul swept away, rejoicing in his heart, even with nearly a thousand chaotic pulses.

"Is nothing wrong with them?"

"No! It's just that when they came back, we found that our cultivation had grown, and we were very envious of us." Li Tianxing said with a smile.

Qin Shuang understood that this was not envy, but extreme, maybe there was resentment in her heart. They went out and worked hard, but the monks in the family directly absorbed Xianmai cultivation, and envy and envy were normal.

"Let's go!" Qin Shuang stood up and said, "Take them all to the plain, and the monks can go."

Li Tianxing's eyes brightened: "Sect Lord, have you got the immortal again?"


Qin Shuanghan smiled and walked towards the outside. At this time, there were more than 700 immortals in her town demon tower. And at this time, Qin Shuang had given the storage ring to Zhen Lao, and Zhen Lao was beginning to break down the immortal veins brought back by the Celestial Emperors.

"Meet the lord!"

Over the plain, hundreds of thousands of monks saluted to Qin Shuang. These monks are all law monks. As for the monks who did not break through the immortal king, they could not afford to absorb the immortal veins, so they could only practice in the outer door and inner door areas.

"The immortal who went out to perform the mission of the Zongmen came out." Qin Shuanghan smiled.

"Meet the Sovereign!" Ninety-nine immortals stepped forward and saluted Qin Shuang, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

"You did a good job. Zongmen naturally does not hesitate to reward."

The expression of the ninety-nine Emperor Emperor was a joy, and he looked forward to it.

"Booming ..."

Qin Shuang released one by one immortal vein, full of ninety-nine immortal veins, on the plain, the immortal energy suddenly became strong. The ninety-nine immortal emperors saw the immortal veins, and their eyes shone like little sun.

"Each of you has an independent vein!"

Ninety-nine immortals were ecstatic in their hearts, but this one had its own immortal vein. These immortal emperors who can go out to perform their missions are not low. With this immortal vein, they can fully improve their cultivation to the peak of immortal emperors. As for the breakthrough of human respect, it is a matter of chance, not that Xianmai can help.

"Consumption of the immortal crystal veins, stop, and give me the extreme crystal veins."

"Respect the lord!"

"Go on!"

The ninety-nine immortals hula lamb flew to a fairy vein, sat down on their knees, and began to practice.

Qin Shuang also released 237 immortal veins, and the immortality of the entire plain was more intense. Loudspeaker:

"Cultivate it!"

"Xie Zongzhu!"

"Hulah ..."

Hundreds of thousands of monks flew towards more than 200 immortals, and those who practiced the higher ones sat directly on the immortals, while those who practiced the lower ones sat near the immortals and began to absorb the immortals directly. After nearly two decades, the monks of the Heavenly Sect began to directly absorb the immortal cultivation.

At this point, there are only thirty-seven immortal peaks standing behind Qin Shuang. The thirty-seven immortal peaks do not need immortal energy at this time, but they understand the heaven and earth avenue, so these immortal veins are not for them. usefulness.

"You follow me!"

Qin Shuang fled the plains with thirty-seven immortals and came to the library. Go straight to the top layer. Qin Shuang took out more than a dozen jade bamboo slips and placed them on a stand alone, facing the peak of the Emperor Xian:

"The dozen jade bamboo slips are the experience of more than a dozen immortals who broke through the period of human respect!"

The eyes of the thirty-seven immortals peaked immediately and rounded. What is their difference now?

The poor is inheritance, the poor is the guidance of Xianzun!

Although there is no guidance from Xianzun, he still has the breakthrough experience left by Xianzun!

This left them confused, and the light appeared immediately!

"These thoughts will be put here afterwards. As the highest secret scriptures of the Zongmen, you can learn from them. However, one of the requirements for you is that after your breakthrough, you must sort out your breakthrough experiences and put them out. it's here."

"Yes, lord!"

The thirty-seven immortal peaks were excited, and Qin Shuang did not bother them anymore, and walked away. And these thirty-seven immortal emperors began to read these experiences one after another, and then recorded their useful experiences with blank jade slips, and went back to figure it out slowly. At this time, Qin Shuang was already on the moon, and after thinking about it, he released Xiao Shu from the Royal Beast Bag and took Xiao Shu's lower body out. Xiao Shu's body floated and landed on the lower body. The whole body was integrated.

"You will live here in the future," Qin Shuang said lightly.

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Shu laughed twice, and with a slam, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the outside of Xingyuefeng.


The streamer hit the large array and was bounced back.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The streamer kept rushing towards the large array. About a quarter of an hour later, Xiao Shu was paralyzed at the foot of the mountain, and his face was utterly unlovable.

Qin Shuang volleyed in vain and landed beside Xiao Shu. The Xiao Shu looked up at Qin Shuang, suddenly reached out a hand, and grabbed at Qin Shuang.


His hand had just been stretched out half, and his entire body was imprisoned, unable to move. Qin Shuang stood quietly opposite him and looked at him.


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