Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2540: Linglong Aotian Sword

"Longlong proud sky sword!"

At this time, Qin Shuang could only hope in Linglong Aotian Sword, and could not help but call in her heart.

"Hmm ..."

Under the hot sun, in the eye-catching thunder, two bright sword lights were shot suddenly.

These two sword lights were born in the thundering giant that was shrinking fast. At this moment, the thunder giant hand became a fist. The two swords turned the thunder giant with two spikes on the back. The thunder The back of the giant hand looks like a film, and the two protrusions are clear sword points. The two sword stabs madly toward the back of the hand, trying to pierce the shroud of the thunder hand.

It is indeed the best quality Tianxianbao. Seeing that the thunder giant hand has a crack, with the two spiked protrusions as the center, a crack appears, revealing the golden light inside.


There was a loud noise in the sky, a dense thunder erupted from the thunder mouth, and poured into the thunder giant hand, so that the thunder hand instantly became solid, and the crack on the back of the hand instantly disappeared.

"Hmm ..."

The mighty sound of the sword roared from within the giant hand, and the exquisite sword of exquisite sky burst into endless power.


There was a long howling in the thunder hand, like Fengming, like a crane!

"Om ..."

A tower spread from the body of Qin Shuang!

Emperor Tower!

The law flows, expands outwards, and grows upwards, holding the Thunder Giant's hand out of a gap. At the same time, a bell full of mysterious road patterns appeared outside the Thunder Giant and fell towards the Thunder Giant. When Qin Shuang thought, he entered the town demon tower.


A mighty bell rang, shaking the thunder giant with ripples, although it did not shake the thunder giant with a crack, but it gave Linglong the sword a chance.

"Hmm ..."

Two mighty swords swayed through the sky, piercing the thunder hand, wavy around the back of the hand. Once Linglong Aotian Sword pierced the back of the Thunder Giant's hand, it became madly larger, and instantly scaled, breaking the Thunder Giant's hand. Then two fairy swords pierced the sky, hovering around the town demon tower in the middle, and shattered the thunder hand.

Qin Shuang thought, and came out of the town demon tower again, and slowly fell towards the ground. Linglong proud sky sword hovered beside her. She looked up to control. The thunder giant had been broken in layers, facing the thunder. The mouth spread.

The sound of thunder was getting lower and lower. Finally, the mouth full of thunder seemed to have punished Qin Shuang and gradually closed. Qin Shuang fell on the ground, still watching the sky with vigilance, and the exquisite sword of Ao Tian surrounded her slowly. Hover slowly.

A blue sky was restored in the sky, as if nothing had happened at all.


Qin Shuang exhaled a long breath, looking at Linglong Aotian Sword, and felt that the breath of both swords was too weak. "Thank you!"

"Qin Shuang!" Yang Linglong's voice came out weakly: "I found it a long time ago that you didn't have the Five Elements in One. It was very strange. At that time, you had been guarding me and never let me enter your knowledge. Hai. At that time, I was very surprised that from the beginning of cultivation, a monk of the five spiritual roots would be a balanced and unified five elements, and a little imbalance of the five elements would not break through the realm.

However, I found that you have the attributes of the five elements, but not the five elements in one.

It wasn't until you put me into the sea of ​​knowledge that I realized that you had cultivated five gods. This has long been your strength, but also left you with hidden dangers. I have never heard of such a situation, and presumably Tiandao does not recognize your existence. Therefore, when you have the five elements in one, there is a heaven punishment.

Although you passed the punishment this time, did you think of it?

Wait for you to fully integrate the five elements into one's respect. At that time, will you usher in a calamity, or a day punishment?

Even if it ’s a scourge, I ’m afraid it ’s not the scourge you imagine. Can you stop it? "

Qin Shuang's face turned pale!

"We two can't stop it!" At this time, Ao Tianjian's voice sounded.

Perceiving a hint of fear in Qin Shuang's heart, Yang Linglong paused for a moment, comforting:

"If you can survive the ravages safely, your strength will be very strong. It will be stronger than when Ziyan was the heights."

Qin Shuang grinned: "I have to survive."

"Anyway, don't be afraid, because fear can't solve the problem, you must prepare well before the five elements become one."


Qin Shuang was frightened, but at this time she realized that her heart was breeding fear unconsciously. If you let this trace of fear take root in your heart and grow stronger, you won't even think about it in your life. I will always suppress my cultivation behavior, do not dare to break through the human respect, and finally become an uncontrollable demon.


Qin Shuang's heart flashed a glimmer of sword, chopped off that hint of fear.

Inspecting his own physical condition, he couldn't help it. Although this thunder giant almost killed himself, he also completely eliminated the impurities of the elixir in his body. And in the process of Vientiane fruit repairing his own body, his own body was actually upgraded in a slight way. Looking at this situation, when his body was completely repaired, the body was likely to break through to the seventh level of human respect.

Qin Shuang was not in a hurry to leave, so he found a relatively secret place nearby and began to practice the jade body quenching method.

The jade body quenches the body tactics, the power of the Thunder Giant to stay in her body, Vientiane fruit, the three together. Ten days later, Qin Shuang's body had recovered as before, and the cultivation practice had also been raised to the seventh floor of the human respect period.

As soon as the volley struck, his body appeared on the white cloud, and the cloud drove towards the sky.


Now the demons have not upgraded the monks. The entire demons are split into thirteen major forces, and the leader of each major force is the peak of Tianzun who is very powerful.

However, the demon world was not calm at this time, and the thirteen leaders were full of panic.

Because now there are only seven holy master monks in the entire immortal world. And brought several Demon monks.

When it was understood by the 13 chiefs summoned by the seven holy monks, it turned out that these monks had actually modified the law of chaos, and the entire devil was bad!

They certainly knew that their demons could modify the law of chaos, but at the end of their cultivation, their consciousness would become increasingly unclear, and the demons stopped this attempt.

The Demon had a very heavy heart to kill. After modifying the chaos law, it was easier to lose their nature.

However, they never expected that there would be a demons on this road.

The seven saint-level monks left 13 words to the demon celestial deity: "If the demon is found to modify the law of chaos, the demon does not need to exist."


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