Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2570: The first layer of respect

After eighteen days of calamity, Qin Shuang's banner was completely used up. After 36 days of calamity, all the immortals prepared by Qin Shuang were also consumed, and after 54 days of calamity, the funerals prepared by Qin Shuang were also completely consumed.

However, at this time, the practice of Qin Shuang was elevated to the ninth level of human respect.


Qin Shuang sacrificed the Linglong sword, enlarged the Linglong sword, and blocked it on his own head. The Linglong sword and the Five Elements armor jointly resisted the calamity. Linglong sword main block, five elements armor auxiliary, the remaining thunder, Qin Shuang to refine the body.

Relying on the weakening of the five-color forbidden ground and air bubbles to Tianjie, coupled with the exquisite sword Shoutianxianbao and Wuxingjia, which were restored to Zhongpin, the Qin twins blocked another 18 thunder.

Seventy-two days of disaster!

Later, Qin Shuang found with some despair that Tianjie was not over. However, the exquisite sword as the main block has weakened to the extreme. Qin Shuang took Linglong sword back to the sea and sacrificed Aotian sword.

After the 90th avenue, Qin Shuang had to put away the weak Aotian sword. And it was the auxiliary Five Elements armor that became very weak and had to take back the knowledge of the sea.

"It should be 108 days!"

Qin Shuang narrowed his eyes slightly and sacrificed the Five Elements Sword. But without the help of Wuxing Armor, when Qin Shuang passed the 106th Thunder, Wuxing Sword became very weak.

Qin Shuang put away the five-element sword: "Zhen Lao, the last two Tianqiangs will count on you. They will be the two strongest Tianqiangs."

A streamer emerged from around the body, and the town demon tower dangled from Qin Shuang's head to become bigger, hiding the Qin Shuang underneath.


The 107th Heavenly Calamity descended, and the town demon tower and Qin Shuang were drowned instantly. The town demon tower released a light curtain and shrouded the piano. Numerous thunder soldiers and several thunder will continue to impact the light curtain. The light curtain is broken and released again. , Rushed into the light curtain, banged towards Qin Shuang.

The entire five-color forbidden area was a dazzling white, and the power shook all beings.

Qin waved both fists and collided with the thunder bombing towards her. Her body began to scorch, her body tissues were still damaged, and Vientiane fruit and elixir were being repaired quickly. Jade body quenching body tactics run frantically, her quenching body realm is rising rapidly.

"Huh ... click ..."

When she consumed the last ray of thunderstorm thunder, she exhaled a spit of lightning.

Quickly ate another three Vientiane fruits and three pills, and looked up to the sky.

"The last thunder!"

"The last thunder!" Ao Jiao muttered to himself.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the last thunder didn't fall.

Two quarters passed, and the last Thunder was still brewing.

Not to mention Qin Shuang, those monks watching from a distance, a heart hanging.

"Brother Ao, do you think that senior can survive it?" Feng Tian trembled.

"I don't know! If you can't get over, it's a shame!" Ao Jiao's voice also trembled.

"Uncle Sha!" Xu Nianzu trembled. "This last gangster ..."

"I hope that senior can get over, otherwise I have no confidence to go to the next calamity."



The entire five-color forbidden ground was shaking, and the sky was white. All monks could not help closing their eyes at that moment.

After about half an hour, there was silence between heaven and earth. Clouds in the sky began to dissipate.

"Boss, did that senior pass?"

"Master Sha, did that senior pass over?"

"Brother Ao, did that senior pass over?"

At this time, Qin Shuang was like a piece of coke, but she still struggled to burst out of the bubble. However, she knew that there would be a godsend blessing source after the disaster, and she did not know whether the five-color forbidden field would weaken the godsend blessing source. If it would weaken, she would not want to be weakened by the bubble space by 10%.

Out of the bubble space, Qin Shuang lay on the ground with a puppet.

"Hey hey ..."

Qin Shuang couldn't help laughing, and with her laughter, a black smoke spewed from her mouth, with a scorching smell. But she knew very well that she had passed the stage, and that her refining had reached the tenth level of human respect. Vientiane fruit in the body is further repairing the body, and Yuanli Xiu is also rapidly solidifying.

"Om ..."

A colorful beam of light descended from the sky, and fell directly on Qin Shuang lying on the ground, pouring into Qin Shuang's body continuously.

Qin Shuang's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath on her body continued to rise, becoming strong and stable.

"Cross over!"

The monks in the five-color forbidden area were a joy in their hearts. Seeing such a mighty scourge, they were overcome, so that their fear of scourge was much reduced. No longer so worried, in the future I will cross the robbery.

Just a quarter of an hour!

The godsend blessing source shrank back to the sky and disappeared.

Qin doubled up and jumped up, the elemental force in her body shocked outward.

"Flop ..."

The scorched black body fell off the body like a shell, exposing the delicate skin inside. He took out a robe and put it on, and Qin Shuang left as fast as possible. She didn't want to be found by other monks. While scouring the ground, look at your cultivation behavior. Surprised on his face.

Yuanli Xiu is the first peak of the human respect period.

Cultivation is the peak of the first floor of the Land Respect Period.

Mysterious power reached 89%.

After traveling for more than one hour, Qin Shuang entered a bubble space. Inside this bubble space is an endless forest, and Qin Shuang enters the town demon tower.

"Old town, I finally broke through the period of human respect." Qin Shuang excited.

"Congratulations to the master!" Zhen Lao appeared in front of Qin Shuang.

"Old town, I'll take a bath and you cook for me."

"Yes, master!"

After more than an hour, all the dishes on the double-sided table in front of the piano were messy, and two empty wine gourds were thrown beside them. Qin Shuang lazily leaned on the trunk of a large tree, and smiled and looked at the old town sitting opposite her:

"Old man, this respect is really bad for me! I have been at this level for the longest time. Now I finally have the honor, and I will not have a bottleneck until I break through the honor. As long as the power is accumulated, I will I will break all the way to the peak of the human respect period. Because I feel that my mysterious power is far beyond the earth honor period. "

"Master, do you think about how to break through the respect period?"

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, how to frown more and more tightly. Finally shook his head and said:

"I don't know. There is no direction. Maybe when I reach the pinnacle of honor, I will have enlightenment. If I don't have the enlightenment, I will always be stuck at the pinnacle of the respect.


Many thanks to seaphay (100) for the reward!



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