Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2549: Holding boy

Qin Shuang flew over the Manhe River, over the Yuexi River, and flew towards the 100,000 Mountains.

Deep in the 100,000 Mountains.

A huge basin surrounded by mountains and covered by clouds and mist in the sky. Although the basin is very wide, it is a difficult place to find.

Qin's double body slowly dropped from the air, slowly passed through the clouds and mist, and looked down. Below is a wide circular basin, and in the center of the basin there is a river that divides the basin into two.

Qin Shuang's eyes narrowed. In her field of vision, there was a huge city in the center of the basin, and the river passed through the city.

Around the city, there are towering ancient trees that surround the city.

Qin Shuang's heart was in a state of horror, his body dropped far away, then he walked through the woods and walked towards the gate. Standing in front of the gate, I saw the gate closed.

"Is this a ruin?"

The idea had just surfaced, and I saw a translucent face slowly appearing on the gate.

The face gradually became clear, then protruded outward, and the face fell off the city gate and floated in front of Qin Shuang. The face was faintly faint, and looked up and down Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang did not move, but looked at the face very alertly.

That face turned around Qin Shuang, even approached Qin Shuang, sniffed, and then turned to the opposite side of Qin Shuang, speaking with a positive tone:

"Human race!"

"Yes!" Qin Shuang nodded.

The face floated towards the gate and was printed on the gate. The face began to blur, and there was a faint voice from the gate:

"Since it's human, come in."

"Creak ..."

The face disappeared completely, disappeared on the gate, and then saw the gate creak open a crack, and did not fully open. Qin Shuang looked through the gap in the door, and vaguely saw that there seemed to be a lot of people, and a noise came out of the door.

Qin Shuang stepped in through the crack of the door, and then stopped.


The city gate behind closed, Qin Shuang's eyes flashed with surprise. In front of her was a straight and wide street with various shops on both sides, but there was no one on the street at all, and the surrounding was silent. The hustle and bustle just heard outside the city gate is an illusion.

Qin Shuang did not believe that he had hallucinations, if not hallucinations ...

Qin Shuang's alert refers to the apex, in the heart of the five elements:

"Xiao Kai, can you still feel Xiaojian?"

"I ... feel like there are little swords everywhere ..."

"Small swords everywhere?"

Qin Shuang was lost in thought and looked up into the air. I do n’t know when the sky above the city was covered by a cloud of mist. Qin Shuang frowned, and finally went down the street toward the front. There was silence all around, only the footsteps of Qin pair sounded in the open street. Going to the center of the city, a clear river ran across the front, and the river flowed slowly. There is a bridge on the river leading to the other bank.

Qin Shuang set foot on the bridge and walked across the bridge. When she reached the middle of the bridge, there was a hustle and bustle behind her. Qin Shuang looked back, and his face appeared dull.

Behind her, on the street she walked by, she didn't know when it was bustling and children chasing on the street.

On the river bank by the bridge, there are old men sitting under willows and playing chess, and small vendors are hawking.

Qin Shuang turned slowly and looked towards the other side. On the other side of the bridge was a silence, one side of the bridge was bustling, and the other side was like half a dead city.

Taking a deep breath, Qin walked in both directions. Stepped down the bridge and headed down the wide street. The hustle and bustle behind it gradually disappeared into the community, and the silence was gradually restored to the ear, only the footsteps of Qin Shuang sounded in the open street.

Qin Shuang paused and looked up. The largest building appeared in front. Taller than any building.

The red wall is golden and solemn. There are patterns on the walls, old and mysterious.

There are eight columns in front of the gate. The dragon statue was twined around each pillar, majestic and solemn.

"here is……"

Qin Shuang pondered, according to the convention, such a building should only be the city's main mansion.

Qin Shuang stepped up the wide steps, stood in front of the closed door, thought about it, raised his hand to hold the knocker, and knocked on the door.

no respond!

"The younger Qin Shuang begged to see the master!" Qin Shuang yelled loudly outside the door.

There was still no response inside, and Qin Shuang called again twice, quietly waiting for about ten breaths, before reaching out to push the door.

"Crunch ..."

The door opened towards the inside, and with the door fully open, Qin Shuang's vision became wider.

In her field of view, there was a courtyard inside the gate, but there was a shadow wall not far away, blocking the sight of Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang didn't go in immediately, but shouted again: "The younger Qin Shuang asked for a meeting!"

Still no response!

Qin Shuang shouted again three times, and stood still for ten breaths, and then walked into the door step by step. Bypassing the shadow wall, the footsteps could not help but a look of alertness in his eyes.

Opposite her, her eyesight was about a hundred meters away, and a person stood with her back to her.

Judging by the height and clothing of that person, it should be a child, in red clothes and red pants, but ... no head.

"This ..." Qin Shuang paused. "This Taoist ..."

"Are you here to kick me a bitch?" At this time, a tender voice came from the direction of that boy.

"Kick the shuttlecock?" Qin Shuang looked confused.

"Yes, it's a shuttlecock."

"No ..."

"Not a shuttlecock, what are you doing here?" The boy's voice suddenly became fierce.

"I'm here to see the host here!" Qin Shuang said in harmony.

"Meet the host here?"


"You just came from outside the city?" The immature voice came again: "Do you like to play shuttlecock?"


"As long as you kick me, I'll let you see the host here."

"okay then!"


The boy cheered and turned around, his little hands holding his head in front of his chest. His head was facing Qin Shuang, his mouth opened and closed:

"There is armor over there, you can put it on!"

Qin Shuang looked away, and saw a weapon rack beside the shadow wall, on which various weapons were placed, and a pair of armors hung there. Retracting his eyes, shaking his head with a smile:

"Just kick the shuttlecock and what armor to wear! Come on!"

"Okay!" The boy nodded excitedly, holding his head in both hands. "Let's get started."


The boy let go of his hands and the head fell towards the ground.


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