Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2542: Bing Lincheng

The mermaid approached Qin Shuang and handed Qin Shuang a storage ring, which Qin Shuang had given her. Qin Shuang took the storage ring, and Xuanzhi swept inward, and a look of joy appeared in her eyes.

Inside are a bunch of gloomy horns!

At the time, the Qin Shuang was refined from the dark horns, which can enhance the elixir of life, soul and spirit. Later, because the dark horns were used up, and Qin Shuang's primordial spirit, life soul, and spirit have all begun to give birth to mysterious power. This Yuanshendan almost lost its effect. Although it has not been tried, Qin Shuang can be derived. Yuan Shen Dan is effective for the power of Xuan, but the effect is very small, almost nothing.


For Grand Master Qin Shuang of Xiandan, in her spare time, she had deduced it and used the dark horn as the main medicine to refine Tianxuandan. Dan Fang has deduced it, but there have been no dark corners and no attempts have been made.

Originally, Qin Shuang also planned to take back the mermaid and take it with him to become a major combat force of his own. However, after receiving the Dark Angle at this time, he immediately changed his mind and let the fish continue to collect the Dark Angle for himself in the Dark Circle. After sending out the mermaid, Qin Shuang pointed out, the surrounding darkness gradually disappeared, the light became bright, and Qin Shuang returned to Xianyue Peak.

He got up and went to the alchemy room, and began to follow the one-way deduction that he had previously deduced.



Qin Shuang is not discouraged either. It is a long process to deduce a single party, and it is impossible to succeed at one time. He sat cross-legged in the alchemy room, recalled the process of refining the alchemy, and re-derived it.

Time passed day by day, Qin Shuang also experienced repeated failures, and her brows grew more and more tight. She felt that she had pushed the unilateral to the extreme, but why was she unable to succeed?

Suddenly, Qin Shuang's whim, hurriedly interrupted her deduction to one side, calmed down, and sensed the whim.

A message poured into Qin Shuang's consciousness.


Qin Shuang froze slightly, and she had forgotten the half-step deity that she controlled. At first, after letting the half-step man respect the Chaos, and led the Chaos to migrate from the east of Langyuehe to the west of Langyuehe, Qin Shuang did not retrieve him, let him be let alone, but did not expect to receive His message.

This message was not sent by the half-step human deity and chaos, but the rune that Qin Shuang had left in that half-step human deity was attacked. Let Qin Shuang feel it naturally.

"This is a rune where monks are attacking themselves!


There are monks who want to control this half-step deity!

Is it ... "

Suddenly in Qin Shuang's heart, she immediately thought of the Demons. Only the demons can control the chaos, and this demons must be a period of human respect, otherwise, they cannot control the chaos beyond his cultivation. The reason Qin Shuang was able to control at the beginning was that Qin Shuang was a great master of fairy amulets on the one hand, and Qin Shuang's mysterious power was too strong, both reaching the level of heavenly respect.

Qin Shuang immediately converged and concealed the rune that remained in the sea of ​​the half-step chaos tribe. The rune shrunk into tiny dots and was hidden deep in the chaos triathlon.

"Another demons are coming to the savage continent!"

Qin Shuang frowned, stood up, and the next moment, the body disappeared at Xingyuefeng.

After more than a month, Qin Shuang hid in the white clouds in the high sky and looked down. There was a half-step deity that he once controlled, lying under a big tree.

Qin Shuang watched here for another ten days, but he still didn't find the demons. She could not help shaking her head, and she wasn't Xu Ziyan. She could search the whole barbarous continent with one thought?

In other words, can the holy monk search the barbarous continent with one thought?

Qin Shuang thought for a while, but he was not sure. But she didn't want to wait here any longer.

"Wait for that monk monk to come forward!"

Qin Shuang quietly left, returned to Ziyue Peak, and continued to deduce that Dan Fang.

It was more than a month later that it was Qin Shuang, and now I was a little upset. She really couldn't figure out where she was really bad, and she had a perfect and perfect formula, so why couldn't she make the finished medicine?

After coming out of the alchemy room, he returned to Xiaozhu Mid-level Mountain, played a Qingxin song, and his mind gradually calmed down. Standing up in front of the window, looking at the overhanging waterfall, pondering carefully.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in my heart.

Could it be that the environment of the fairyland is not enough?

The dark gloom comes from the dark gloom. The dark gloom is the main medicine. Is it more suitable for alchemy in the dark gloom?

Qin Shuang immediately entered the dark and dark realm, threw out the array, and then took out the Dan furnace in the large array, heated it with fire, and then began to refine the Dan according to his own derived Danfang.

Barbaric ancestral city.

The earth began to vibrate slightly, and then the amplitude of the vibration became larger and louder, and the thunderous sound began to move from far to near.

The barbarian monks in the ancestors flew up the city walls and looked out through the moat.

A black line appeared on the edge of the sky, and then the black line quickly zoomed in, like a dark cloud covering the earth, and the endless chaotic beasts tore toward the ancestral city quickly.

"Get ready!" Wumanhe sang loudly.

The monks of the Barbarians immediately began preparations in an orderly manner. The tense atmosphere spread quickly in the ancestral city. The preparations ended in less than a quarter of an hour, and the entire ancestral city was silent.

"Booming ..."

The thunderous hooves came densely, and chaotic beasts like the sea tide rushed towards the ancestral city.


But he stopped outside the city and did not attack the city, which made Wumanhe's heart more vigilant, and his heart also raised a hint of confusion.

If the ancestral city is broken, the barbarians will likely be destroyed!

The ancestral city can't keep it. How can other tribes keep it?

"Boom boom boom ..."

A half-step monk of Chaos tribe stepped on the sound of rumbling footsteps and walked towards the city wall. The Chaos racers walked away from both sides. The half-step deity walked to the front of the team of Chaos Beasts, about a kilometer away from the city wall.


Wumanhe looked dumbfounded, and he saw on the head of that half-step man, at this time sitting on his knees.

The half-step man worshipped the Chaos monk, and his head was as large as a room. The monk was sitting on it, which was really inconspicuous.

The monk's body was shrouded in a cape with a hat, and the whole man was covered with rigor. Wumanhe raised his throat with a single heart.

"This person is ... able to guard the Chaos!"

The man in cape moved, and with a raised hand, a jade flew towards the array. Wumanhe's eyes moved, and a large hand passed through the moat array, grabbing the jade Jane, shrinking will be in the array.

Wuman River held the jade bamboo slip, and mysterious knowledge penetrated into the jade bamboo slip, and his look was changed for a while.


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