Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2582: Tentative

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahh when that man peaked in pain

"Ahhhh ..." the man shouted in horror later.

The sword post finally disappeared, but the man did not die, but the muscles of the entire body were almost cut by countless fine swords. He turned and fled.


Qin Shuang sighed, and his ability to leap was getting worse and worse, even the five elements were not enough.


Qin doubled her right foot on the ground, her figure flew up like a sharp arrow, and immediately flew to the late head of the terrified shouting man, her left foot curled on his head.


The head of the late monk exploded like a ripe watermelon. Qin Shuang's body exploded into the air, and the speed burst out from the power. Several intermittent afterimages appeared in the air. The man who fled fled behind the pinnacle.


Bai Hujian was already in his hand, and while the sword was mingling, accompanied by the tiger howling, that person hanged himself to the top. He waved away and stored the storage rings in the hands of the three men, and the double face became gloomy and his face became ugly.

Seventeen years ago, the reason for the assassination of Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun by the Dragon and Phoenix races is now clear to the whole immortal world. In this way, the three monks ran to kill themselves, and it was not unclear.


Did they simply come to kill themselves, the five elements, or assassinate themselves as a temptation?

She took out the Chuan Yujian, silently for a moment, and put it back again. Contemplate.

After seventeen years of traveling, she found that the fairyland began to have a gradual chaos.

Of course, the appearance of chaos is a monk who modified the law of chaos, just like the weeds in spring.

Qin Shuang understands those monks. In fact, every monk understands those monks, because each monk has been stuck in a realm for a long time. Even Qin Shuang has broken through the immortal monarch and respect Long and long before the two great realms.

What if the piano gets stuck longer?

Like ten thousand years?

Or even longer, until your own life will be exhausted, will you take the risk and change the law of chaos?

No one has a definitive answer in mind.

not to mention……

Xiuxian originally went against the sky, and every monk had a spirit of adventure. And the whole immortal world, stuck in the realm, there are not too many monks in Shou Yuan.

The entire monk is like a pyramid. There are only a few who can continue to make breakthroughs, and most of them are monks who are stuck in the realm, and monks who are near the end of their lives are everywhere.

These monks are seeds of the Chaos Law!

Upon learning that the chaos law is modified, there is a 90% possibility to break through the original realm, and even more monks modify the chaos law. If it is not to modify the chaos law, there is also a possibility that it may lose its mind and become a puppet that only knows about killing. I am afraid that the modification of the chaos law has become the mainstream.

Therefore, the chaos is not strange! And I'm not worried.

The big waves washing the sand is also a process of elimination. The death of these monks will return the power of the cultivation to heaven and earth, which is not unhelpful to the immortal world. This is a heavenly cycle.

No matter how many of these monks, they are only relatively low monks, and 90% lose their consciousness. Once they lose their consciousness, they only know killing, do n’t know to hide themselves, and without wisdom, there is no threat. Killing them is only a matter of time.

She was worried that in the past 17 years, she had heard the inexplicable fall of many ethnic monks. She did not believe that it was done by a monk who modified the law of chaos, or did not believe that it was done by a monk who modified the law of chaos. She had a speculation that this was a tentative test of the human race after Xu Qinyang and Dan Yuewu went to the Dragon and Feng respectively.

They were testing the holy monks of Xu Ziyan.

Even from Qin Shuang's point of view, Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun are the future of Taixongzong. With these two people, there is a huge difference between the future of Taixongzong and those without them. The two were assassinated. The best solution. It was Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul who appeared to be shocked. And don't say Xu Kaiyun, just say Xu Nianzu, when he was born, but was blessed by Xu Ziyan alone, it can be seen that Xu Ziyan attaches great importance to Xu Nianzu.

And now?

There was a lot of noise at this time, but Xu Ziyan didn't even have a trace of movement.

This not only made Qin Shuang doubt whether the seven holy master monks had an accident.

Both Qin Shuang can doubt, what about the experienced, intriguing and unpredictable patriarchs of the hundred?

How can you not doubt?

From Qin Shuang's point of view, nowadays, the immortal world is gradually in chaos, and it is definitely fueled by hundreds of people. They are tempting, intensifying the temptation again and again, testing sacred master monks such as Xu Ziyan. With the escalation of temptations, if the sacred master monks such as Xu Ziyan still do not appear, I am afraid that the real troubled world in the fairyland will come.

Qin Shuang's heart suddenly jumped, she thought of a possibility, a very big possibility!

If the Hundreds have been testing the human race and Xu Ziyan and the Yanshan Soul have not appeared, the temptation must be upgraded, and the Hundreds must have created a big event to test the Hsu Ziyan and the Yanshan Soul. However, this big event must not be able to close Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. Once Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul watched coldly, and then there was a large-scale killing of hundreds of people. This was not the result they wanted.

The result they want is to be able to truly test the status of the Holy Monk today, and to settle the major event after the appearance of the Holy Monk.

Qin Shuang's face became even more ugly!

What could be more suitable than yourself?

What could be more appropriate than Heavenly Sect?

What could be more suitable than the barbarous continent?

First of all, the strength of the barbaric continent is at the end of the crane in the whole fairyland. Even if something happens to a continent, it will not affect the strength of the whole land. It is the best one to do things in the barbaric continent, but it will not affect the whole Where the power of the fairyland is affected.

Qin Shuang is a five-element spiritual root, in addition to Xu Nianzu and Xu Kaiyun, the third five-element spiritual root. Moreover, it is still the barbaric continent, the lord of the five elements, and the leader of the barbaric continent.

If the Five Elements Sect was killed and Qin Shuang was killed, Xu Ziyan and Yan Shanhun would still have no response from the holy master monks, and there is a 80% chance that the holy master monks would have an accident.

Then the next thing is easy to handle. The Hundreds will definitely join forces to increase the squeeze on the living space of the tribe while searching for the seven holy monks.


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