Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2580: Intercept

Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun returned to Taixuzong and reported the matter to Xu Qinyang, who was furious. The couple left Taixuzong, Xu Qinyang went to the Dragon clan, and Danyuewu went to the Feng clan.

Two people, Xu Qinyang and Dan Yuewu, are two of the most powerful monks besides Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. They are the peaks of Tianzun. Usually it is a millennium, and it does not come out once in ten thousand years. Now high-profile travel to the Dragon and Phoenix, suddenly caused a sensation throughout the immortal world. And news spread from Taixongzong.

After hearing the reason, the Hundred Clan was silent.

The hearts of the hundreds are very complicated. They are not that they did not kill Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun, but they were afraid of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul, but they did not think that the Dragon and Phoenix would dare to give action. They all watched how Xu Qinyang and Dan Yuewu dealt with the matter quietly, as well as how the Dragon and Phoenix people dealt with it.

If this matter is not handled well, it will become a war of hundreds.

The Dragon and Phoenix peoples do not have holy monks, but there are hundreds. Minghao and Chengbuming are both. Hundreds are also watching the movement of the holy monks.

However, the seven holy monks seemed to have disappeared without any trace of news.

Tai Xuzong announced in a high-profile that Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun were not incapable of killing. Fellow monks of the same race can challenge Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun at any time. Even if they killed Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun, Tai Xuzong would not say nothing. However, assassination of one immortal emperor and one immortal emperor by two land respects is excessive.

Upon hearing the news, the Dragon and Feng people reacted quickly and decisively. The heads of the Dragon and Phoenix clan led the elders of the clan, greeted tens of thousands of miles, apologized, and firmly denied that this was a decision made by the clan. Moreover, with the practice of Xu Qinyang and Dan Yuewu, they can also perceive that the two patriarchs did not lie.

But if you don't lie, it doesn't mean that things are over. Moreover, Feng Tianchang is still in a fugitive state, she has never returned to the Feng tribe and disappeared.

The Dragon and Feng must give an explanation to Taixuzong. Otherwise, this time only Xu Qinyang and Dan Yuewu are here. Next time, there will be a large number of monks from Taixuzong who will fight against the Dragon and Phoenix.

Excluding seven saint-level monks, even the strength of the too sectarian can crush the dragon and the phoenix together today. Today's Taixu Zong is so powerful. The Dragon and Feng had to bow their heads.

In the end, the Feng people promised to seize Feng Tianchang and hand it over to Taixuzong. And immediately issued a wanted warrant. A large amount of training resources were paid to Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun. At the same time, the Feng and Dragon races each sent a peak to the top of the earth, and Xu Qinyang and Dan Yuewu banned them. They became the guardians of Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun for a thousand years. This matter is considered to be calm.

However, Xu Qinyang was not happy because he could not contact Xu Ziyan.

Forget the mountains.

Xu Ziyan dropped the newsletter Yu Jian, but did not reply to Xu Qinyang. At this time, her face was calm, but her eyes flashed from time to time. There was a chaotic breath on his body. The same is true of the Yanshan soul sitting opposite her, her body violently and murderous.

Hundred years ago, the seven holy master monks of Xu Ziyan finally decided to try the law of chaos in person.

What are these monks?

Holy Grand Master.

Therefore, once they try to practice the law of chaos, the speed of practice is extremely fast. And the effect is obvious. In just a short period of 50 years, the practice of each major monk has been promoted. The practice that has not been promoted for more than 100,000 years has achieved a breakthrough in 50 years. Taking Xu Ziyan as an example, the cultivation that has been stuck on the eighth level of the Holy Level broke through to the ninth level of the Holy Level.

However, what followed was that the stable realm became shaken, killing, bloodthirsty, violent and other negative emotions grew from the bottom of my heart and thrived!

Therefore, for the next fifty years, the seven holy monks were in the process of suppressing this emotion and trying to solve this problem.

However, just like the rules of the day and the earth, the higher monks are, the deeper they are after the modification of the chaos law. In the past 50 years, the seven holy monks have not only failed to crack, but have improved the chaos law. Silk effect.

"Soul of the mountain, I think something is wrong!" Xu Ziyan suppressed the craving in his heart and opened his eyes.

Yan Shanhun nodded gently: "We seem to have fallen into a tunnel, no matter how we struggle, we have been falling down. Although we tried to crack, we improved the law of chaos into a way suitable for our cultivation. However, it seems Towards the abyss.

Yaner, I think we can stop, this is not the way we want to go. Let us rule out the chaos in the body. "

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan sighed softly: "The immortal world is now in an eventful autumn. I'm afraid we can't be born for a long time. I hope that Qinyang brother can suppress the power of all parties."

"Don't think about it that much." Yanshan soul said: "As long as we are not born, then chaos will not be born. So let the hundreds of people toss."

At the entrance to the savage continent, a figure walked unhurriedly. It was the Qin Shuang who had changed his appearance that came out of the five-color forbidden ground. It took him 17 years to stop and stop here. Qin Shuang had come here and he had reached the second level of respect for himself.

"I'm going home!"

Qin Shuang's face showed a hint of nostalgia, then he shook his head and stepped into the passage.

Three days later. Qin Shuang walking in the passage stopped for a moment and looked at the three monks on the opposite side. The three monks looked at Qin Shuang, with a smile on their faces, and the man standing in the middle respected the ten-level peak:

"Master Qin, have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qin Shuang frowned slightly: "Your confession is wrong."

"Oh ..." the monk's playful look: "The whole immortal world, I am afraid that there is no shadow of the Qin Suzerain?"

There was a jump in Qin Shuang's heart. She knew that her situation in the five-color off-limits area should be exposed. She believed that Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun did not speak out. But at that time, in addition to Xu Kaiyun and Xu Nianzu, there were more than a dozen immortals and emperors. Those immortal emperors and immortal emperors may not have said it on purpose.

It may be drunk, it may be a manifestation of your own experience, or it may just be said to someone close to you, in short, spread it out.

Qin Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly, and she could perceive sharply that the three monks on the opposite side were not human. The middle one is the ten-level peak of human respect, while the two left and right are also the latter. Qin Shuang can only leap five small steps after breaking through human respect. Now her true cultivation is the peak of human respect, which is equivalent to the peak of human respect. Inferior to each other in strength. I just do n’t know what the other person ’s way of doing is?


Many thanks to Liao Mubai (500), reading carefully (200), seaphay (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for the reward!



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