Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2536: Leap forward

The Nei Dan was thrown on the head of Qin Shuang, suspended above the virtual image of Qin Shuang, and began to release a rich and colorful Tao Yun.

"Taoyou!" The middle-aged fairy emperor arched again: "This is a colorful python that was once accidentally obtained. Although it is not as good as the dragon ball of the five-colored dragon. . "

At this time, Qin Shuang's body had been completely enveloped by her own shadow. She felt the countless five-element integration of Tao Yun squeezed into her body, and even her soul was suppressed. It was difficult to move. extremely difficult.

The dragon howl in her mouth was not her intention, but some force drove her out.

There is a steady stream of energy surrounding the Five Elements in her body, into her body, into the sea of ​​her consciousness, and enveloping the Five Great Gods, as if to envelop them into an embryo.

She naturally knows this kind of power, and she has understood it for decades. This is the power of the Five Elements in One.

Qin Shuang can look into his own sea of ​​knowledge, and within the five major gods, there are extremely tiny rings of five elements that are constantly generated.

The five Great Gods kept breaking down tiny tiny particles of basic particles in the body, and then these particles attracted each other to form a perfect tiny five-element ring.

Each extremely small five-element ring represents the five elements in one.

Decompose, combine ...

Everything went into the fast lane. The colorful python's inner Dan seemed to be the fuel added to the flame, making the fire more violent.

In the sky, the countless rhymes of the five elements are coming in from all directions in the small world, and the virtual image of Qin Shuang is like a black hole, absorbing it frantically.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a sense of powerlessness struck Qin Shuang's heart, and it was that her mysterious power was exhausted.

The huge virtual image began to dissipate gradually, and the virtual image of the Five Elements Ring still shrank. Finally, it was imprisoned on the colorful python's Nedan, sinking into Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge.

In Qin Shuang's knowledge of the sea, the shoulders of the five Great Gods are fused, and the five heads are almost next to each other. On their heads slowly hovered the five-element ring, and in the middle of the five-element ring was the small multicolored python Nedan that had been reduced in size.

Qin Shuang slowly opened his eyes, and those eyes twinkled with colorful lines, as deep as two worlds.

At this point, including the five monks who were just refining that Dragon Ball, they felt endless pressure. After all the virtual images of Qin Shuang disappeared, the five talents trembled and felt light.

Qin Shuang ignored the five monks, but first looked inside the sea.

The five gods formed a circle next to each other, their shoulders had disappeared, and their heads were next to their heads. That kind of crazy fast decomposition, reorganization, five elements in one became slow.

The mighty power is emanating from the five great gods.

"I did not expect to get the recognition of that Dragon Ball, but although the Dragon Ball admitted that I am qualified to refine this small world and gave me some help, but I still have to test myself. Now I still do not have The ability to transform this small world. "

"The five elements are almost stopped, and the power of mystery is too much."

"However, the five elements in one have made a qualitative leap. Maybe it won't take a hundred years for me to break through the period of human respect."

No longer looking inside the sea, she walked slowly towards the dragon ball.

"Congratulations, Daoist!" The five monks arched.

Qin Shuang glanced at the peak of the middle-aged immortal emperor. For the sake of the colorful python, Qin Shuang no longer pursued it. Brow said with joy:

"Far to the Five Elements in One!"

She perceives her current Yuanshen. If she can release the power of Yuanshen, she estimates that there should be no problem in the early peak of human respect, and this is just a method.

It's just a pity that her primordial spirit is still in the process of fusion. Although the fusion is very slow at this time, she cannot release the Taoism.

She stood in front of the dragon ball, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the dragon ball, and felt the progress of the pro. But it is just pro-progress, and does not allow you to refine this dragon ball yourself.

The middle-aged immortal peak also looked at Qin Shuangdao with some worries: "It is a matter of time for you to combine the five elements, and here I wish Daoyou to break through human respect."

Qin Shuang nodded, and the immortal peak opposite was right. At this time, Qin Shuang was no longer determined the direction, but was on the right path. There is no problem in breaking human respect, it is only a matter of time.

"Taoyou, if ... nothing happens, leave now!"

Qin Shuang looked at him and said lightly, "Be careful in the future, not every time you are so lucky and have what others need. Not every time, everyone else is like me. If you take your things, do n’t Investigate you. "

"Yes, thank you friends!"

"Go on!"

The five monks turned and left. Qin Shuang stood in front of Dragon Ball, pondered for a moment, and decided to leave here.

On the one hand, she now knows the sea, and with the colorful python Nedan, there is no need to cultivate here. On the other hand, it is that her power of the five Yuan Shenxuan is almost exhausted, and she needs to recover the power of Xuan first.

Qin Shuang left the small world and flew towards Shangyuan while thinking.

Treasures to restore and enhance the power of the mysterious are very precious, they are all encountered and not sought. Today, Qin Shuang can only restore mystic power with the help of elixir.

However, the elixir that specifically targets mysterious power requires those precious treasures that can be encountered but not available as the main medicine. The elixir that does not have these main drugs is not an elixir that is specifically targeted to mysterious power. Some effects. In this way, Qin Shuang's speed of recovering mysterious power will be very slow.

As a result, the speed at which the five elements are combined becomes very slow.

"I hope I can meet the chance!"

Qin Shuang took the elixir on time and recovered the power of Xuan. At the same time, when she encountered Fangshi, she went in and asked if she had any treasures she needed, but one year later, she didn't encounter any chance.

"Maybe I should close the gates!"

She knows that taking elixir like this is not a way. During this year, she took a lot of elixir, and even Qin Shuang felt that her body began to become filthy.

It's just a little dirty, Qin Shuang can be ruled out by Thunder. However, if this filth accumulates to a certain degree, it will change the physique. At that time, even Thunder can't rule out these elixir impurities.

"I can't take the elixir anymore. I should return to Zongmen Retreat, and then enter the dark and solitary realm. The energy absorbed there is transformed into mysterious power, which is faster than the elixir and there are no impurities."

It's a pretty continent.

West of Langyue River.

The grey fog shook, and a huge flying boat broke through the grey fog and flew in the sky.


Many thanks to Ke Weiri (100), seaphay (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for their rewards!



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