Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2538: defeat

"not good!"

The face of Wuman River, who was standing on the flying boat, changed greatly. His body rushed out of the flying boat, his wings flapped sharply.

A figure came out quickly, and a bone spear stabbed at Wu Manye in his hand.


In the crisis of Wumanye, he tried to dodge, but he couldn't rush. He was penetrated by the bone spear to the right chest. The chaos monk who held the bonespear raised the bone spear and picked Wumanye on the bone spear. Fist in one hand and bombarded into the air.

There, it was the Wuman River that came by lasing. One punch hit the other. At the same time, he grabbed Wu Manye picked up on the bone spear.


Wuman River's figure flew out, but it also grabbed Wumanye and flew back. Uman wild blood was ejected from the chest.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Wuman River shouted loudly, raised his hand and threw Wu Manye toward the flying boat, staring closely at the chaos monk who was on the other side.

"Half-step respect!"

"Hmm ..."

The Wuman River sacrifice a large gun, his eyes flashed sharply. Bigfoot slumped backwards in the air.


There was a muffled noise in the void beneath his feet, ripples rippled. His figure rushed towards the half-step man.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The two monks fought together in the air.

One is a half-step deity, and the other is the immortal who just touched the opportunity of a deity.

In the air and on the ground, the Barbarian monks began to retreat in an orderly manner, without panic. This is because they saw their patriarch resisting that half-step human deity.


Wumanhe was scolding in his heart. He found that he was quickly suppressed by the other party and began to retreat in the air.

That half-step deity is more and more brave!


A half-step human in the battle made a long howl.


Chaos beasts on the ground began to attack frantically, and the orderly retreat of the barbarians began to show a little panic.


There was a roar of the Chaos Beast from the distance, and the earth began to shake, indicating that more Chaos Beasts were thinking about coming here.

After the reinforcements of the Chaos Beast arrived, the Barbarians finally panicked, and they lost a thousand miles.

Three years later.

Qin Shuang arrived at the entrance of the Shangyuan continent to the Savage Continent. Instead of going to Xincheng, she wanted to go straight through the corridor and return to the Savage Continent. After returning to Zongmen, she closed her doors immediately.

"Om ..."

Suspended from the waist, Yu Jian suddenly shakes. After Qin Shuang probed into Xuan Shi, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Xu Ziyan was asking her. She immediately passed on her position.

It was just a few breaths away. A gap was opened in Qin Shuang's head space, and Qin Shuang and Yan Shan soul stepped out of it side by side.


When Xu Ziyan flicked his sleeves, the two fairy swords floated in front of Qin Shuang, but it was the exquisite sword and the proud sword.

"Sophisticated!" Qin Shuang caught the two swords in surprise.

"Qin Shuang, thank you!" Yang Linglong's voice came out of the sword body.

"Qin Shuang, thank you!" A man's voice was heard in Aotian sword.

"Are you proud of Aotian?" Qin Shuang looked at Aotian Jiandao.

"I'm Long Aotian!" A voice came from Aotian sword: "I and Linglong will follow you in the future."

Qin Shuang looked at Xu Ziyan and said, "Senior Xu, can't the two of them be separated from the sword body and then recast the body?"

"No!" Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "The two swords have merged Linglong and Aotian into the sword, stripped or destroyed the two swords, and the two of them have really died. , Neither of them has no chance. If the two of them can understand the sacred avenue, they can use this sword as their body and manifest their human form. "

Qin Shuang grinned, want to understand the Holy Avenue, how easy?

not to mention……

Yang Linglong and Long Aotian are pure golden roots, not five elements. How can they break through the Holy Level ...


The two of them have no body now, what spiritual root is not spiritual root?

Not right!

They are now the Yuanshen turned into instrumental spirits. Was this Yuanshen originally a metallic Yuanshen?

Does this mean that there is no possibility of breaking through the Holy Order?

Is it possible to weaken this metallicity?

Primordial spirit is not a soul. Is it possible to cultivate the spirit by cultivating the soul?

"What are you thinking?" Xu Ziyan asked Qin Shuang's eyebrows tightly, and couldn't help asking.

"Forget it, wait to go back and ask Xiao Shu!"

Qin Shuang closed his two-handed swords and said, "I'm thinking of how to help Linglong and Aotian, but I still have no clue."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile: "If you want to help them, you should upgrade your cultivation first. By the way, this time you helped Aotian again. If there is anything I need, I can satisfy you."

Qin's eyes were bright: "Senior, do you have any treasures to restore or enhance the power of mystery?"

Xu Ziyan looked at Qin Shuang's eyes for a moment, then smiled, "It seems that you are not far from the Five Elements in One."

After that, I took out a bottle of elixir and gave it to Qin Shuang: "This is the Tianxuan Dan I made. There are three more in it. I'll give it to you."

Qin Shuang's heart was pleased, and the herbal medicine made by Xu Ziyan was needless to say, and it was very simply put into the storage ring.

"Qin Shuang, how about that stone?" Yanshan Hun asked this time.

Qin Shuang didn't know why Yanshan Soul cared about the stone, and said, "I was put down on the mountain peak of my Dongfu."

Yan Shanhun nodded and stopped speaking. Xu Ziyan gently held Yanshan soul's hand:

"Let's go!"


With a wave of the sleeve of Yanshan's soul robe, a crack appeared in the space. The two men marched in and the cracks closed.

Qin Shuang looked enviously at the closed crack.

This is the Holy Master Monk! Free shuttle space!

Removed the jade bottle from the storage ring and opened it to see the three Tianxuandan inside.

"It is indeed a holy monk!"

Qin Shuang's mouth could not help but admire, Dan Yun was shrouded in each elixir, and that Dan Yun was much richer than Qin Shuang's refining. Qin Shuang immediately took out a Tianxuandan and put it in his mouth. Immediately turned into fluid, down the throat. The strong mysterious power began to flow towards the sea of ​​knowledge, soul space and Tao heart. Qin Shuang immediately took the initiative to isolate the Tao heart and soul space, and all mysterious power flowed towards the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Buzz ..."

The five great gods trembled, and the almost exhausted mysterious power was quickly recovering. At the same time, the speed of the integration of the five great gods has finally been enhanced by the support of strong mystery.

Qin Shuang stepped into the passage to the barbarous continent.

Here it is still shrouded in the law of chaos, only from the ground to a height of 100 meters in the air, because the altar is dropped, the good law of chaos is broken down and opens a passage.


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