Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2551: Got smaller


The boy was unresponsive, and was hit on his chest by his head. He saw that the headless boy's body flew out like a projectile.

With a bang, he knocked open the gate of a palace opposite and flew into it.

Qin Shuang stood quietly and listened.

I didn't hear the impact of the boy entering the hall, as if there was endless void in the hall, and the boy gliding in the endless void.

Waiting for a full quarter of an hour, no sound was heard, and there was no sound around. Qin Shuang frowned, slowly let go of the metallization, and her body returned to fairness and elasticity. Sweat came out like a stream from 108 thousand sweat pores.

"Attributed, curious and wonderful!"

"I did not expect that once the five elements are united, they will be able to attribute the body."

"After metallization, both strength and defense have more than doubled."


Qin Shuang exhaled a long breath and began to feel his current state carefully.

She was able to mobilize the power of Yuan Shen, but she had a feeling that do n’t look at that Yuan Shen at this time. Once these half-percents have completed the integration of the five elements, so that Yuan Shen can reach a perfect state, the power is not an increase of half-percent.

However, because the power of the five elements in one is huge, the soul control soul is very difficult. This is because the Yuanshen and the soul of the soul belong to Qin Shuang, and they share the same origin, otherwise they would not be able to control the Yuanshen today.

Qin Sacrifice came out. Then sit down cross-legged in the array, take Yuan Dan and Tian Xuan Dan, and adjust the interest rate.

After half an hour, Qin Shuang adjusted his state to the peak. A look of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Even without the Five Elements in One, I now have a life-saving hole card."

After the five elements are combined, the Yuanshen can not only explode the mighty power of the five elements, but also extract the invisible forces separately.

"Since I can metallize, I should also be able to materialize in the other four."

"At the very least, I don't have to use the five-element armor to be able to puppet. It must be faster than the five-element armor."

"I'm really looking forward to the Five Elements in One!"

Qin sat cross-legged, adjusting his power. After Xiu Xiu recovered to its peak, stood up and walked towards the palace where the door had been knocked open.

When I came to the steps, I followed the steps to the gate and looked into the gate. They saw the headless boy in the gate.

Stepping into the door, bypassing the screen, I didn't see the headless boy, but I saw the door across the door that closed tightly.

Qin Shuang reached the gate, stretched out his hands, and pushed toward the gate.

"Crunch ..."

The door opened, and Qin Shuang looked through the door and looked out.

Outside is still a courtyard, green trees and red walls, bluestone paved the ground.

Bluestone is a piece of square one meter square, cut very regular bluestone blocks, but there is a gap between each bluestone and bluestone. The verdant green grass grows tenaciously from the gap, row by row, like a verdant green fence formed around each piece of bluestone.

The grass is not tall, only a few inches, but it is very neat, making the bluestone courtyard more beautiful and vibrant.

Qin Shuang stood on the steps and looked around, the courtyard was empty.

After a little groaning, Qin Shuang stepped down the steps.

There are three steps, Qin Shuang stepped down to the last step, and both feet were on the bluestone board.

The vision of the eyes changed instantaneously, and he found himself standing on a huge platform, surrounded by a green fence around the platform. The fence was densely packed with almost no gaps, and the fence was two feet tall.

Looking up, Qin Shuang was shocked.

She saw the palace building higher than Tianqi. Compared with that building, she was like a dust.


"Why is this palace so familiar?"

Qin Shuang suddenly turned back and saw a cliff of vertical glory behind him, but the cliff was too vertical and too smooth, it was too much like the step that he just stepped down.

She turned around and looked at the palace above Tianqi, which was clearly the palace on the opposite side.


Is it smaller or is the building bigger?

Her eyes fell on the verdant fence, and her heart jumped violently.

"I should have become smaller! The emerald fences are grass in the slate cracks, and the platform under my feet is the blue slate."

As soon as Qin Shuang stepped in the void, he wanted to fly, but found that he couldn't fly at all.

"Forbidden!" Qin Shuang's heart sank.

"Hmm ..."

At this moment, the sound of swords sounded in my ears, and I saw the grass that formed the green fence, one by one, like a green sword with the same handle, radiating towards the piano.


Qin Shuang sacrificed the exquisite sword, held it in his hand, unfolded the meteor sword, and danced into a ball. A blade of grass was blocked out.

"not good!"

Qin Shuang's heart jumped violently, she felt a vigorous force, and entered her body along the exquisite sword.

It stands to reason that it is a good thing for this dynamic force to enter Qin Shuang's body. Not only can the consumption of the Qin Shuang be replenished, but if there is a dark wound inside the Qin Shuang, it can also be cured.

However, if this kind of power is allowed to rush into his body continuously, the final result is a "bang", and Qin Shuang's body is exploded.

And this time will not be long!

Qin Shuang's thoughts guided the vigorous force into the content space of the withered space in his palm. At the same time carefully observe the source of this power.

Just within three breaths, Qin Shuang understood that every time his own exquisite sword and grass sword collided, he would rush out a vigorous force from the grass sword and enter his body.

Perceived my own glory space, the hanging heart dropped slightly. I have n’t absorbed Aoki's air for a long time, but Rong Space is in a state of extreme lack of this vibrant Aoki's air, and can persist for a long time. She looked up at the hall above Tianqi opposite, and secretly said in her heart:

"As long as I kill out straight, kill the front hall and enter the hall at the fastest speed, it should be fine."

"Hmm ..."

Qin Shuang danced the exquisite sword and rushed straight forward. There were dense grass swords around her, constantly stabbing at her, chopping, or chopping ...

"Bang bang ..."

Qin Shuang swept straight ahead while chopping flying grass swords.

Finally, she rushed out of the slate under her feet and came to the second one.

"Hmm ..."

The grass sword in the gap between the second slate slammed out of the ground and shot towards the piano.

"Hmm ..."


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