Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2578: go away

"Hmm ..."

Qin Shuang's body ran forward, a dozen monks followed closely behind, and at the same time released various ways, strangling the monsters squeezed from the sides and the back.

After Qin Shuangshi exhibited this five-element chop, he was moved. At this time, all her negative emotions were taken away by the magic heart, and her body and mind had never been transparent, especially now that she had broken through to the realm of human respect. At this moment, she had a new understanding of the five elements. Found the direction for the fusion of the Five Elements Swords.


Qin Shuang pierced the Five Elements again! When the sword awn arrived, it drowned the monster.

Qin Shuang looked indifferent. During the running, he was already immersed in the comprehension of the five elements, and the five sword codes flowed in his heart and gradually merged. The power of the five elements was getting stronger and stronger, and monsters fell down.

Pieces of monsters' flesh turned into powder, and the Yuanshen struggled in the sword and then died.

"Om ..."

In the dazzling sword awn, suddenly a light radiates, it is a powerful monster that spit out magical powers, blocking the five elements.

Qin Shuangliang looked and saw five or six monsters of respected period, spit out light in his mouth, and hedged with Jian Mang, tearing it.


Qin Shuang snorted and closed his eyes. At this moment, the understanding of the Five Elements Sword Code finally merged into a sword.

Five Elements Slash!

Qin opened her eyes, and the fairy sword in her hand buzzed.

"Click ..."

There was a crack in the best fairy sword in his hand, which could not bear the power of Qin Shuang.


The air trembled, the vast sword sang.

A huge beam of light pierced with Qin Shuangyi's sword and smashed towards the few monsters and monsters on the opposite side. That beam of light is more than five miles in diameter, and the five-colored light rotates through the space.

"Click ..."

The superb fairy sword in Qin's hands shattered into powder. But that beam of light was even brighter. The magical powers released by those monsters and monsters melted like ice and snow when they met the sea of ​​fire. The pillar of light passed through the huge bodies of monsters and monsters, as if the bright light shone on their bodies and washed their bodies The hair on them instantly became fly ash, and then their skin melted, and their whole muscles began to peel from their bodies. The bones inside were exposed, and finally the bones began to shatter, falling off layer by layer and turning into powder ...

A huge pangolin saw the monster in front turned into ashes, and then drilled into the ground. Before one tail had time to enter the earth, it turned into powder.

"Hmm ..."

Qin Shuang flew forward with a dozen monks.

"Boom ..."

The ground under his feet cracked, and the pangolin suddenly sprang up from the ground, opened his mouth wide, and bitten at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's right foot went down, and the power of the deity stepped on the upper jaw of the pangolin. Hearing the sound of bone cracking in his ear, Qin Shuang's figure had flew past.

"Boom ..."

The peaks of the two people who passed behind them also kicked each other towards the pangolin. After the crowd left, the pangolin's head became a paste.

A strong wind oppressed the sky, a huge Jinpeng swooped down from the sky, with two claws like sharp hooks. Qin Shuang raised his eyes coldly and raised his hand to pierce with a sword.

Meteor Fall!

"Boom boom boom ..."

Hundreds of meteors slammed towards that Jinpeng, broke through the doubles after the human respect, and then released the meteor pendant. How much more powerful is its power tenfold?

"I dare you!"

There was a scream in the distance, and a tauren rushed towards Qin Shuang. Qin's eyes were stunned for a moment, and she was already able to speak. This has evolved into a monster.

The tauren held a mountain axe, and before rushing to the front of the piano, the mighty power swept towards the piano.

Qin Shuang snorted coldly, no longer paying attention to Jin Peng, who was hit by flying stars in the midst of the sky.

The bull-headed demon, fierce and mighty, raised his mountain axe with his hands and chopped towards Qin.

Qin Shuang took out the fire phoenix sword from the storage ring and stabbed it against the mountain axe.

Starlight Poly.

The strength gathered at the point of the sword and hit the axe of the mountain axe.


The strength gathered at the point of the sword erupted, and the bull head snorted, and the mountain axe in his hand flew out. Panic in his heart, just about to dodge, but saw that the fire and phoenix sword did not stop in the slightest pause after hitting and flying the mountain axe, and pierced his brows.

Qin double retracted the sword, the figure has staggered with that bullhead demon, appeared a kilometer away from the bullhead demon, raised his eyes, looked forward, and saw a stream of light, rushing towards himself, that is a A monster.

The Minotaur turned his head and looked at Qin Shuang's back. Zhang Kaikou just wanted to say something. Behind him, Xu Kaiyun had rushed in, his figure was full, he jumped into the air, and his feet stunned toward the bull's head.


With only the last breath of the Minotaur's head, Xu Kaiyun kicked him into the neck cavity, and bore back what he hadn't said yet.

Five Elements Slash!

Qin double clenched the fire Phoenix sword, and one sword pierced. A beam of light passed through with a sharp sword and a hint of world power.


Countless monsters opened their mouths with magical powers and collided with Qin Shuang's five elements.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Constantly colliding, dense roar, mushroom clouds one after another straight into the sky.

The five pillars of light beams are constantly advancing, and the rays of light that gather dozens of monsters and supernatural powers collapse. Eventually, the five pillars of light beams pass by, and the bodies of those monsters begin to collapse in the light and begin to melt ...

Qin Shuang's body flew past, and he saw that he was about to break out of the five-color forbidden ground, but Qin Shuang's heart was disturbed.


Qin Shuang paused, stood on the edge of the five-color forbidden ground, and looked back toward the five-color forbidden ground. Uneasiness and worry flashed in his eyes.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Xu Kaiyun saw the uneasiness in Qin's eyes.

Qin both bowed her head, looked at her feet, and looked up into the depths of the five-color forbidden ground.

"Kaiyun, you said ... Can I still get my shadow back?"

Xu Kaiyun looked stagnant, then squeezed out a smile: "Boss, that is your shadow, and will come back sooner or later."

"Yes, I will come back!" Qin Shuang's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he was covered by anxiety: "But ... when she returns, is that still my shadow?"

"Boss ..."

"Let's go!" Qin Shuang sighed and stepped out of the five-color forbidden area.

A thousand miles from the five-color forbidden area, there is a fairy city. This fairy city was established less than fifty years ago and was built on the ruins of the original Chaos Beast Tide. Although it has a history of less than 50 years, and Xiancheng is not large, it is prosperous because of the geographical connection between the north and the south.


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